Includes all operations certified by Organic BC certification bodies.
COR = Canada Organic Regime
BCCOP = British Columbia Certified Organic Program
BCCOP Transitional = Product from an operation that has completed one or more years of the transition period towards becoming a certified organic operator.
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-989
Certified by: PACS
Location: Keremeos
COR certified: Garlic; Squash (butternut, spaghetti); Sweet corn; Mixed vegetables (carrots);
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-050
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Cripps Pink, Gala, Honey Crisp); Apricots (Tomcots);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-182
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Oyama
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Garlic, Sweet Potatoes, Asparagus, Berries, Strawberries, Mulberry, Microgreens, Apples, Peaches, Nectarines, Cherries, Hazelnuts, Annual Transplants
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-335
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Braeburn); Apples (Braeburn, Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, Sunrise); Apples (Pink Lady); Nectarines (Red Gold); Peaches (Early Red Haven); Peaches (Glo Haven)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-983
Certified by: PACS
Location: Keremeos
COR certified: Cherries (Cristalina, Early Robin, Santina, Skeena, Tyton); Custom Packing for Harker's Organics (Apples, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-039
Certified by: PACS
Location: Keremeos
COR certified: Apples (Akane, Blake, Early Fuji, Empire, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp, Macintosh, Red Delicious, Silken, Spartan, Winesap); Apricots (Goldbar, Goldrich, Perfection, Rival, Tomcot); Lavender; Peaches (Early Red Haven, Harbright, Crest Haven); Pears (Bosc Bronze Beauty and Asians – Hosui, 20th Century and Khosui)
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-068
Certified by: PACS
Location: Pemberton
COR certified: Barley; Hay; Oats; Potatoes; Flowers
BCCOP certified: Barley; Hay; Oats; Potatoes; Flowers
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1099
Certified by: PACS
Location: Vancouver
COR certified: Columbia Light Roast Decaf Peru Equinox Espresso Harvest Moon Nocturnal Espresso Peru Medium Roast Roaster’s Choice Sumatra
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-973
Certified by: PACS
Location: Oliver
COR certified: Apples; Corn; Squash; Watermelon;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-401
Certified by: IOPA
Website: and
Location: Sooke
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Vegetable Seeds, Vegetable Transplants, Dried Vegetables, Frozen Vegetables, Herbs, Herb Seeds, Dried Herbs, Flowers and Flower Seeds, Annual and Perennial Bedding Plants, Walnuts, Hazelnuts, European Pears, Rhubarb, Apples, Asian Pear, Plum, Quince, Kiwi, Raspberry, Tayberry, Blackberry, Fig, Grape, Gooseberry, Currents, Herbal Tea Blends, Dried Fruit Blend Leathers, Dried Tomatoes, Dried Apples, Frozen Fruit, Grains - Wheat, Barley, Quinoa, Oats.
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1919
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Courtenay
BCCOP certified: Vegetables and Vegetable Transplants, Nursery Stock, Garlic, Blueberries, Seeds (Vegetable), Carrots, Salad Greens, Asparagus, Figs, Pears, Rhubarb, Hay, Herbs, Black Currants, Hazelnuts, Apples
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-926
Certified by: PACS
Location: Oliver
COR certified: Blackberries; Herbs (Chives, Cilantro, Mint, Parsley, Tarragon); Herbs (Basil, Dill, Fennel, Lemongrass, Oregano, Sage, Thyme, Winter Savory); Mixed annual vegetables (Arugula, Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fava, Garlic, Garlic Scapes, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Melons, Onion, Parsnip, Peas, Peppers, Pickling cucumbers, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radish, Shishito peppers, Spinach, Summer Squash, Sunchoke, Swiss Chard, Tomato, Truffle, Watermelon, Winter Squash, Zucchini); Raspberries; Rhubarb; Seedlings (Basil); Strawberries
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-943
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
COR certified: Apples (Gala, Golden Delicious); Wine Grapes (Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Riesling)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-024
Certified by: PACS
Location: Spences Bridge
BCCOP certified: Berries (Currants, Blackberries, Blueberries, Gooseberries, Grapes, Haskaps, Raspberries, Strawberries); Herbs (Basil, Coriander, Dill, Garlic); Mixed Vegetables (Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Fava Beans, Leeks, Melons, Onions, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Shallots, Soybeans, Spinach, Squash, Sunchokes, Tomatoes, Tomatillos); Tree Fruits (Apples, Asian Pears, Apricots, Cherries, Kiwifruit, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Sour-Cherries);
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-489
Certified by: PACS
Location: Oliver
COR certified: Wine Grapes (Cabernet Sauvignon; Sangiovese; Syrah)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-111
Certified by: PACS
Location: Denman Island
BCCOP certified: Apples (40 varieties); Pears; Plums; Quince
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-902
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Salt Spring Island
BCCOP certified: Apples, Asian Pears, Blueberries, Garlic, Apple Trees (1 year old whips)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0001
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Argenta
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Root Crops, Culinary Herbs, Assorted Fruits, Flowers
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1060
Certified by: PACS
Location: Burnaby
COR certified: Organic Italian Blend;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-318
Certified by: PACS
Location: Lillooet
BCCOP certified: Apples (Red Delicious, Royal Gala, Silken, Spartan); Apricots; Asparagus; Berries (Raspberries, Saskatoons); Cherries (Sam, Sour Cherries, Lapins); Garlic; Grapes (Baco Noir, Riesling, White); Hazelnuts; Nectarines (Fire Bright, Red Gold, Earliblaze); Peaches (O’Henry, Red Haven, White Lady); Pears (Flemish Beauty); Plums (Damson, Elephant Heart, Italian, Santa Rosa); Strawberries
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1040
Certified by: PACS
Location: Richmond
COR certified: Fields at 12800 #2 Road, Richmond BC; Herbs (Borage, Chamomile, Chives, Dill, Lemongrass, Monarda, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, Shiso, Thyme, Zaatar, Viola); Mixed Vegetables (Asparagus, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chives, Collards, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fennel, Fenugreek, Garlic, Ginger, Kale, Lettuce, Melon, Microgreens, Mustard Greens, Onion, Parsley, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radicchio, Rhubarb, Shallots, Spinach, Summer Squash, Swiss Chard, Tomatoes, Tomatillos, Turmeric, Winter Squash); Strawberries;
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-828
Certified by: PACS
Location: Richmond
COR certified: Blueberries (Duke, Reka)
BCCOP certified: Blueberries (Duke, Reka)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-17-205
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Prince George
BCCOP certified: hay, beef
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-011
Certified by: PACS
Location: Burnaby
COR certified: Butter* (salted, unsalted); Cheese* (Cheddar – Sharp & Medium); Cheese* (Mozzarella); Chocolate milk*; Cottage Cheese* (1%, 2%); Cream Products* (Cereal Cream (aka Half and Half), Sour Cream, Whipping Cream); Eggnog*; Eggs; Fluid milk* (1%, 2%, 3.25%, Homogenized, Skim); Fluid milk* (Standard Non-homogenized (3.25%)); Ice Cream* (Black Cherry, Chocolate, French Vanilla, Mocha Fudge, Mountain Blueberry, Strawberries & Cream); Ice Cream* (Coconut); Yogurt* (Blueberry, Peach, Plain, Strawberry); Yogurt* (French Vanilla); Yogurt* (Lemon); Custom Preparation and Packaging: Dairy products
BCCOP certified: Butter (salted, unsalted); Cheese (Cheddar – Sharp & Medium); Cheese (Mozzarella); Chocolate milk; Cottage Cheese (1%, 2%); Cream Products (Cereal Cream (aka Half and Half), Sour Cream, Whipping Cream); Eggnog; Eggs; Fluid milk (1%, 2%, 3.25%, Homogenized, Skim); Fluid milk (Standard Non-homogenized (3.25%)); Ice Cream (Black Cherry, Chocolate, French Vanilla, Mocha Fudge, Mountain Blueberry, Strawberries & Cream); Ice Cream (Coconut); Yogurt (Blueberry, Peach, Plain, Strawberry); Yogurt (French Vanilla); Yogurt (Lemon)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1923
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Port Alberni
BCCOP certified: Blueberries, Blueberry leaves
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-648
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples: Cox’s Orange Pippin, Fuji, Gala, Honey crisp, Nicola, Vista Bella; Apples: Early Gold, Gravenstein, McIntosh, Newton, Spartan, Yellow Transparent; Apricots: Sun Glow; Cherries: Bing, Crystalina; Cider Apples: Bulmer’s Norman, Burgundy, Calville Blanc, Kingston Black, Michelin, Porter’s Perfection, Winesap, Winter Banana, Yarlington Mill; Peaches: Glo Haven, Harrow Diamond; Pears: Bronze Beauty, Flemish, Golden Russet Bosc, Red Clapp; Pears: Bartlett, Bosc; Plums: Santa Rosa, Prunes;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-602
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Golden Delicious, Honey Crisp, Red Delicious, Rubinette, Spartan); Apricots (Gold Strike); Nectarines (Independence, Red Gold); Peaches (Crest Haven, Glo Haven, Red Haven); Plums (Red Heart, Santa Rosa); Prunes (Early Italian, President);
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-348
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, McIntosh);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-153
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Tappen
BCCOP certified: Hay, Pasture, Cattle
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-24-231
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Aldergrove
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-801
Certified by: PACS
Location: Abbotsford
COR certified: Garlic (Bulbs, Bulbils, Scapes and Umbrels); Potatoes (Chieftain, La Soda Red, Sieglinde, Warba, Yukon)
BCCOP certified: Garlic (Bulbs, Bulbils, Scapes and Umbrels); Potatoes (Chieftain, La Soda Red Sieglinde, Warba, Yukon)
BCCOP transitional: 7296 Telegraph Trail, Langley, BC
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-799
Certified by: PACS
Location: Courtenay
COR certified: Apples; Hazelnuts; Sour cherries; Wine grapes: Gewürztraminer, Léon Millot, Lucie Kuhlmann, Marechal Foch, Ortega, Petit Milo, Pinot Gris, Schönburger, Siegerrebe; Wine grapes: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir
BCCOP certified: Apples; Hazelnuts; Wine grapes: Gewürztraminer, Léon Millot, Lucie Kuhlmann, Marechal Foch, Ortega, Petit Milo, Pinot Gris, Schönburger, Siegerrebe; Wine grapes: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-456
Certified by: NOOA
Location: West Kelowna
BCCOP certified: Wine Grapes
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-823
Certified by: PACS
Location: Wonowon
COR certified: Barley (Otal); Barley (2-row common); Oats (CS Camden, Morgan); Peas; Rye, Fall; Wheat, Winter;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-388
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Grindrod
BCCOP certified: Haskap Berries, Crabapples, Garlic, Onions
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-027
Certified by: PACS
Location: Keremeos
COR certified: Apples (Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp, Macintosh, Pink Lady); Apricots (Goldrich, Gold Bar, Tomcots); Cherries (Bing, Skeena); Nectarines (Crimson Gold, Earliblaze, Early Sun Grand, Firebright); Peaches (Blushing Star, Early Red Haven, Rising Star); Prunes (Late Italian);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0097
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Nelson
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Plant Starts
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-932
Certified by: PACS
Location: Buffalo Creek
COR certified: Apples; Berries: (Blueberries, Gooseberries, Logan Berries, Raspberries, Saskatoon Berries, Strawberries); Garlic: (Bulbs, Scapes); Herbs (Basil, Bergamot, Borage, Calendula, Cilantro, Dill, Mint, Tarragon); Mixed Vegetable: (Arugula, Beans, Beets, Bok Choi, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Buckwheat Shoots, Cauliflower, Carrots, Cabbage (Red & Green), Corn, Cucumber, Kale, Lettuce, Mizuna, Nasturtiums, Onions, Onions Bunching, Pac Choi, Parsnips, Peas, Pea shoots, Peppers, Potatoes, Radishes, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Squash, Sunflower shoots, Tomatoes, Turnips, Winter Squash (acorn, delicata, butternut), Zucchini); Rhubarb;
BCCOP certified: Apples; Berries: (Blueberries, Gooseberries, Logan Berries, Raspberries, Saskatoon Berries, Strawberries); Garlic: (Bulbs, Scapes); Herbs (Basil, Bergamot, Borage, Calendula, Cilantro, Dill, Mint, Tarragon); Mixed Vegetable: (Arugula, Beans, Beets, Bok Choi, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Buckwheat Shoots, Cauliflower, Carrots, Cabbage (Red & Green), Corn, Cucumber, Kale, Lettuce, Mizuna, Nasturtiums, Onions, Onions Bunching, Pac Choi, Parsnips, Peas, Pea shoots, Peppers, Potatoes, Radishes, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Squash, Sunflower shoots, Tomatoes, Turnips, Winter Squash (acorn, delicata, butternut), Zucchini); Rhubarb;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-029
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Macintosh, Spartan, Sunrise); Apples (Winter Banana); Apricots; Cider Apples (Dabinett, Michelin); Nectarines (Flavour Top, Red Gold); Peaches (Allstar, Crest Haven, Early Red Haven, Glo Haven, Red Globe, Red Haven); Pears (Bartlett, Bosc, D ’Anjou, Golden Russet Bosc); Plums (Black Amber, Early and Late Italian Prune, President);
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-120
Certified by: PACS
Location: Baldonnel
COR certified: Alfalfa (Seed); Barley (Grain, Seed) – Malt, Two Row; Clover (Seed) – Alsike, Sweet; Field Peas; Flax (Grain, Seed); Garlic; Herbs (Basil, Cilantro, Parsley); Lentils; Mixed Vegetables (Beans, Broccoli, Beets, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Carrots, Cucumber, Kale, Lettuce, Mustard, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radishes, Spinach, Squash, Swiss Chard and Turnip); Oats (Dehulled Oats, Grain, Seed) – Hulless, Mustang; Rye (Grain, Seed); Wheat (Grain, Seed) – Red Fife, Roblin Hard Red Spring
