202-3002 32nd Ave, Vernon BC Canada V1T 2L7 info@certifiedorganic.bc.ca

This Is Organic BC

Join us as we celebrate, champion and advocate for a resilient organic sector in British Columbia.

About Us

Organic BC is growing the organic movement in British Columbia from the ground up. Our grassroots network of organic certifiers, farmers, processors and consumers is working to build healthy soil, ecosystems, people and communities. Together, we’re raising the standards for organic agriculture and transforming agriculture’s impact on the planet.

Who we are

About Organic

What is Organic?

Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems, and people.

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Is it Organic?

In British Columbia, it’s easy to tell if a food product is truly organic.

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Organic Standards

Organic agriculture in Canada is governed by rigorous principles, practices and permitted substances.

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Find Organic

Find local organic food, farms and businesses through the Organic BC directory.

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Interested in becoming certified organic? It's easier than you think!

Certification options

Choose from a wide variety of organic certifers to find the best fit for you and your business

Two certification programs

Certify under the British Columbia Certified Organic Program and/or the Canada Organic Regime


Organic BC's unique online tool makes certification easier than ever


Organic BC News

Latest Updates: 2025 Review of the Canadian Organic Standards

The latest updates and opportunities to take part in the 2025 review of the Canadian Organic Standards.

Organic BC July 19, 2024

Innovative Weed Management: Tackling Thistle and Bindweed in Agriculture

Webinar: Dig into techniques for managing these noxious weeds, featuring research and on-farm results from academics and producers.

Organic BC January 16, 2024

Extreme Heat Resources – Safety Measures and Best Practices

With extreme temperatures settling in throughout British Columbia, it’s time to brush up on safety measures and best practices.

Organic BC August 14, 2023

Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors