202-3002 32nd Ave, Vernon BC Canada V1T 2L7 info@certifiedorganic.bc.ca
Credit: Forstbauer Farm

Note: The Fund for Farmers is now closed.

BC Agriculture Council’s (BCAC) Fund for Farmers has reached nearly $800,000! Canadians donated in response to flooding in BC communities last November after learning of the devastating impacts to farmers and ranchers (read the media release here).

All of the donations collected by BCAC were channeled to their member organizations, including Organic BC, who have been working with producers to identify funding gaps after insurance, government programs and other humanitarian efforts.

If you’re an Organic BC operator and were impacted by the November floods, please contact Eva-Lena Lang at ed@organicbc.org (subject line: Fund for Farmers) and provide:

  • Name and location of operation
  • Summary of how you were impacted, with brief details of your losses that weren’t covered by insurance or any other programs
  • Contact information (phone number, email address, mailing address)
  • Payment preference: e-transfer or cheque

The deadline to apply for financial assistance is July 8, 2022. A big thanks to all of the individuals and organizations who donated to the fund!