BCCOP certified: Alfalfa (Seed); Barley (Grain, Seed) – Malt, Two Row; Clover (Seed) – Alsike, Sweet; Field Peas; Flax (Grain, Seed); Garlic; Herbs (Basil, Cilantro, Parsley); Lentils; Mixed Vegetables (Beans, Broccoli, Beets, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Carrots, Cucumber, Kale, Lettuce, Mustard, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radishes, Spinach, Squash, Swiss Chard and Turnip); Oats (Dehulled Oats, Grain, Seed) – Hulless, Mustang; Rye (Grain, Seed); Wheat (Grain, Seed) – Red Fife, Roblin Hard Red Spring
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-337
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Aurora, Golden Gala, Crab Apples, Cripps Pink, Fuji, Aztec Fuji, Honey Crisp, Hyslop, Jonagold, Royal Gala, Sunrise); Nectarines (Red Gold); Peaches (Glowing Star, Harbrite, Red Globe, Red Haven, Suncrest)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-895
Certified by: PACS
Location: D'Arcy (near Pemberton)
BCCOP certified: Apples (Akane, Ambrosia, Ananas, Belle de Boskoop, Braeburn, Cox Orange, Fuji, Gala, Golden Russet, Jonogold, Macintosh, Mutsu Red Rome, Northern Spy, Salish, Spartan, Sunrise, Transparent Winter Banana); Apples (Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Summer Red, Yellow Jonathan); Apricots (Tilton); Cherries; Grapes (Concord, Merlot, Thompson Seedless); Ground crops (Arugula, Asparagus, Basil, Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Broccolini, Cabbage, Carrots, Chard, Cilantro, Corn, Cucumbers, Dill, Eggplants, Fava Beans, Garlic, Ground Cherries, Kale, Lettuce, Melon, Onions, Pac Choi, Parsnips, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Radish, Squash, Tomatoes, Turnips, Watermelon, Zucchini); Nuts (Hazelnuts, Walnuts); Peaches; Pears (Bosc, D’anjou, Flemish Beauty); Pears (Asian, Bartlett, Red Bartlett, Seckel); Plums (Damson, Green Gage, Mirabelle, Mystery, Santa Rosa, Stanley, Yakima); Quince; Strawberries (Albion, Fort Laramie); Raspberries
BCCOP transitional: Strawberries
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-567
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Braeburn, Crab apples, Cripps Pink (Pink Lady), Honey Crisp, Empire, Fuji, Gala, Royal Gala, Ruby Red McIntosh, Spartan, Sunrise); Cherries (Benton, Bing, Celeste, Chelan, Cristalina, Lambert, Lapin, Rainier, Sam, Santina, Skeena, Stella, Sweetheart, Sylvia, Tieton, Van, Experimental Early Cherry); Peaches (Blazing Star, Glohaven, Red Haven) Custom washing, sorting, packing, storage and distribution of organic fruit
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1309
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Ladysmith
BCCOP certified: Blueberries
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-344
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Abbotsford
BCCOP certified: Blueberries: Toro, Brigitta, Rubell, Hay, Pasture
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-824
Certified by: PACS
Location: Pemberton
COR certified: Herbs: Cilantro, Parsley (Curley, Italian); Mixed Vegetables and Fruits (Asparagus, Beans, Beet, Bitter Melon, Bok Choi, Broccoli, Broccolini, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Canton Green, Cauliflower, Collards, Cucumber, Fennel, Garlic, Green Onion, Kale (Black, Red and Green), Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Napa cabbage, Peas, Pepper (red heirloom, Jalapeno), Romaine Hearts, Swiss Chard, Tomato (cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, red grape tomatoes), Turnip, Watermelon;
BCCOP transitional: Field B2
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-382
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Powell River
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables Fruit: Cherries, Apples, Pears, Plums, Apricots, Asian Pears, Figs, Kiwis Berries: Blueberries, Strawberries Herbs, Hops, Edible Flowers
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-862
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Gala, Golden Delicious, Macintosh, Nicola, Spartan)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-366
Certified by: PACS
Location: Nanaimo
COR certified: Custom Preparation and Packaging of:; Organic Cheese: Extra Old Cheddar, Medium Cheddar, Mozzarella, Sharp Cheddar Custom Preparation and Packaging of Private Label products:; Organic Medium Cheddar Cheese, Organic Mozzarella Cheese, Organic Old Cheddar Cheese
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-829
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Fuji, Gala, Gala Brookfield)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-201
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Salt Spring Island
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Annual Transplants, Herbs, Garlic, Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Hay, Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Seeds: Vegetable, Herb, Flower. Poultry: Live Chicken, Turkey and Eggs
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-343
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Mission
BCCOP certified: Vegetables/fruits Herbs(non culinary)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-030
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Vernon
BCCOP certified: Apples
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-993
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Asparagus; Cherries (Bing, Lapin); Grapes; Nectarines; Peaches (FlameCrest, Glo Haven, Harrow Diamond, Red Haven); Pears (Anjou, Asian, Bartlett, Bosc, Bronze Beauty, Red Klapp, Red Sensation) ; Plums (Italian Prune, Redheart, Santa Rosa, Shiro); Rhubarb; Strawberries; Vegetables (Asparagus, Cucumbers, Peas, Tomatoes)
BCCOP certified: Asparagus; Cherries (Bing, Lapin); Grapes; Nectarines; Peaches (FlameCrest, Glo Haven, Harrow Diamond, Red Haven); Pears (Anjou, Asian, Bartlett, Bosc, Bronze Beauty, Red Klapp, Red Sensation); Plums (Italian Prune, Redheart, Santa Rosa, Shiro); Rhubarb; Strawberries; Vegetables (Asparagus, Cucumbers, Peas, Tomatoes)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-743
Certified by: PACS
Location: Lillooet
BCCOP certified: Fresh Produce and/or Dried: Fruit (Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Grapes, Kiwi, Pears, Plums)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-003
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Lake Country
BCCOP certified: Fruit: Peaches, Apricots, Cherries, Apples, Pears, Plums Berries: Raspberries, Blackberries, Blueberries Walnuts, Grapes, Herbs, Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucumbers, Squash, Basil
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-872
Certified by: PACS
Location: Penticton
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Cripps Pink, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, Macintosh, Red Delicious, Sunrise); Apricot (Goldbar, Hargrand); Pear (Abate Fetel); Plum (Black Amber, Red Heart)
BCCOP certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Cripps Pink, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, Macintosh, Red Delicious, Sunrise); Apricot (Goldbar, Hargrand); Pear (Abate Fetel); Plum (Black Amber, Red Heart)
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-613
Certified by: PACS
Location: McBride
COR certified: Berries (Blackberries, Blueberries, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Red Currants, Saskatoon Berries, Sea Buckthorn, Strawberries); Fruit Trees (Apple, Cherry, Mountain Ash, Plum); Fruit Trees (Apricot, Pear); Garlic (Bulbs, Scapes, Seed); Hay/Pasture Forage; Herbs (Basil, Bay Laurel, Borage, Caraway, Chervil, Cilantro, Dill, Lavender, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Saffron, Sage, Savory, Sorrel, Spearmint, Sweetgrass, Tarragon, Thyme); Vegetables (Artichoke (Taver), Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Broccoli Rabe, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Carrots, Celery, Collards, Corn, Cucumber, Fava Beans, Fennel, Green Onion, Horseradish, Jerusalem Artichoke, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce, Onion, Parsnip, Peanuts, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radishes, Rhubarb, Rutabaga, Spinach, Squash, Sweet Potato, Swiss Chard, Sunchoke, Tomatillo, Tomatoes, Turnip, Watermelon, Winter Squash, Zucchini)
BCCOP certified: Ornamental crops (Corn, Gourds)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-2002
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Saanichton
BCCOP certified: Garlic
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-964
Certified by: PACS
Location: Merritt/Port Coquitlam
COR certified: Pine Pollen Tincture, Organic Pine Pollen; Organic Lodgepole Pine Pollen Tincture; Organic Lodgepole Pine Pollen; Organic Ponderosa Pine Pollen; Organic Chaga Mushroom Tincture; Organic Turkey Tail Tincture; Organic Lion's Mane Tincture; Custom Processing:; Powder; Tincture;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-23-229
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Abbotsford
BCCOP certified: vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1994
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Courtenay
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Vegetable Transplants, Herbs, Sweet Potato Transplants
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0088
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Creston
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Herbs
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-001
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Storing, Packing, Repacking and Handling of organic fruits under Nature’s First Fruit Brand:; Apples (Akane, Ambrosia, Braeburn, Cripps Pink, Discovery, Empire, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, MacIntosh, Nicola, Orin, Pinata, Pink Lady, Silken, Spartan, Sunrise); Apricots; Nectarines; Peaches; Pears (Bartlett, Bosc, D’Anjou, Flemish, Green Klapp, Red Klappe (aka Star Crimson)); Plums (Black Amber, Red Heart); Prunes (Early Italian, Late Italian); Custom Processing:; Apples (Gala)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-10-171
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Agassiz
BCCOP certified: eggs, grain, vegetables, poultry
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-962
Certified by: PACS
Location: Keremeos
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Aurora Golden Gala, Cox Orange Pippin, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, McIntosh, Spartan); Plums (Italian Prune)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-277
Certified by: PACS
Location: New Westminster
COR certified: Amla Powder; Arrowroot Powder; Ashwagandha powder; Baobab Superfruit Powder; Chia Seeds; Ginger Powder; Matcha Powder; Moringa Powder; Nutritional Yeast Mini Flakes; Psyllium Husk; Psyllium Husk Powder; Psyllium Seed, Powder; Psyllium Seed, Whole; Senna Leaves; Lecithin Powder (Soy); Stevia Leaves; Super Psyllium Husk; Triphala Powder; Turmeric Powder; Custom Packaging and Labelling for Private Label Products;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-359
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
COR certified: Preparation and packaging of Coffee including:; Black Gold; Black Label (Reserve Series); Caffeine Wise Balanced; Christmas Blend; Escala; Espresso Diablo; Espresso Milano; Espresso Roma; Espresso Sicilia; Espresso Ravina; Fino; French Roast; Gold Label (Reserve Series); Highlander Grogg; Ignition; Jack Frost; Jivaro Dusk; Lush; Nutcracker; Okanagan Gold; Red Label (Reserve Series); Swiss Water Decaf Espresso; Swiss Water Decaf Sansa; Tanga; Urban; Viva; Mediterranean Medium Dark Roast, Whole Beans; French Roast, Whole Beans; Winter Blend, Ground
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-327
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Beasley
BCCOP certified: Microgreens, Shoots, Mixed Vegetables, Squash, Garlic
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-018
Certified by: NOOA
Website: N/A
Location: Lake Country
BCCOP certified: Apples, Peaches, Pears, Apricots, Plums, Prunes
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-533
Certified by: NOOA
Location: KEREMEOS
BCCOP certified: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Syrah, Chardonnay, Voignier, Pinot Noir, Malbec, Pinot Blanc, Malbec and Chardonney
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-997
Certified by: PACS
Location: Abbotsford
COR certified: Apples; Blackberries; Blueberries; Herbs (Basil, Cilantro, Dill, Mint, Oregano, Stinging Nettle); Mixed Vegetables (Artichoke, Beets, Bok Choi, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Chard, Chicory, Chives, Corn, Cucumbers, Endive, Escarole, Fennel, Frisée, Garlic, Green Onions, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Mizuna, Okra, Onions, Parsnips, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Puntarella, Radicchio, Rapini, Rhubarb, Rutabagas, Salad Mix, Shallots, Spinach, Sunchokes, Sunflowers, Tomatoes, Squash (Summer & Winter), Watermelon; Quince; Strawberries; Transplant Seedlings
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-175
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Coldstream
BCCOP certified: Apples: Granny Smith, Honey Crisp, Ambrosia, Gala Pasture, Table Grapes, Plums: Damson, Italian Prune, Apple Juice Chokecherries
Status: Transitional BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-1030
Certified by: PACS
Location: Powell River
BCCOP transitional: Site 1: 6603 McMahon Ave, Powell River, BC; Herbs (mixed); Fruits (mixed); Seedlings (mixed); Vegetables (mixed);
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-818
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cecil Lake
COR certified: Grains (Barley, Flax, Oats, Peas, Rye, Wheat); Hay (Alfalfa/Clover/Grass); Alfalfa Seed; Hay
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1901
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Denman Island
BCCOP certified: Wine Grapes, Blackberries, Blueberries, Nursery Stock, Poultry-Layers: Eggs
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-453
Certified by: PACS
Location: Oliver
COR certified: Forage (hay, pasture, cover crop - lentils, oats, peas, triticale, vetch, sorghum); Grapes (wine) (Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Malbec, Merlot, Petit Verdot, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir, Roussanne, Sauvignon Blanc, Sémillon, Syrah, Viognier, Zinfandel) Organic Wines; 2019 Amicitia 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon Grand Reserve 2019 Merlot Grand Reserve 2019 Pinot Blanc 2019 Pinot Noir Grand Reserve 2019 Rosé 2019 Sauvignon Blanc Sémillon 2019 Sparkling Pinot Noir 2019 Sparkling Zinfandel 2019 Syrah Grand Reserve 2019 Zinfandel Grand Reserve 2020 Pinot Blanc 2020 Rosé 2020 Roussanne Grand Reserve 2020 Sauvignon Blanc Sémillon 2020 Sparkling Zinfandel 2021 Rosé 2021 Sauvignon Blanc Sémillon 2021 Sparkling Zinfandel 2022 Sparkling Zinfandel 2022 Sauvignon Blanc Sémillon 2022 Pinot Blanc
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-190
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Sorrento
BCCOP certified: Backhand of God Stout, Red Branch Irish Ale, Wild Gael Potato Ale, Something Hoppy, Seasonal Organic Ale, Insurrection IPA, Wort, Spent Grains
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-961
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
COR certified: Plums (Early Italian, Late Italian)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-519
Certified by: PACS
Location: Coombs
COR certified: Roasting, blending, grinding, packaging, storing and distribution of organic coffees including:; Single varietal Products 400g & 2.2kg:; Columbian, Ethiopian, French Decaf (only 400g), Komodo Decaf, Mexican Decaf, Nicaraguan FT (only 400g), Sumatran Dark; Blended Products 400g & 2.2kg:; Blackbird Espresso, Buzzrite Blend, Country Roaster Blend (only 400g), Creekside Blend, Cuppa Joe, French Indonesian, Komodo Decaf, Holiday Blend – no longer in production, Pagliacci Blend, Qualicum Sunrise , Sienna Espresso, Toucan Dance; Whole Green Beans 4.54 lb bags:; Columbian, Costa Rican, Ethiopian, Guatemalan, Honduran, Komodo Decaf, Mexican, Nicaraguan, Papua New Guinea, Peruvian, Sumatran
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-051
Certified by: PACS
Location: Keremeos
COR certified: Apples (Gala, Ginger Gold); Peaches (Cresthaven, Glo Haven, PF1, Red Fremont, Red Haven, Rising Star); Plums (Black Amber, Black Friar); Wine grapes (Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Gris); Wine grapes (Chardonnay, Petite Verdot, Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir); Wine grapes (Gruner Veltliner, Malbec, Reisling); Wine grapes (Viognier);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0078
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Winlaw
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Herbs, Garlic, Mushrooms
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-976
Certified by: PACS
Location: Delta
COR certified: Mixed Annual Fruit and Vegetables (Asian greens; Asparagus; Bean (dry); Bean (bush); Beet; Bok Choi; Brassica Rapini; Broccoli; Broccoli (Raab); Broccoli (sprouting); Broccoli (sprouts); Broccolini; Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage; Carrot; Cauliflower; Celeriac; Celery; Chard; Collards; Cucumber; Curcurbit; Dandelion; Eggplant; Garlic; Kale; Kohlrabi; Komatsuna; Leek; Lettuce; Melon; Mustard; Onions; Parsnip; Peas; Peppers; Potatoes; Radicchio; Radish; Radish (Daikon); Rhubarb; Rutabaga; Salad Greens; Sorrel (Green); Sorrel (Red); Spinach; Squash; Strawberries; Sunchokes; Sweet Potato; Tomato (Beef); Tomato (Cherry); Turnip; Watermelon; Zucchini/Summer Squash) Mixed Perennial Fruit and Vegetables (Asparagus; Rhubarb; Strawberries) Mixed Annual Herbs (Basil; Chicory; Cilantro; Lemon Balm; Lemongrass; Parsley; Parsley Root; Shiso) Mixed Perennial Herbs (Annise Hyssop; Bergamot; Chive; Dill; Fennel; Garlic Chive; Ginger; Lavender; Lemon Balm; Oregano; Rosemary; Sage; Thyme; Turmeric Edible Flowers (Nasturtium)
BCCOP certified: Mixed Annual Fruit and Vegetables (Asian greens; Asparagus; Bean (dry); Bean (bush); Beet; Bok Choi; Brassica Rapini; Broccoli; Broccoli (Raab); Broccoli (sprouting); Broccoli (sprouts); Broccolini; Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage; Carrot; Cauliflower; Celeriac; Celery; Chard; Collards; Cucumber; Curcurbit; Dandelion; Eggplant; Garlic; Kale; Kohlrabi; Komatsuna; Leek; Lettuce; Melon; Mustard; Onions; Parsnip; Peas; Peppers; Potatoes; Radicchio; Radish; Radish (Daikon); Rhubarb; Rutabaga; Salad Greens; Sorrel (Green); Sorrel (Red); Spinach; Squash; Strawberries; Sunchokes; Sweet Potato; Tomato (Beef); Tomato (Cherry); Turnip; Watermelon; Zucchini/Summer Squash) Mixed Perennial Fruit and Vegetables (Asparagus; Rhubarb; Strawberries) Mixed Annual Herbs (Basil; Chicory; Cilantro; Lemon Balm; Lemongrass; Parsley; Parsley Root; Shiso) Mixed Perennial Herbs (Annise Hyssop; Bergamot; Chive; Dill; Fennel; Garlic Chive; Ginger; Lavender; Lemon Balm; Oregano; Rosemary; Sage; Thyme; Turmeric Edible Flowers (Nasturtium)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-826
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
BCCOP certified: Apples (Fuji, Gala, Lucy, Macintosh, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious); Apricots; Nectarines; Peaches (Cresthaven, Early Red Haven, Glow Haven, Harbrite, O’Henry, Red Haven, Suncrest, White Flesh); Plums (Green Gauge, Italian Prune, Santa Rosa)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-852
Certified by: PACS
Location: Lake Country
COR certified: Flowers and Herbs, edible (Calendula, Chamomile, Echinacea, English lavender, Munstead lavender, Viola); Flowers and Herbs, edible (Plantain); Flowers and Herbs, edible (Sage, White);
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-880
Certified by: PACS
Location: Oliver
COR certified: Grapes (Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer, Grüner Veltliner, Malbec, Merlot, Petit Verdot, Riesling, Syrah, Viognier)
BCCOP transitional: Grapes (Cabernet Franc 1-110R; Cabernet Sauvigon: Schartzmann, 169-RS3, 169-1616C, 1125-1616C, 337-1616C, 412-1616C, 337-1616C, 0685-1103P; Chardonnay 96-1103P; Merlot 15-1103P)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-386
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Vernon
BCCOP certified: Apples: Macintosh, Spartan, Gala, Garlic, Herbs
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-166
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Grindrod
BCCOP certified: Asparagus, Strawberries, Raspberries, Greenhouse Vegetables, Field Crops: Beets, Carrots, Squash, Onions, Garlic, Spinach, Kale, Celery, Corn, Mixed Vegetables
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-848
Certified by: PACS
Location: Tomslake
COR certified: Hay (Alfalfa, Clover, Timothy Mix); Oats; Barley Wheat
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1706
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Salt Spring Island
BCCOP certified: Hay, Apples, Pears, Plums, Sour Cherries, Sheep wool, Chicken: Layers- Eggs. Rhubarb. Lamb - Live.
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-398
Certified by: PACS
Location: Dawson Creek
COR certified: Alfalfa
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1083
Certified by: PACS
Location: Langley
COR certified: Kombucha (flavours include: Black and Blue, Fresh Street, Intensitea, Mellow Yellow, Remedy, Tenacitea)
BCCOP certified: Kombucha (flavours include: Black and Blue, Fresh Street, Intensitea, Mellow Yellow, Remedy, Tenacitea)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-692
Certified by: PACS
Location: Surrey
COR certified: Blending, repackaging, labelling and distributing the following products under the Bakers Supply House brand:; Organic Corn Starch; Organic Multi Grain Blend; Pure Organic Vanilla Extract
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-927
Certified by: PACS
Location: Summerland
COR certified: Wine grapes (Chardonnay, Muskat, Pinot Noir)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-621
Certified by: PACS
Location: Delta
COR certified: Roasting, blending, grinding, packaging and distributing of roasted coffee including:; Colombia Supremo; Dark French Roast; Espresso; French Roast Special; Mocca Java; Darwin (for coffee shops); Darwin (for retail); Edison; Ethiopian; Leonardo; Louis Decaf; Marie Curie; Nightingale; Peruvian; Sumatra; Tesla Espresso; Active Pass; Colombia; Ethiopia Sidamo; Ethiopian Yirgacheffe; French Roast; Guatemala; Heritage Espresso; Italian Roast; Mexico; Nicaragua Rainforest; Peru; Ripple Rock; Sumatra; Swiss Decaf; Three Oceans Blend; Custom Preparation and packaging of Private Label coffee blends;
BCCOP certified: Custom Preparation and packaging of Private Label coffee blends;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-038
Certified by: PACS
Location: Denman Island
COR certified: Chocolate Bars; Cocoa Loco, Cool Mint, Espresso Chunk, Simply Dark, Toasted Hazelnut, Zesty Orange, Gingerama, Razzle Dazzle, Holiday Organic Spice , Holy Molé, Orca Coconut, Rosemary Baby, Salted Maple, Strawberry Feels; Chocolate Moulds; Baby Bunny, Baby Bunny 3 pack, Big Bunny, Heart, Pumpkin, Santa, Smiling Buddha, Xmas in Rio, Ginger Buddha, Minty Frog; Cocomilk Bars; Cherry Cashew, Coconut Squared, Quinoa Chai;
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-645
Certified by: PACS
Location: Osoyoos
COR certified: Preparation and Packaging of Organic Honey
BCCOP certified: Preparation and Packaging of Organic Honey
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-356
Certified by: PACS
Location: Keremeos
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Braeburn, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Jonagold, Newton, Orin, Cripps Pink, Silken, Spartan, Sunrise); Apricots (Tomcot); Cherries (Lapin, Skeena, Staccato); Nectarines (Red Gold); Peaches (Coral Star, Glo Haven); Prune Plums (Early Italian)
BCCOP transitional: Wine Grapes (Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah)
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-005
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Cold and Custom storage of organic tree fruit, and vegetables; cross-docking of fruit and vegetables.; Handling, washing, packing & repacking, labelling and distributing organic produce and products under the Direct Organics Plus brand and brokering juice apples; Apples (Akane, Ambrosia, Braeburn, Empire, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, McIntosh, Nicola, Orin, Pink Lady, Red Delicious, Fuji, Snow, Spartan, Sunrise, Vista Bella); Apples, Cider (Bulmer, Burgundy, Calville Blanc, Cox Orange Pippin, Earligold, Fameuese, Golden Russet, Gravenstein, Kingston Black, Jersey, Michelin, Newton Pippin, Porters Perfection September, Silken, Sumac, Transparent, Winesap & Winter Banana); Crab Apples (Hyslop); Apricots (Blenheim, Goldbar, Goldrich, Moorpark, Perfection, Rival, Skaha, Sunglo, Tilton & Tomcot); Asian Pear (Hoochie); Cherries (Bing, Chelan, Cristalina, Lambert, Lapin, Sam, Satin, Skeena, Staccato, Sylvia & Van); Grapes (Concord, Coronation); Herbs (Basil); Nectarines (Firebrite, Red Gold, Fantasia, Independent); Peaches (Angelus, Crest Haven, Early Red Haven, Flame Crest, Fairhaven, Flaming Fury, Glo Haven, Harbrite, Harrow Diamond, O’Henry, PF 1, Red Globe, Red Haven Rising Star, Suncrest); Pear Pomace (pulp biproduct of juicing pears); Pears (20th Century, Concord, Asian, Bartlett, Bosc, Bronze Beauty, D’Anjou, Flemish, Hosui, Kosui, Olympic, Red Klapp, Red Bartlett & Shinseiki); Plums (Autumn Sweet, Black Amber, Empress, Friar, Peach Plum, President, Red Heart, Santa Rosa & Shiro); Prunes (Early Italian & Late Italian); Vegetables (Beans(Green, Purple, Yellow) Beets, Broccoli (Romanesco), Cabbage(Green, Purple, Red, Savory), Cauliflower (Purple, White, Yellow) Carrots, Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Garlic, Kohlrabi (Green, Purple), Parsnips, Peas (Shelling, Snow, Sugar, Snap) Peppers, Potato (Fingerling), Pumpkins, Leeks, Onion, Shallots, Squash, Sunchoke, Tomatoes, Zucchini)
BCCOP certified: Apples (Akane, Ambrosia, Braeburn, Empire, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, McIntosh, Nicola, Orin, Pink Lady, Red Delicious, Fuji, Snow, Spartan, Sunrise, Vista Bella); Apples, Cider (Bulmer, Burgundy, Calville Blanc, Cox Orange Pippin, Earligold, Fameuese, Golden Russet, Gravenstein, Kingston Black, Jersey, Michelin, Newton Pippin, Porters Perfection September, Silken, Sumac, Transparent, Winesap & Winter Banana); Crab Apples (Hyslop); Apricots (Blenheim, Goldbar, Goldrich, Moorpark, Perfection, Rival, Skaha, Sunglo, Tilton & Tomcot); Asian Pear (20th Century, Hoochie, Hosui, Kosui, Olympic, Shinseiki); Cherries (Bing, Chelan, Cristalina, Lambert, Lapin, Sam, Satin, Skeena, Staccato, Sylvia & Van); Grapes (Concord, Coronation, Green Seedless, Summerland Rose); Nectarines (Firebrite, Red Gold, Fantasia, Independent); Peaches (Angelus, Crest Haven, Early Red Haven, Flame Crest, Fairhaven, Flaming Fury, Glo Haven, Harbrite, Harrow Diamond, O’Henry, PF 1, Red Globe, Red Haven Rising Star, Suncrest); Pear Pomace (pulp biproduct of juicing pears); Pears (Concord, Bartlett, Bosc, Bronze Beauty, D’Anjou, Flemish, Red Klapp, Red Bartlett); Plums (Autumn Sweet, Black Amber, Empress, Friar, Peach Plum, President, Red Heart, Santa Rosa & Shiro); Prunes (Early Italian & Late Italian); Vegetables (Beans (Green, Purple, Yellow) Beets, Broccoli (Romanesco), Cabbage(Green, Purple, Red, Savory), Cauliflower (Purple, White, Yellow) Carrots, Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Garlic, Kohlrabi (Green, Purple), Parsnips, Peas (Shelling, Snow, Sugar, Snap) Peppers, Potato (Fingerling), Pumpkins, Leeks, Onion, Shallots, Squash, Sunchoke, Tomatoes, Zucchini)
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-302
Certified by: PACS
Location: Vancouver
COR certified: Preparation and distribution of:; Edible Flowers; Fruit (Frozen):; Bananas. Berry Mix, Blackberries, Black Currants, Blueberries, Cranberries, Mango (Chunks), Pineapple (Chunks), Raspberries, Rhubarb, Strawberries; Dairy:; Butter*, Cheese*, Cottage Cheese* , Cream*, Milk*, Sour Cream*, Yogurt*; Fruit (Fresh):; Apples, Apricots, Avocado, Bananas, Blackberries, Blueberries, Cherimoya, Coconut (whole, split), Cranberries, Dates (whole, coconut date rolls, pecan date rolls, Walnut date rolls), Dragonfruit, Figs, Gooseberry, Grapefruit, Grenadilla, Guava, Kiwi, Kiwi Berries, Lemons, Limequat, Limes, Mango, Melon, Nectarines, Papaya, Passionfruit, Peaches, Persimmons, Pineapple, Pomegranates, Quince, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Star fruit, Strawberries, Cherries, Grapes, Oranges, Pears, Plums; Vegetables (Fresh):; Artichokes, Arugula, Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Broccolini, Brussels sprouts, Burdock Root, Cabbage, Cactus, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Celery Hearts, Celeriac Root, Chard, Corn, Collards, Cucumber, Daikon, Dandelion, Eggplant, Fava Beans, Fennel, Fiddleheads, Gai Lan, Galangal, Jicama, Horseradish, Jicama, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Nettles, Okra, Parsnips, Peas, Peppers, Raab, Rapini, Rutabaga, Salsify, Sapote, Sea Asparagus, Spinach, Sunchokes, Turnips, Watercress, Eggplant, Garlic, Ginger, Herbs (Basil, Chives, Cilantro, Dill, Lemon Grass, Marjoram, Mint, Oregano, Poultry Pack, Rosemary, Sage, Savory, Seafood Blend, Tarragon, Thyme, Turmeric, Parsley (Curly, Italian), Wheat grass.), Leafy Greens / Lettuce/Microgreens, Mushrooms, Onions, Packaged Salads, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Radishes, Sprouts, Squash, Tomatoes, Yams
BCCOP certified: Preparation of products including:; Edible Flowers; Fruit (Frozen):; Bananas, Berry Mix, Blackberries, Black Currants, Blueberries, Cranberries, Mango (Chunks), Pineapple (Chunks), Raspberries, Rhubarb, Strawberries; Dairy:; Butter, Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Cream, Milk, Sour Cream, Yogurt; Fruit (Fresh):; Apples, Apricots, Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Gooseberry, Melon, Nectarines, Peaches, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Strawberries Citrus (Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Oranges), Cherries, Grapes, Pears, Plums; Vegetables (Fresh):; Artichokes, Arugula, Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Broccolini, Brussels sprouts, Burdock Root, Cabbage, Cactus, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Celery Hearts, Celeriac Root, Chard, Corn, Collards, Cucumber, Daikon, Dandelion, Eggplant, Fava Beans, Fennel, Fiddleheads, Gai Lan, Galangal, Jicama, Horseradish, Jicama, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Nettles, Okra, Parsnips, Peas, Peppers, Raab, Rapini, Rutabaga, Salsify, Sapote, Sea Asparagus, Spinach, Sunchokes, Turnips, Watercress, Eggplant, Garlic, Ginger, Herbs (Basil, Chives, Cilantro, Dill, Lemon Grass, Marjoram, Mint, Oregano, Poultry Pack, Rosemary, Sage, Savory, Seafood Blend, Tarragon, Thyme, Turmeric, Parsley (Curly, Italian), Wheat grass.), Leafy Greens / Lettuce/Microgreens, Mushrooms, Onions, Packaged Salads, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Radishes, Sprouts, Squash, Tomatoes, Yams
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-918
Certified by: PACS
Location: Burnaby
COR certified: Custom packaging and labelling of the following products:; Aqua Greens (capsules); Aqua Greens (powder); Barley Grass, Fermented (powder); Chlorella (capsules); Chlorella (powder); Hemp Protein Powder, dark chocolate flavour; Hemp Protein Powder, unflavoured; Maca, fermented (powder); Moringa Leaf (capsules); Moringa Leaf (powder); Rice Protein (powder); Spirulina (capsules); Spirulina (powder); SuperFoods, Cocoaimmune; Turmeric, Fermented (powder); Wheat Grass, Fermented (powder); SuperFoods, Cocoafocus (81% organic ingredients);
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1000
Certified by: PACS
Location: Abbotsford
COR certified: Blackberries, Blackberry Leaf; Blueberries; Figs; Flowers, Edible Flowers, Rose Petals; Garlic; Grapes; Mixed Herbs; Mixed Vegetables (Arugula, Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Bok Choi, Broccoli, Carrots, Celeriac, Celery, Chicory, Eggplant, Kale, Lettuce, Lemongrass, Melons, Nettle, Onions, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Radish, Salad Greens Mix, Rhubarb, Shallots, Spinach, Sunchokes, Tomatoes, Turnips, Winter Squash, Zucchini); Mixed Vegetables (Mustards, Pumpkins, Watermelons); Pears; Plums; Raspberries, Raspberry Leaf; Strawberries, Strawberry Leaf; Tayberries; Dried Herbs & Blends (Ancho Chili Powder, Basil, Chives, Dill Leaf, Dill Seed, Fennel Seed, Focaccia Pizza Dough Herb Blend, Herbes de Provence, Italian Herb Mix, Lavender, Lemongrass, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Savoury, Thyme); Herbal Teas & Blends (Balancing, Blueberry & Lemon, Calm, Chamomile, Crimson Wave, Fight or Flight, Immunitea, Lavender, Lemongrass, Licorice Root, Lullaby, Nettle, Ostara, Peppermint, Rise and Shine, Tummy Time, Whimsical Gathering, Wise Woman); Spices (Ancho Chili Powder, Cayenne Pepper, Chili Powder, Coriander Powder, Garlic Powder, West Coast Salmon Rub) Processing of organic dried herbs, spices and herbal teas.
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0087
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Argenta
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-676
Certified by: PACS
Location: Delta
COR certified: Organic Beverage products including custom processing: Organic Almond Base Fresh Organic Almond Beverages including: Organic Almond Original Organic Almond Unsweetened Original Organic Almond Unsweetened Vanilla Organic Oat Beverage including: Organic Oat Base Organic Oat Beverage - Original Organic Oat Beverage - Vanilla Organic Soy Beverages including:; Organic Soy Original; Organic Soy Unsweetened Original; Barista Soy Beverage; Custom processing of juices, broths, dairy products, and teas.
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0093
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Fruitvale
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Hay, Bedding Plants
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-6
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Denman Island
BCCOP certified: Apples, Pears, Plums, Strawberries, Asian Pears, Blackberries, Figs, Dried Fruit.
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-084
Certified by: PACS
Location: Courtenay
COR certified: Herbs (Basil, Calendula, Chives, Cilantro, Dill, Echinacea, Fennel, Holy Basil, Lavender, Mint, Marjoram, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Sorrel, St. John’s Wort, Thyme, Valerian); Microgreens, varieties of radish (China Rose, Green daikon, Red, Ruby Stem, and Triton); Shoots (Pea shoots, Sunflower greens); Sprouts (Alfalfa, Broccoli, Clover, Combo pack (clover, mixed bean, pea shoots), Deli blend (alfalfa, lentil, radish), Garlic Blend (garlic, alfalfa), Mixed Bean (adzuki, garbanzo, green pea, green lentil, red lentil)); Crops (Arugula, Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Carrots, Celery, Chard, Chestnuts, Collards, Cucumber, Garlic, Ginger, Hazelnuts, Hops, Horseradish, Kale, Leeks, Lettuce, Mixed Greens, Onions, Pak Choy, Potatoes, Radish, Scallions, Snap Peas, Spinach, Summer Squash, Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Turnips, Watercress, Winter Squash); Flowers (Annual, Edible, Perennial)
BCCOP certified: Herbs (Basil, Calendula, Chives, Cilantro, Dill, Echinacea, Fennel, Holy Basil, Lavender, Mint, Marjoram, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Sorrel, St. John’s Wort, Thyme, Valerian); Microgreens, varieties of radish (China Rose, Green daikon, Red, Ruby Stem, and Triton); Shoots (Pea shoots, Sunflower greens); Sprouts (Alfalfa, Broccoli, Clover, Combo pack (clover, mixed bean, pea shoots), Deli blend (alfalfa, lentil, radish), Garlic Blend (garlic, alfalfa), Mixed Bean (adzuki, garbanzo, green pea, green lentil, red lentil)); Crops (Arugula, Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Carrots, Celery, Chard, Chestnuts, Collards, Cucumber, Garlic, Ginger, Hazelnuts, Hops, Horseradish, Kale, Leeks, Lettuce, Mixed Greens, Onions, Pak Choy, Potatoes, Radish, Scallions, Snap Peas, Spinach, Summer Squash, Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Turnips, Watercress, Winter Squash); Flowers (Annual, Edible, Perennial)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-335
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Baker Creek
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Strawberries, Raspberries, Pasture, Herbs Livestock: Layers, Eggs, Broilers, Pigs, Pork and extras from slaughter
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0080
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Windermere
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Garlic
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-324
Certified by: PACS
Location: Abbotsford
COR certified: Preparation and packaging: Egg products; Organic Liquid Egg Whites (pasteurized); Organic Frozen Whole Eggs (pasteurized); Organic Liquid Egg Product (same as Organic Liquid Whole Eggs (pasteurized). Organic Liquid Whole Eggs (pasteurized) – (currently not in production); Organic Frozen Egg Product - (currently not in production); Organic Frozen Egg Yolk Mix – (currently not in production); Custom Preparation and Packaging: Egg products
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04- 396
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Vernon
BCCOP certified: Elderberry
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-334
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Salmon Arm
BCCOP certified: Elderberries, Elderflower, Elderberry Cuttings, Elderberry Potted Plants Processed Products: Elderberry Juice, Syrup, Shrub; Elderberry Tea
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0112
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Winlaw
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, ground Berries, Bush Berries, Tree Fruit and Nuts. Annual and Perennial transplants, Grafted Fruit Trees, Flowers, Bees and Raw Bee Products, Native Plants, Potatoes, Dahlia Tubers, Native Plant Seeds
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-731
Certified by: PACS
Location: Vancouver
COR certified: Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms; Fresh Eryngii Mushrooms (King Oyster); Premium Organic Chef’s Mix Ginger, Fresh;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-033
Certified by: PACS
Location: Keremeos
BCCOP certified: Apples: Akane, Ambrosia, Aurora, Chenango Strawberry, Cox's Orange Pippin, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Hidden Rose, Holstein, Honeycrisp, Idared, Jonagold, King, Macintosh, Miki Life, Nicola, Pink Lade, Pink Lady, Rome, Spartan, Sunrise; Apricots: Goldstrike, Goldbar; Cherries: Cristalina, Gisela, Kordia; Peaches: Allstar, Canadian Harmony, Cresthaven, Early Redhaven, Glohaven, Paul Friday (PF7 & PF12), Red Globe, Risingstar, Suncrest; Pear: 20th Century
Status: Transitional BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-1006
Certified by: PACS
Location: Penticton
BCCOP transitional: Wine grapes (Albarino, Grenache, Marsanne, Mencia, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Verdejo)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-322
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Enderby
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables: Asparagus to Zucchini, Garlic, Berries: Haskap, Raspberry, Strawberries, Blackberries, Blueberries Tree Fruit: Apples, Cherry, Nectarine, Peach, Plum, Sour Cherry, Rhubarb
Status: Transitional BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-1041
Certified by: PACS
Location: Enderby
BCCOP transitional: Garlic (Chesnok Red, German White, Inchelium Red, Russian Red, Spanish Roha);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-728
Certified by: PACS
Location: Summerland
BCCOP certified: Apricots (Hargrand, Gold Bar); Cherries (Sylvia); Nectarines (Early Blaze, Firebright, Red Gold); Peaches (Coconut Ice, Fair Haven, Glo Haven, Harrow Diamond, Red Haven); Plums (Black Amber, Duarte, Red Heart, Shiro)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-2008
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Courtenay
BCCOP certified: Strawberries, Squash, Beans (pole, bush), Corn, Cucumber, Beet, Lettuce, Arugula, Red Orach, Mustard, Pac Choi, Spinach, Kale, Tomato, Ground Cherry, Potatoes, Asparagus, Broccoli, Eggplant, Garlic
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-271
Certified by: PACS
Location: Armstrong
COR certified: Alfalfa and mixed forage (Hay/Silage); Barley Grass; Blueberries; Elderberry; Grains (Amber durum wheat, Barley, Buckwheat, Flax, Oats, Rye, Spelt, Wheat); Herbs (Astragalus, Basil, Calendula, Chamomile, Cilantro/Coriander, Dandelion, Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea purpurea, Horehound, Konjac, Lavender, Licorice, Marjoram, Mullein, Oregano, Parsley, Peppermint, Rosemary, Spearmint, Valerian); Hops; Legumes (Hairy Vetch); Legumes (Lentils, Peas); Mixed vegetables (Artichokes, Arugula, Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Kale, Kohlrabi, Peppers (bell, jalapeño), Radish (black, red), Salad greens, Spinach, Swiss chard, Tomatoes, Upland cress, Wasabi, Watercress); Rhubarb; Wheat Grass
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-464
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious); Garlic (Russian Red); Pears (Bosc); Plums (Damson, Italian Prune, Santa Rosa)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-365
Certified by: PACS
Location: Victoria
COR certified: Roasting, blending, packaging and distributing whole bean organic coffees under the Fernwood Coffee brand including: 1976 Espresso blend; Fernwood blend (medium); Mile Zero (decaf); Strongback blend (dark); West Coast Trail blend (dark)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-203
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Kelowna
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Herbs, Cherries, Plums, Bedding Plants
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-373
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Revelstoke
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Baby mustard greens
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-463
Certified by: PACS
Location: Port Coquitlam
COR certified: Packaging, labelling and distributing the following organic products under the North Coast Naturals brand:; Brown Rice Protein; Hemp Protein;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-587
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
BCCOP certified: Berries (Raspberries, Strawberries); Garlic; Herbs; Mixed vegetables (asparagus, beans, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, green onions, fennel, kale, leeks, lettuce greens, melons, onions, peas, peppers, potatoes, shallots, spinach, squash, tomatoes, zucchini)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-988
Certified by: PACS
Location: Chilliwack
COR certified: Laying Hens (Egg Production); Blueberries (fresh & frozen); Hay; Mixed Herbs & Vegetables Arugula, Asparagus, Beans (Fresh, Dried), Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Cilantro, Corn, Cucumbers (Pickling, Field), Garlic, Kale, Leeks, Lettuce, Onions, Parsley, Peppers, Potatoes, Rhubarb, Salad Greens, Squash (Summer, Winter), Sunflowers, Swiss Chard, Tomatoes), Zucchini; Blackberries; Raspberries; Seeds & Transplants; Strawberries; Straw
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-635
Certified by: PACS
Location: Fort St. John
BCCOP certified: Attestation of Compliance- Custom cleaning, screening, blending and bagging of grain and seeds including: barley, flax, oats, peas (green & yellow), wheat, hemp, rye
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-255
Certified by: PACS
Location: Lillooet
COR certified: Apples (Golden Delicious, McIntosh, Red Delicious); Carrots; Tree Fruit (Apricots, Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Plums); Garlic;
BCCOP certified: Apples (Golden Delicious, McIntosh, Red Delicious); Carrots; Tree Fruit (Apricots, Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Plums); Garlic;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-22-226
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Pemberton
BCCOP certified: fruit, vegetables
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-540
Certified by: PACS
Location: Vancouver // Calgary
COR certified: Handling, re-packing and storage:; Avocado, Citrus fruits (grapefruit, lemons, limes, mandarin oranges, oranges), Garlic, Ginger, Shallots, Turmeric; Handling, packing and distributing of organic fresh produce and select pre-packaged grocery items:; Dried Fruit: (Apricots, Cranberries, Crystallized Ginger, Dates, Mango, Mango Pieces, Papaya, Tomatoes, Raisins); Grains & Legumes (Cornmeal, Couscous, Lentils); Herbs: ( anise, astragalus, basil, borage, burdock, calendula, catnip, chamomile, chervil, chives, cilantro, cinnamon, coriander, dill, Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea pupurea, epazote, galangal, hoja santa, horehound, kaffir lime leaves, lavender , lemongrass, licorice, lovage, marjoram, mint, mixed culinary combo, oregano, parsley, pasta blends, peppercress, peppermint, purslane, rosemary mix, savory, seafood blend, shiso, spearmint, sweet cicely, tarragon, thyme, thyme lemon , valerian, verdolaga); Mixed Vegetables: (Artichoke, Arugula, Asian greens, Asparagus, Avocado, Carrots, Beans, Beets, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Burdock Root, Cabbage, Nopales (cactus pads), Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Celery Heart, Chard, Chinese vegetables, Chinese root vegetables, Chinese squashes, Collard Greens, Corn, Cucumber, Daikon, Dandelion, Dehydrated Vegetables, Eggplant, Endive, Fennel, Gailaan, Galangal Root, Ginger Roots, Gourds, Green Onions, Hairy vetch, Horseradish, Kale, Konjac Root, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce, Mizuna, Mustard Greens, Okra, Onions, Parsnip, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radicchio, Radish, Rapini, Rutabaga, Salad greens, Salad products, Shallots, Spinach, Squash, Sweet potato, Sugar Snap Peas, Tamarillo, Tatsoi, Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Turmeric, Turnips, Watercress, Yams, Zucchini); Mixed Fruit: (Apples, Avocados, Apricots, Bananas, Berries, Blackberries, Blueberries, Cantaloupes, Cherries, Coconut, Cranberries, , Dragon Fruit, Dried Fruits, Figs, Goldenberries, Gooseberries, Grapefruit, Grapes, Goji Berries, Guava, Jackfruit, Kiwis, Kumquats, Lychee, Mandarin oranges, Mangos, Melons, Minneola oranges, Nectarines, Papayas, Passion fruit, Peaches, Pears, Persimmon, Pineapples, Pitahaya, Plums, Pluots, Pomelos, Pomegranates, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Sapote, Starfruit, Strawberries, Tamarind, Tangelos, Tangerines, Watermelon); Mushrooms: (Cremini, Enoki, Oyster, Pearl Button, Portabella Caps, Portabella, Shimeji, Shiitake, steakmate); Nuts: (Almonds, Pecans, Walnuts); Soy products (Soyganic Extra Firm Tofu, Soyganic Firm Tofu, Soyganic Med Firm Tofu, Soyganic Pressed Tofu, Soyganic Soft Tofu); Sprouts, Shoots & Microgreens: (Adzuki, Alfalfa, Bean mix, Broccoli, Clover, Deli, Garbanzo, Garlic scapes, Lentils, Pea shoots, Sunflower, Wheat Grass);
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-383
Certified by: PACS
Location: Maple Ridge
COR certified: Preparation and Packaging of Fresh Ideas & Solutions products:; 88310 – Organic Mild Italian Sausage Seasoning; 88311 – Organic Hot Italian Sausage Seasoning; 88312 – Organic Apple Spice Sausage Seasoning; 88313 – Organic Bratwurst Sausage Seasoning; Custom Preparation and Packaging of Private Label products;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-346
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Armstrong
BCCOP certified: Hay, Garlic, Corn, Beans Livestock: Cattle: Breeding and Slaughter Stock; Poultry: Broilers, Turkey Meat: Pork, Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Lamb, Pork Sausage, Beef Sausage, Chicken Sausage, and Turkey Sausage
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-90-010
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Aldergrove
BCCOP certified: nursery stock, vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-377
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Baker Creek
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Strawberries, Raspberries, Haskap Berries, Currants, Cherries, Cut Flowers, Asparagus, Rhubarb
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1305-1005
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Thornless Blackberry (perennial transplants), Goji Berry (perennial transplants), Herbs, Apples (perennial transplants), Strawberries (perennial transplants), Black Currants (perennial transplants), Flowers, Vegetable and Flower Starts
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-098
Certified by: PACS
Location: Abbotsford
COR certified: Grapes (Concord); Hay
BCCOP certified: Grapes (Concord); Hay
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-189
Certified by: PACS
Location: Armstrong
COR certified: Malted barley (Munich); Malted barley (Pale); Malted barley (Pilsner); Malted barley (Vienna); Malted wheat
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-851
Certified by: PACS
Location: Salmon Arm
COR certified: Barley; Chickpeas; Corn (Silage, Sweet); Faba Beans; Flax (Brown, Gold); Haylage; Lentils; Hay, Pasture; Silage; Wheat (Durum, Hard Red Spring, Soft White Wheat, Triticale)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-658
Certified by: PACS
Location: Campbell River
COR certified: Vanilla Extract; Dried goods including: Dried mango; Herbs and spices (Canadian domestic) including: Basil, Dill, Marjoram, Mustard Brown (powder, seed), Mustard Yellow (powder, seed), Oregano, Parsley, Sage, Thyme; Spice blends including: Apple spice blend, Chai spice blends (powder, whole), Curry blend hot, Curry blend mild, Garam Masala, Mulling spice blend, Pickling spice blend, Poultry spice blend (Canadian domestic), Pumpkin spice blend, Southwest taco spice blend, Tex Mex chili spice blend, Mustard Blend; Spices including: Allspice (powder, whole), Ancho (powder), Byadagi Chili (powder), Cardamom (powder, pods, seeds), Cayenne Chili (powder), Chile Red (powder), Chili (smoked flakes), Chipotle (powder), Cinnamon, (powder, cut & sift), Clove (powder, whole), Coriander (powder, seed), Cumin (powder, seed), Fennel (powder, seeds), Fenugreek Seed (powder), Garlic (powder), Ginger (powdered, cut & sift), Nutmeg (powder, whole), Onion (powder), Orange Pieces (dried), Paprika (powder), Paprika Smoked (powder), Pepper Black (powder), Pepper Green (whole), Pepper White (powder, whole), Star anise, Stevia (powder), Turmeric (powder), Vanilla (bean, powder); Teas including Chai Rooibos, Yebo!, Green Rooibos, Honeybush, Rooibos, Yerba Maté
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-417
Certified by: PACS
Location: Peachland
BCCOP certified: Wine grapes (Pinot Gris)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-947
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Gala, Honeycrisp, Pink Lady)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1067
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Peaches; Pears;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0064
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Castlegar
BCCOP certified: Mixed vegetables, tomatoes, mixed tree fruits, mixed berries
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-202301
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Duncan
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Rhubarb and Raspberries, Annual Transplants
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-90-004
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Langley
BCCOP certified: eggs, vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-208
Certified by: NOOA
Location: CHASE
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Sweet Corn, Asparagus, Tree Fruits: Apples, Pears, Plums, Cherries, Berries, Pasture, Eggs, Hay
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1003
Certified by: PACS
Location: Maple Ridge
COR certified: Fields; Garlic
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-279
Certified by: PACS
Location: Summerland
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Aurora Gold, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Cripps Pink, Gala, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, McIntosh, Pacific Gala, Royal Gala, Sunrise); Apricots (Gold Rich); Cantaloupe (Sugar Cube); Cherries (Centennial, Cristalina, Lapin, Sour Cherry, Staccato, Sweetheart, Van); Corn; Cucumber; Eggplant; Peaches (Glo Haven, Red Haven); Pears (Anjou, Bartlett); Peppers; Plums (Early Prune, Italian Prune); Spaghetti Squash (Angel Hair); Table grapes (Sovereign Coronation); Tomatoes; Winter Squash (Butternut, Delicata)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-876
Certified by: PACS
Location: Black Creek
COR certified: Asparagus; Flower Seeds - Borage, Calendula, Cosmos (Mini blend), Marigold (Taj Mahal), Nasturtium blend, Poppy (Mary’s Ukrainian), Sunflower (Russian Mammoth) Grain (Amaranth purple); Herb Seeds- Basil (Genovese), Catnip, Chamomile (German), Chive, Cilantro, Dill, Parsley (Hamburg, Italian)), Summer Savory Vegetable Seeds ; Beans- Bush snap (Blue Lake, Royal Burgundy, Honey Wax, Igloo), Bush Dual (Dragon Tongue, Orca), Pole snap (Blue Lake), Runner (Scarlet), Fava (Windsor, Purple); Cucumber (Cucamelon, Marketmore 76); Greens- Heather’s salad blend, Arugula, Corn Salad Granon, Cress (Persian, Curly Peppergrass), Kale (Red Russian), Mizuna (Kyoto), Mustard (Red), Spinach (Bloomsdale Savoy), Swiss chard (Rainbow); Lettuce- Loose lettuce (Dutch winter, Sunfire Red Oak), Romaine (Paris Island Cos), Mini Head (Tom Thumb); Pea- Snap (Banana Nano, Sugar Snap), Bush snap (Cascadia), shelling (Champion of England); Roots- Beets (Flat of Egypt), Radish (Alta Globe); Squash- Zucchini (Dark Star, Costata Romanesco), winter squash (Sonca Orange ButterNut, HoneyNut), Pumpkin Rouge (V’if Detampes); Tomato- Cherry (Chocolate Cherry, Farthest North), Medium (Blueberry, Jaune Flamme, Merville Rocket, Principe Borghese, Paste (Zia Maria), Beefsteak (Rose); Other- Carrots, Chard, Broccoli;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1020
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apricots (Tomcot); Table Grapes (Himrod, Reliance, Sovereign Rose); Wine Grapes (Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-352
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Coldstream
BCCOP certified: Pasture, Forage, Breeding and Slaughter stock: Sheep/Lamb, Pigs; Poultry: Layers and Eggs
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-908
Certified by: PACS
Location: Chilliwack
COR certified: Garlic (Hardneck) - Bulbils, Bulbs, Seed, Umbels
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-364
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Grindrod
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Berries, Fruit, Herbs
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-611
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Granny Smith, Macintosh, Spartan, Ambrosia, Gala, Honeycrisp, Pink Lady); Cherries (Cristalina, Santina, Lapin); Nectarines (Red Gold); Peaches (Early Red Haven, Glo Haven, Red Haven, Cresthaven);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-376
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Gibsons
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Strawberries, Eggs, Seeds, Seedlings
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-530
Certified by: PACS
Location: Creston
COR certified: Garlic (seed, bulb); Garlic (powdered, dried sliced); Alfalfa hay; Pasture
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1305
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Saanich
BCCOP certified: Seeds, Berries, Vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1305-2000
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Strawberries, Tayberries, Raspberries, Figs, Herbs
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-364
Certified by: PACS
Location: Mara
COR certified: Dairy herd* (Milking Cows, Breeding Stock and Replacement Stock); Fluid Milk*; Grain, Silage (Corn, Barley, Rye); Legumes (Peas); Pasture, Hay, Forage (Alfalfa, Timothy, Orchard Grass)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0108
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Argenta
BCCOP certified: Hops, Alfalfa, Mixed Vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-357
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Telkwa
BCCOP certified: Pasture/Hay, Pigs, Turkeys, Broilers, Layers, Eggs
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-285
Certified by: PACS
Location: Delta
COR certified: Organic creamery products including: 2% Milk, 3.5% Milk, Cream on Top 3.8% Milk, Cultured Butter, Egg Nog; Organic juices including: Lemonade, Mango & Peach Juice, Pomegranate & Blueberry Juice, Valencia Orange Juice; Organic soups including: Berkeley Butternut Squash Soup, Louisiana Sweetcorn & Red Pepper Soup, Moroccan Chickpea Soup, Tuscan Tomato Soup
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-957
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apple Chips; Apple Juice; Apple Juice (Bulk, Unpasteurized); Cherry Juice; Cherry Juice (Bulk, Unpasteurized) ; Dried Cherries
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-301
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Summerland
BCCOP certified: Peaches, Plums, Apricots, Flowers, Walnuts
BCCOP transitional: Asparagus
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1990
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Salt Spring Island
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-492
Certified by: PACS
Location: Pemberton
BCCOP certified: Apples; Blueberries (Reka, Draper and Liberty varieties – Fresh and Frozen); Pears; Walnuts; Cherries; Saskatoon berries
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-004
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apple Cider (Soft); Apples: Ambrosia, Braeburn, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, Macintosh, Nicola, Pink Lady, Red Delicious, Rome, Salish, Spartan, Sunrise; Apricots; Cherries: Bing, Cristalina, Lapin, Santina, Staccato, Sweetheart, Tietan, Van Garlic (bulbs and scapes); Mixed annual vegetables: Arugula, Beans, Beets, Carrots, Chard, Corn, Cucumbers (Field, Pickling), Eggplant, Kale, Lettuce, Onions, Peppers (Bell, hot), Potatoes, Spinach, Squash (Acorn, Buttercup, Butternut, Carnival, Delicata, Honey Bear, Red Kurri, Spaghetti, Winter), Tomatoes (Cherry, Field, Heirloom, Roma), Zucchini; Nectarines: Fantasia, Flavourtop, Independent, Red Gold; Peaches: Angelus, Blazing Star, Blushing Star, Glo Haven, O’Henry, PF1, Red Globe, Red Haven, Rising Star; Pears: Abate Fetel, Asian, Bartlett, Bosc, Concorde, D’Anjou, Hosui Kosui, Star Crimson; Plums/Prunes: Black Amber, Damsen, Early Italian Prune, Elephant Heart, Gold, Friar, Late Italian Prune, Red Heart, Simka, Santa Rosa; Rhubarb; Ciders:; Ambrosia cider; Apple rhubarb cider – Batch 2019-01; Apple rhubarb cider – Batch 2020-01; Cherry berry cider – Batch 2019-01; Cherry berry cider – Batch 2020-01; Peach apricot cider – Batch 2019-01; Peach tea cider – Batch 2019-01; Peach tea cider – Batch 2020-01; Perry pear cider - Batch 2019-01; Perry pear cider - Batch 2020-01; Snow cider - Batch 2019-01; Snow cider - Batch 2020-01; Fruit Wines:; 2017: Apricot; 2018: Peach Nectarine; 2019: Apple Pear, Cherry, Plum; Sparkling beverages: 2017: Iced Ambrosia Frizzante sparkling wine, Pippin sparkling wine; 2019: Fameuse sparkling cider; Custom Processing:; Soft apple cider, Apples; Apricots; Cherries; Nectarines; Peaches; Pears; Plums;
Status: Transitional BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0114
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Canyon
BCCOP transitional: Mixed Vegetables, Blueberries, Haskap, Hay
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-875
Certified by: PACS
Location: Naramata
COR certified: Pears (Bartlett, D’Anjou)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-391
Certified by: PACS
Location: Armstrong
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables (Beets, Brassicas, Carrots, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fava Beans, Greens, Kohlrabi, Onions, Potatoes, Radish, Rhubarb, Spinach, Squash, Swiss Chard, Tomatoes, Turnip); Berries (Raspberries, Blackberries); Blueberries; Tree fruit (Apricots, Cherries, Pears, Plums); Mixed herbs; Garlic (Italian Soft Neck, Red Russian, Yugoslavian); Scapes; Edible Flowers (Lavender); Grapes (Ortega); Cut Flowers (Astilbe, Baby’s Breath, Black, Cosmos, Canterbury Bells, Campanula, Dahlias, Lavender (French, Grosso, Munstead, Provence), Matrona Sedum, Nasturtium, Peony, Phlox, Ranunculus, Red Hot Poker, Roses, Sedum, Sunflower, Sweet Pea, Veronica (Purple), Viburnum, White Phlox, White Sea Holly)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-923
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
COR certified: Haskap Berries (Fresh, Frozen)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1967
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Nanaimo
BCCOP certified: Blueberries and Raspberries
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1704
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Rhubarb, Grapes, Cherries, Pears, Asian Pears, Peaches, Plums, Apples, Crabapples, Persimmons, Quince, Nectarines, Figs, Mulberries, Currants, Gooseberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Nuts (Hazelnuts, Almonds, Chestnuts and Walnuts), Chicken (Layers, Eggs), Fruit Leather, Dehydrated Chips -Apple, Pear, Peach, Dehydrated Cherries, Dehydrated Tomatoes and Plums, Fruit Juice-apple, pear, plum, grape, blackberry, cherry. Apple Sauce, Mason Bees. Teas: Dehydrated white mulberry and persimmon leaf.
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-018
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples - Gala, Red Delicious, Vista Bella & Winesap; Apples (Cider) - Blake, Bramley, Bulmer’s Normandy, Burgundy, Calville Blanc, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Dabinett, Golden Russet, Gravenstein, Hyslop Crab, Kingston Black, Michelin, Newton Pippin, Snow, Yarlington Mill; Apples (Cider) – Brown Snout, Cap of Liberty, Noel Deschamps, Somerset Redstreak, Stembridge Jersey, White Jersey, Winter Banana; Cherries - Bing & Van; Hops - Cascade, Centennial, Chinook, Columbus, Crystal, Nugget; Peaches - Crest Haven, Flame Crest, PF1 & Red Haven; Pears - D’Anjou; Plums - Autumn Sweet, Duarte, Empress, Friar, Peach Plum, President, Santa Rosa & Shiro, Early & Late Italian;
Status: Suspended
Certificate #:
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-019
Certified by: PACS
Location: Pemberton
COR certified: Garlic; Vegetables (Beans, Beets, Carrots, Celeriac, Mixed Vegetables, Parsnips, Peas, Potatoes (seed, produce)
BCCOP certified: Garlic; Vegetables (Beans, Beets, Carrots, Celeriac, Mixed Vegetables, Parsnips, Peas, Potatoes (seed, produce)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-98-094
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Gibsons
BCCOP certified: fruit, vegetables
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-991
Certified by: PACS
Location: Oliver
COR certified: Peaches (Cresthaven, Glohaven); Pears (Bartlett); Plums (Damsen, Late Italian Prune)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-671
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Garlic (Red Russian)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-312
Certified by: NOOA
Website: none
Location: Williams Lake
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1066
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Gala) Peaches (Glo Haven, Red Haven) Pears (Bartlett, D’Anjou)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-805
Certified by: PACS
Location: Armstrong
COR certified: Edible flowers (marigolds, nasturtiums); Garlic; Hay; Mixed annual vegetables including beans, beets, bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, chard, corn, cucumber, herbs, lettuce, onions, peas, peppers, potatoes, radish, spinach, squashes, tomatoes, turnips;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-833
Certified by: PACS
Location: Lake Cowichan
COR certified: Preparation, packaging and labelling of hOMe Grown Living Foods brand products including:; Apple cinnamon RAWgles; Brazil nuts (sprouted, unsprouted); Cacao butter wafers; Cacao nibs, raw; Cacao powder, raw; Cashews (sprouted, unsprouted); CHOCO Livies; Chocolate Chip Cookies; Chocolate hemp walnuts; Cinnamon spiced walnuts; Cranberries, apple juice infused, dried; Cranberry Hemp BUCKwheaties; Double Chocolate Cookies; Easy U Bake Magic Mix; Erythritol; Garlic Rosemary Pizza Crust; Goji berries; Mulberries; Nut Free Vegan Cheeze Sprinkles; Pistachio nuts, shelled; Psyllium husk powder; Pumpkin Chia Bread & Buns; Pumpkin Spice Keto Cookies; Savoury Keto crackers; Savoury Vegan Cheeze Sprinkles; Shelled hemp seeds; Spicy Keto crackers; Spicy Vegan Cheeze Sprinkles; Sprouted almonds; Sprouted buckwheat groats; Sprouted BUCKwheaties; Sprouted Candied Cran-Apple Walnuts; Sprouted Cashews; Sprouted chia seeds; Sprouted dry farmed salted walnuts; Sprouted dry farmed walnuts; Sprouted flax meal; Sprouted lentil blend; Sprouted heirloom pumpkin seeds; Sprouted Maple Goji Granola; Sprouted pecans; Sprouted pumpkin seeds; Sprouted Seaweed Surf Snax; Sprouted spiced nuts; Sprouted sunflower seeds; Sunflower Chia Bread & Buns; Sunflower Dill RAWgles; Turmeric Pumpkin Hemp MUNCHeez; Umami Mix; Walnut rosemary bread; Wild Jungle Peanuts;
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-664
Certified by: PACS
Location: Newlands
COR certified: Fruit (Haskaps, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Strawberries); Hay and Pasture Forage; Herbs (Basil, Cilantro, Dill, Mint); Mixed Vegetables (Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Corn, Cucumbers (English & Pickling), Garlic, Green Onions, Jalapeno Peppers, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Melons, Onions, Peas, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radishes, Rutabagas, Swiss Chard, Spinach, Spring Mix, Squash, Tomatoes, Zucchini); Apples (Wynoche);
BCCOP certified: Fruit (Haskaps, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Strawberries); Hay and Pasture Forage; Herbs (Basil, Cilantro, Dill, Mint); Mixed Vegetables (Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Corn, Cucumbers (English & Pickling), Garlic, Green Onions, Jalapeno Peppers, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Melons, Onions, Peas, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radishes, Rutabagas, Swiss Chard, Spinach, Spring Mix, Squash, Tomatoes, Zucchini) Apples (Wynoche);
BCCOP transitional: Cherries (Cupid, Juliet); Haskap (Aurora); Nuts (Black Walnut, Butternut); Saskatoons;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-969
Certified by: PACS
Location: Peachland
COR certified: Wine Grapes (Gewurztraminer, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Zweigelt); Wine Grapes Experimental Varieties (Baco Noir, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Dunkelfelder, Ehrenfelser, Foch, Gamay Noir, Grüner Feltliner, Kerner, Merlot, Muscat, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Semillon Blanc, Schönberger, Siegerrebe, Syrah, Traminer Viognier)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0084
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Winlaw
BCCOP certified: Flowers, Seeds, Mixed Berries, Tree fruits, Planting Stock, and Herbs
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-774
Certified by: PACS
Location: Armstrong
COR certified: Forage/Hay/Pasture; Grain/Silage (Corn, Alfalfa, Faba Beans, Barley, Fall Rye); Dairy Herd (Milking Cows, Replacement Livestock, Breeding Stock, Calves); Fluid Milk; Beef Cattle (Culled dairy cattle);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-413
Certified by: PACS
Location: Pemberton
BCCOP certified: Blueberries; Cut Flowers; Herbs (basil, burdock root, cilantro, dill, fennel, lovage, marjoram, oregano, parsley, peppermint, rosemary, thyme); Melons; Mixed annual vegetables (Asian greens, asparagus, beans, beets, broccoli, broccolini, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery, celeriac, cauliflower, chard, corn, cucumber, daikon, endive, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, onions, parsnips, peas, peppers, potatoes, radicchio, radishes, rutabaga, scallions, shallots, spinach, squash, tomatoes, turnips); Strawberries; Transplants (Herbs and Vegetables)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-491
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
COR certified: Blackberries; Tree fruit (Apple, Apricot, Peach, Plum); Wine grapes (Baco Noir, Zweigelt)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-361
Certified by: NOOA
Website: N/A
Location: Chase
BCCOP certified: Mixed Market Vegetables, Bedding Plants
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-1004
Certified by: PACS
Location: Abbotsford
COR certified: Broiler Feeds:; 18% Broiler Starter Mash No Soy; 18% Broiler Grower Mash No Soy; 16% Broiler Finisher Mash No Soy; 20% Broiler Starter Mash; 21% Broiler Starter Mash; 17% Broiler Grower Mash; 18% Broiler Grower Mash; 19% Broiler Grower Mash; 16% Broiler Finisher Mash; Dairy & Goat Feed:; 16% Goat Feed; 16% Dairy Feed; 16% Goat Feed No Soy; 16% Dairy Feed No Soy; Grains & Mixes:; Hen Scratch; Cracked Peas; Oats & Barley; 2 Way Hen Scratch; 3 Way Hen Scratch; COB; Whole Wheat; Whole Barley; Rolled Barley; Whole Oats; Rolled Oats; Cracked Corn; Whole Corn; Soy Meal; Sunflower Meal; Whole Peas; Layer & Poultry General Purpose Feeds:; 15% All Purpose Poultry Grower Mash No Soy; 17% Poultry Grower Mash No Soy; 18% All Purpose Poultry Starter Mash No Soy; 18% Layer Mash No Soy; 17% Layer Mash No Soy; 16% Layer Mash No Soy; 15% General Use Layer Mash No Soy; 16% Layer Mash No Wheat; All Purpose Poultry Starter Mash; 15% All Purpose Poultry Grower Mash; 20% General Use Layer Mash; 18% Layer Mash; 17% General Use Layer Mash; 16% General Use Layer Mash; 15% Layer Mash; 17% Poultry Grower Mash; 16% Poultry Grower Mash; HC 201 Prestarter; HC 203 Grower; HC 204 Developer; HC 205 Prelay; HC Lay 1 210; HC Lay 2 211; HC Lay 3 212; HC Lay 4 213; HC Lay 5 214; HC Lay 6 215; HC Lay 7 216; Hog Feeds:; 18% Swine Starter Mash No Soy; 15% General Use Hog Mash; 15% Hog Grower Mash No Soy; 13% Hog Grower Mash No Soy; 18% Swine Starter; 15% Hog Grower; 14% Hog Grower; Horse Feeds:; 12% Horse Ration No Oats; 12% Horse Ration; Livestock Feed:; 14% Livestock No Soy; 14% Sheep Food; 14% All purpose Livestock Mash; Organic Alfalfa Pellets; Turkey Feed:; 18% Turkey Grower Mash No Soy; 28% Turkey Starter Mash; 26% Turkey Starter; 24% Turkey Starter Mash; 21% Turkey Grower Mash; 15% Turkey Finisher
BCCOP certified: Asparagus, Beets, Broccoli, Broccolini, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Carrots, Celery, Chard, Choi, Corn, Corn salad, Endive, Fava Beans, Garlic, Horseradish, Kohlrabi, Kale, Leeks, Mustard, Onions, Parsnips, Rhubarb, Sugar Peas, Spinach, Salad Turnip, Squash, Strawflower, Watermelon, Winter Greens; Blueberries; Herbs: Cilantro, Dill, Italian Parsley, Mint, Thyme
BCCOP transitional: Strawberries
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-428
Certified by: PACS
Location: Burnaby
COR certified: Preparation, and packaging under the Indianlife brand:; Organic Chia Wrap; Organic Flax Wrap; Organic Kamut Wrap; Organic Red Fife Wrap; Organic Spelt Roti; Organic Spelt Wrap; Organic Whole Wheat Naan
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-873
Certified by: PACS
Location: Vernon
COR certified: Haskap berries, fresh (Aurora, Indigo Gem, Tundra); Haskap berries, freeze dried (Aurura, Indigo Gem, Tundra)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-1056
Certified by: PACS
Location: Surrey
BCCOP certified: Microgreens (Amaranth, Broccoli, Chia, Kohlrabi, Pea Shoots, Radish, Turnip, Sunflower)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-900
Certified by: PACS
Location: Burnaby
COR certified: Apple Pectin Rich; Flax Meal Fine PC Milled Organic; Ginger Root 25:1 1-5%; Liquid Vegetable Extract; MCT From Coconut Oil; Organic Broccoli Powder; Org DME Oil; Org RBD Coconut Oil; Organic Acai; Organic Alfalfa Leaf Powder; Organic Alfalfa Grass Powder - Dehydrated; Organic Alfalfa Juice Powder ; Organic Amla Ext 50%; Organic Apple Cider Vinegar; Organic Astragalus Root; Organic Barley Grass Powder - Dehydrated; Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder; Organic Bee Propolis; Organic Beet Root Extract ; Organic Bilberry; Organic Blueberry (Powder, Extract, Juice Powder_; Organic Carrot Powder; Organic Celery Powder; Organic Chaga Powder; Organic Chlorella (vulgaris); Organic Cordyceps Powder; Organic Cinnamon (Powder, Extract); Organic Cranberry Powder/Extract for Softgel; Organic Dandelion Root Powder; Organic Echinacea 6 to 1 (Dry); Organic Echinacea Extract; Organic Echinacea Powder; Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil; Organic Fermented Brown Rice Protein; Organic Flax Cake; Organic Flax Oil; Organic Ginger Root 25:1; Organic Glycerin; Organic Kale Powder; Organic Licorice Root; Organic Lion’s Mane Powder; Organic Live Green Base; Organic MacaRich; Organic MacaRich Extract 6:1; Organic Maitake Powder; Organic Milk Thistle (Extract; Fine Powder Grade); Organic Parsley Root Powder; Organic Peppermint Flavour Oil; Organic Pumpkin Seed Protein; Organic Quinoa Powder; Organic Raspberry; Organic Regen ESP Green Base; Organic Regen Fruit Base; Organic Reishi 30:1, 15:1, 10:1; Organic Rice Protein 80%, Low HM; Organic Strawberry; Organic Shiitake Powder; Organic Stevia 90%; Organic Tapioca Starch; Organic Watermelon Protein; Organic Wheat Grass Juice Powder; Organic Wheat Grass Powder - Dehydrated; Organic Virgin Coconut Oil; Tapioca Maltodextrin Organic; Traded Products; Coconut Oil; Coconut Oil DME; Coconut Oil DME Peppermint; Flax Seed Oil; Hemp Seed Oil; MCT Oil; Red Palm Oil
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-368
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Edgewood
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Potatoes, Carrots, Herbs
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-906
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Salt Spring Island
BCCOP certified: Apples and Pears
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-1048
Certified by: PACS
Location: Duncan
BCCOP certified: Flowers, Annual; Hay; Vegetables, Annual (Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Garlic, Lettuce, Potatoes, Rhadish, Snap Peas, Turnips); Rhubarb; Soft Fruits: Bluberries, Strawberries
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0045
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Nakusp
BCCOP certified: Potatoes, carrots, squash, onion, leeks, tomatoes, garlic, herbs , and mixed veg
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-343
Certified by: PACS
Location: Grand Forks
COR certified: Dairy Cattle (breeding and milk stock); Dairy Calves (breeding stock); Fluid milk; Barley silage; Forage (alfalfa, hay, haylage, pasture); Producing, packaging and distributing Jerseyland Organics brand milk products including:; Asiago cheeses (aged, medium, mild); Butter; Cheddar cheeses (Curds; Jalapeño; Jalapeño Curd; Onion & Garlic; Plain (aged, medium, mild); Red Leicester); Cottage cheese (dry curd); Cream cheeses (Onion & Chive; Plain); Feta* (Mixed Herbs; Plain); Gouda cheeses (Cumin; Garlic & Dill; Hickory Smoked; Mixed Herbs; Peppercorn; Plain); Parmesan cheese (blocks, grated); Sour cream; Yogurt (Blueberry, Fat-free; French Vanilla; Plain; Strawberry)
BCCOP transitional: Field 17 – ‘Moore’ - 3835 Moore Road (alfalfa)
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-016
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Braeburn, Cripps Pink/Pink Lady, Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, Honey Crisp, Macintosh, Royal Gala, Sunrise); Apricots (Goldbar, Goldrich, Goldstrike, Perfection, Sundrop, Tomcots); Cherries (Cristalina, Sandra Rose, Stardust, Sylvia); Late Cherries Varieties: (Lapin, Sweetheart); Plums (Black, Early Italian Prune Plums, Friar, Santa Rosa)
BCCOP certified: Cherries (Cristalina, Sandra Rose, Stardust, Sylvia); Late Cherries Varieties: (Lapin, Sweetheart)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-20-219
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Langley
BCCOP certified: berries
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-616
Certified by: PACS
Location: Sorrento
COR certified: Alfalfa (pasture forage, hay, silage, and seed); Pasture; Corn (grain, seed, silage); Barley (grain, seed, silage, straw); Peas (grain, seed, silage, straw); Rye (silage, seed, straw)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1305-1991
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Vegetable Bedding Plants, Herbs and Herb Transplants, Strawberries, Marion Berries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Apples, Plums, Rhubarb, Flowers.
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-912
Certified by: PACS
Location: Summerland
COR certified: Wine Grapes (Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, and Pinot Noir)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-871
Certified by: PACS
Location: Westbank
COR certified: Apples (Fuji, Gala, Jonagold, Spartan); Table Grapes (Himrod, Interlaken, Patrice, Coronation, Rogetta); Wine Grapes (Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah); Wine Grapes (Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer, Merlot, Pinot Auxerrois, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Riesling, Zweigelt); Wine Grapes (Moscato Giallo); Wine Grapes (Muscat); Wine Grapes (Regent); Fruit Juices; Apple, Grape; Wines & Vinetage Year:; Pinot Gris 2020; Pinot Noir 2020; Rosé 2020; Zweigelt 2020; Harmony Red 2021; Rose 2021; Pinot Gris 2022;
BCCOP certified: Wines & Vinetage Year:; Pinot Gris 2020; Pinot Noir 2020; Rosé 2020; Zweigelt 2020; Harmony Red 2021; Rose 2021; Pinot Gris 2022;
BCCOP transitional: Wine grapes: Chardonnay; Marechal Foch; Merlot; Pinot Auxerrois; Pinot Noir; Riesling; Sauvignon Blanc; Schönberger; Siegerrebe; Traminer; Viognier
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-831
Certified by: PACS
Location: Summerland
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Cripps Pink (Pink Lady), Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, MacIntosh, Red Delicious, Spartan); Apricots; Cherries (Van, Lapin); Kiwi; Quince; Peaches; Pears; Prune Plums; Table Grapes (Green & Red); Wine Grapes; Sea buckthorn
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-387
Certified by: PACS
Location: Coombs
COR certified: Canuck; Coastal Dark; European Espresso; Kazee; Komodo (Decaf); Lefty’s; Midnite Espresso; Peru; Sumatra; Sutra; Custom Processing under Private Label
BCCOP certified: Canuck; Coastal Dark; European Espresso; Kazee; Komodo (Decaf); Lefty’s; Midnite Espresso; Peru; Sumatra; Sutra
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-204
Certified by: NOOA
Location: SALMON ARM
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Herbs
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-227
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Grand Forks
BCCOP certified: Onions, Squash, Melons, Garlic, Corn, Alfalfa, Peppers, Tree Fruit
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-403
Certified by: IOPA
Location: North Saanich
BCCOP certified: Apples, Vegetables, Salad Greens, Poultry-Layers: Eggs, Plums, Blackberries, Squash, Herbs, Grapes, Rhubarb.
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-745
Certified by: PACS
Location: Mission
BCCOP certified: Chestnuts; Chives; Garlic; Mixed Annual Vegetables (Beans, Cabbage, Corn, Cucumber, Green Onions, Melons, Peppers, Squash, Tomatoes, Yams)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-764
Certified by: PACS
Location: Dawson Creek
BCCOP certified: Pasture Forage (Native grass and forages)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0113
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Argenta
BCCOP certified: Blueberries
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-347
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Laying Hens (egg production); Apples (Akane, Ambrosia, Aurora, Braeburn, Cox Pippin, Cripps Pink, Discovery, Elstar, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Golden Gala Granny Smith, Hidden Rose Honeycrisp, Holstein, McIntosh, Mutsu, Newton, Nicola, Red Delicious, Porters Perfection Shamrock, Spartan, Sunrise, Transparent, Winter Banana, Wynoochee Early); Apricots (Moorpark, Rival, Sundrop, Tomcot, Tilton); Asparagus; Cherries (Bing, Cristalina); Flowers (culinary); Garlic (bulbs, scapes); Grapes (Table (Coronation, Sooke, Skookum) and Wine); Herbs (Basil (Lemon, Thai), Dill, Fennel, Ginger, Mint, Mint (chocolate), Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Shiso, Summer Savoury, Tarragon, Thyme, Winter Savoury); Melons (Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Watermelon); Mixed Vegetables – Seedlings and produce; Mixed vegetables (Artichoke, Arugula, Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Callaloo, Cardoon, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Collards, Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Green Onions, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce, Okra, Onions, Peas, Peppers (Hot, Sweet), Potatoes, Salad Mix, Spinach, Squash, Sunchokes, Sweet Potato, Swiss Chard, Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Yams, Zucchini); Nectarines; Peaches (Alberta, Canadian Harmony, Early Alberta, Fairhaven, Harbrite, Suncrest, O’Henry, PF1, Red Haven); Pears (Bartlett, Crimson Star, D’Anjou); Plums (Amber, Black, Elephant Heart, Lion Heart, Peach, Plumette, President, Prune, Santa Rosa, Shiro); Apple Juice; Apple Pomace; Dried fruits (Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Fruit Leather, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Tomatoes); Dried herbs (Basil, garlic (garlic scape) Parsley, Summer savoury); Dried vegetables (Arugula, Beans, Celery, Mixed Hot Peppers, Onions, Squash, Zucchini); Frozen fruits (diced apples); Frozen vegetables (chopped celery, diced onion, diced peppers, diced squash, whole tomatoes)
BCCOP certified: Apples (Akane, Ambrosia, Aurora, Braeburn, Cox Pippin, Cripps Pink, Discovery, Elstar, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Golden Gala Granny Smith, Hidden Rose Honeycrisp, Holstien, McIntosh, Mutsu, Newton, Nicola, Red Delicious, Porters Perfection Shamrock, Spartan, Sunrise, Transparent, Winter Banana, Wynoochee Early); Apricots (Moorpark, Rival, Sundrop, Tomcot, Tilton); Asparagus; Cherries (Bing, Cristalina); Flowers (culinary); Garlic (bulbs, scapes); Grapes (Table (Coronation, Sooke, Skookum) and Wine); Herbs (Basil (Lemon, Thai), Dill, Fennel, Ginger, Mint, Mint (chocolate), Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Shiso, Summer Savoury, Tarragon, Thyme, Winter Savoury); Melons (Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Watermelon); Mixed Vegetables – Seedlings and produce; Mixed vegetables (Artichoke, Arugula, Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Callaloo, Cardoon, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Collards, Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Green Onions, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce, Okra, Onions, Peas, Peppers (Hot, Sweet), Potatoes, Salad Mix, Spinach, Squash, Sunchokes, Sweet Potato, Swiss Chard, Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Yams, Zucchini); Nectarines; Peaches (Alberta, Canadian Harmony, Early Alberta, Fairhaven, Harbrite, Suncrest, O’Henry, PF1, Red Haven); Pears (Bartlett, Crimson Star, D’Anjou); Plums (Amber, Black, Elephant Heart, Lion Heart, Peach, Plumette, President, Prune, Santa Rosa, Shiro); Apple juice; Apple Pomace; Dried fruits (Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Fruit Leather, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Tomatoes); Dried herbs (Basil, garlic (garlic scape) Parsley, Summer savoury); Dried vegetables (Arugula, Beans, Celery, Mixed Hot Peppers, Onions, Squash, Zucchini); Frozen fruits (diced apples); Frozen vegetables (chopped celery, diced onion, diced peppers, diced squash, whole tomatoes)
Status: Transitional BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-978
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
BCCOP transitional: Two sites: Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Chickpeas, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Herbs, Horseradish, Gourds, Kale, Lettuce, Okra, Onions, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Radishes, Rhubarb, Squash, Strawberries, Tomatoes; Cut Flowers
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-585
Certified by: PACS
Location: Creston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Cripps Pink, Honeycrisp, Pacific Gala, Red Delicious); Asparagus; Blueberries (Bluecrop, Duke, Elliott); Cherries (Lapin, Skeena, Rainier); Nectarines (Fire Bright); Peaches (Coconut Ice, Early Redhaven, Glo Haven, Red Haven); Juice: (Apple, Cherry, Rainier Cherry Juice); Plums (Italian prune); Walnuts (English);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-590
Certified by: PACS
Location: Penticton
BCCOP certified: Wine Grape (Gewürztraminer, Merlot, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Viognier)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-16-203
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Richmond
BCCOP certified: vegetables
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-416
Certified by: PACS
Location: Pemberton
COR certified: Hay/Forage/Pasture
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-310
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Coldstream
BCCOP certified: Rhubarb, Strawberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Market Garden, Goji Berries, Blueberries, Lavender, Table Grapes (Concord, Vanessa, Green Seedless), Elderberries, Plums
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1012
Certified by: PACS
Location: Abbotsford
COR certified: Blueberries (Duke, Liberty)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-146
Certified by: PACS
Location: Chetwynd
BCCOP certified: Feed grain/Seed/Silage (Oats, Barley, Rye); Forage (Pasture, Hay, Silage); Legumes (Alfalfa/Clover); Beef cattle (Breeding and Slaughter stock)
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-751
Certified by: PACS
Location: Pemberton
COR certified: Greens (Arugula, Asian Greens, Brassica Greens, Bok Choy, Chicory, Collards, Kale (Black, Green), Lettuce, Mizuna, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Tatsoi) Herbs (Basil, Cilantro, Dill, Lemon Balm, Tarragon, Thyme, Sage) Melon (True Love, Mini Love, Diplomat) Mixed Vegetable Crops (Artichoke, Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage (green and Nappa), Carrots, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Corn, Cucumber, Cucumber (LE), Eggplant, Fennel, Garlic (and Garlic Scapes), Hakurei, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Onions, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Radish, Shallots, Squash (Summer & Winter), Tomatoes, Zucchini)
BCCOP certified: Cut Flowers
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1953
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Salt Spring Island
BCCOP certified: Lavender, Lavender Essential Oil, Lavender Hydrosol, Helichrysum, Helichrysum Essential Oil, Helichrysum Hydrosol, Rose Geranium Hydrosol, Lavender Nursery Stock, Seeds, Herbs, Flowers.
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-921
Certified by: PACS
Location: Dawson Creek
BCCOP certified: Custom slaughter, cutting packaging and labelling of hogs, beef, cattle and lamb; Beef products; Pork products (pork sides and fresh pork cuts); Lamb products
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-189
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Sorrento
BCCOP certified: Hops, Hops Rhizomes, Potted Hops Vines, Tree Fruits, Small Fruits, Mixed Vegetables, Dried Tomatoes, Sweet Paprika, Smoked Paprika, Crushed Cayenne, Seeds
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-399
Certified by: PACS
Location: Victoria
COR certified: Preparation and packaging of Level Ground Trading brand coffee products:; East Africa; Andes Mountain Blend; Bright Roast; Bundle-Up; Colombia; Democratic Republic of Congo Blend; Decaf; Espresso; Roastery Espresso; Ethiopia; French Roast Blend; Peru; Sunshine Coast Blend; Tanzania; Winter; Organic Cane Sugar; Desolation Dark Blend; Montague Medium; Winter Cove Espresso; Tribune Bay/Billy Goat Blend; Angels Espresso; Dark Roast; Decaf Blend; Estate Blend; Medium Blend
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-860
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Grape Pomace; Estate Rosé 2022; Everyday Chardonnay 2020; Everyday Chardonnay 2022; Off Your Rocker Merlot 2018; Off Your Rocker Merlot 2019; REBIL Estate Chardonnay 2019; REBIL Estate Merlot 2018; REBIL Merlot 2019; Simply Cider 2023;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-789
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Fuji, Gala & Honeycrisp); Apple Juice; Cherries; Wine Grapes (Chardonnay, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Petit Verdot)
BCCOP transitional: Wine Grapes (Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon, Viognier)
Status: Transitional BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-1035
Certified by: PACS
Location: Okanagan Falls
BCCOP transitional: Wine Grapes (Cabernet Sauvignon, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-069
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Fruit Cherries, Nectarines, Peach, Plums, Table Grapes); Fruit (Physalis); Garlic; (Garlic, Garlic Scapes); Herbs (basil, chives, mint, oregano); Vegetables (beans, beets, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, eggplant, kohlrabi, onion, peas, peppers (hot, sweet), potatoes, pumpkin (Sugar Pie), squash, tomatoes (Roma, field, cherry), zucchini); Asparagus
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-786
Certified by: PACS
Location: Krestova
COR certified: Berries (Blackberries, Blueberries, Currant, Elderberry, Fig, Haskap, Jostaberry, Kiwi, Loganberry, Pawpaw, Raspberries, Saskatoon Berry, Sour Cherry, Strawberries, Table Grapes); Haskaps ; Herbs (including Transplants): (Basil, Chives, Cilantro, Dill, Fennel, Lavender, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Savory, Thyme); Melons (Muskmelon, Watermelon); Mixed Annual Vegetables (including Transplants): (Arugula, Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Bok Choi, Broccoli, Broccoli Raab, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chives, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Garlic (seed, culinary), Kale, Kohlrabi, Leek, Lettuce, Mibuna/Mizuna, Mustard Greens, Onion Green, Onion Bulk, Parsnips, Pea Sugar Snap, Pepper Bell, Pepper Hot, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radicchio, Radish, Salad Mix, Scallions, Shallots, Spinach, Squash Summer, Sunflowers; Squash Winter; Sweet Potato, Swiss Chard, Turnip, Tomato - Field, Tomato - Greenhouse, Zucchini); Microgreens (Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brown Mustard, Daikon Radish, Kohlrabi (Purple), Peas (Dwarf Grey Sugar, Yellow), Red Cabbage, Red Radish, Sunflower (Black Oilseed), Triton Radish, Wasabi Mustard, Fava bean); Rhubarb; Salad Mixes (lettuce, seasonal, spicy, spring)
BCCOP certified: Berries (Blackberries, Blueberries, Currant, Elderberry, Fig, Haskap, Jostaberry, Kiwi, Loganberry, Pawpaw, Raspberries, Saskatoon Berry, Sour Cherry, Strawberries, Table Grapes); Haskaps ; Herbs (including Transplants): (Basil, Chives, Cilantro, Dill, Fennel, Lavender, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Savory, Thyme); Melons (Muskmelon, Watermelon); Mixed Annual Vegetables & Transplants: (Arugula, Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Bok Choi, Broccoli, Broccoli Raab, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chives, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Garlic (seed, culinary), Kale, Kohlrabi, Leek, Lettuce, Mibuna/Mizuna, Mustard Greens, Onion Green, Onion Bulk, Parsnips, Pea Sugar Snap, Pepper Bell, Pepper Hot, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radicchio, Radish, Salad Mix, Scallions, Shallots, Spinach, Squash Summer, Sunflowers, Squash Winter, Sweet Potato, Swiss Chard, Turnip, Tomato - Field, Tomato - Greenhouse, Zucchini); Microgreens (Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brown Mustard, Daikon Radish, Kohlrabi (Purple), Peas (Dwarf Grey Sugar, Yellow), Red Cabbage, Red Radish, Sunflower (Black Oilseed), Triton Radish, Wasabi Mustard, Fava bean); Rhubarb; Salad Mixes (lettuce, seasonal, spicy, spring)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-607
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
BCCOP certified: Wine Grapes (Chardonnay, Riesling)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-924
Certified by: PACS
Location: Winlaw
COR certified: Annual herbs including basil, borage, calendula, chamomile, chervil, cornflower, dill, holy basil, marjoram, summer savory, verbena; Grain: oats (milky oat tops); Herbal Mixes (for tea or seasoning): Christmas Eve tea, Fruitful Life, Happy Life, Herbal Delight, Herbal Turkey Feast, Herb Bomb, Herbes de Provence, Paradise Mint, Peaceful Blossom, Secret Garden, Sleeping Dragon, Thank you tea, Walk in Paradise, Women’s tea; Perennial herbs including anise hyssop, bay, blackberry leaf, catnip, chives, echinacea, Elecampane, fennel, garlic chives, hyssop, ladies mantle, lavender (flowers, leaves), lemon balm, lovage, lemon thyme, Korean mint, marshmallow, menthol mint/spearmint, motherwort, mugwort, nettle, orange thyme, oregano, parsley, peppermint, rosemary, rose petals, sage, skullcap, St. John’s wort, stevia, tarragon, thyme, valerian, vervain, white clover, white sage, winter savory; Perennial fruit/berries including apple, black currant, wild sea buckthorn; Raspberry: fruit, leaf; Wild crops including birch, burdock, dandelion (flowers, leaves), elder (berries, flowers), hawthorn (berries, leaves), horsetail, milk thistle, mullein, Oregon grape, red clover, ribwort plantain, rose hips, violet, wild peppermint, yarrow
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1955
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Herbs, Strawberries
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1989
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Blueberries, Strawberries, Currants, Pumpkins, Flowers
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-2007
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Sooke
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Apples, Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-512
Certified by: PACS
Location: Saanichton
COR certified: Asparagus; Fruit: Rhubarb, Strawberries; Garlic (Bulbs, Scapes); Hay; Mixed annual vegetables, greens, herbs: Arugula, Beans, Beets (Candy Cane, Golden, Red), Broccoli, Cabbage (Green, Red, Savoy), Cauliflower, Cilantro, Collard Greens, Corn (Super Sweet bi-colour), Cucumbers (including mini-cucumbers and pickling cucumbers), Dill, Green Onions, Kale (Black, Green, Lacinato, Red), Leeks, Lettuce (Green & Red Leaf and Romaine), Melons, Mizuna, Okra, Onions (Red, Sweet, Walla Walla, Yellow), Parsley, Peas (Snap, Snow), Peppers (Bell, Jalapenos, Scotch Bonnet), Radish, Scallions, Spinach, Squash (Acorn, Butternut, Carnival, Delicata, Kabocha, Patty Pan, Spaghetti, Summer, Winter), Sunchokes, Swiss Chard (Green, Rainbow, Red), Turmeric, Turnips (Hakurei), White Tunis, Zucchini; Seedlings for annual vegetables
BCCOP certified: Asparagus; Fruit: Rhubarb, Strawberries; Garlic (Bulbs, Scapes); Hay; Mixed annual vegetables, greens, herbs: Arugula, Beans, Beets (Candy Cane, Golden, Red), Broccoli, Cabbage (Green, Red, Savoy), Cauliflower, Cilantro, Collard Greens, Corn (Super Sweet bi-colour), Cucumbers (including mini-cucumbers and pickling cucumbers), Dill, Green Onions, Kale (Black, Green, Lacinato, Red), Leeks, Lettuce (Green & Red Leaf and Romaine), Melons, Mizuna, Okra, Onions (Red, Sweet, Walla Walla, Yellow), Parsley, Peas (Snap, Snow), Peppers (Bell, Jalapenos, Scotch Bonnet), Radish, Scallions, Spinach, Squash (Acorn, Butternut, Carnival, Delicata, Kabocha, Patty Pan, Spaghetti, Summer, Winter), Sunchokes, Swiss Chard (Green, Rainbow, Red), Turmeric, Turnips (Hakurei), White Tunis, Zucchini; Seedlings for annual vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-202302
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Black Creek
BCCOP certified: hay, pasture, live chicken
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1053
Certified by: PACS
Location: Armstrong
COR certified: Alfalfa (hay)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-967
Certified by: PACS
Location: Langley City
COR certified: Custom Processing of:; Organic Beef Jerky - Dijon Mustard; Organic Beef Jerky - Red Wine & Rosemary; Organic Beef Jerky - Sweet Chipotle;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-169
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Cripps Pink, Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, McIntosh, Pink Lady, Sunrise); Cherries; Nectarines; Peaches (Cresthaven); Wine Grapes (Chardonnay, Malbec, Merlot, Petit Verdot, Syrah);
BCCOP transitional: Field #3; Crops: Wine Grapes (Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-303
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Grindrod
BCCOP certified: Mixed Berries Mixed Vegetables, Carrots, Potatoes, Cabbage, Onions, Brussels Sprouts, Squash, Parsnips and Garlic
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-915
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Honeycrisp, Pink Lady, Salish, Nicola)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-815
Certified by: PACS
Location: Oliver
BCCOP certified: Apples: Arlet, Cox Orange, Gala, Golden Delicious, Honeycrips, Jonagold, Macintosh, Spartan; Apricots: Gold Bar, Goldrich, Goldstrike; Cherries: Bing, Black Pearl, Lambert, Van; Nectarines: Firebright, Red Gold; Peaches: Angelus, Crest Haven, Early Red Haven, Glo Haven, O'Henry, Raritan Rose, Red Haven, Rosa
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-91-028
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Abbotsford
BCCOP certified: berries, fruit, hay
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-261
Certified by: PACS
Location: Vernon
COR certified: Roasting, grinding, packaging and distributing organic coffees under the following brands:; Ancient (Deep Dark), Awaken (Espresso), Dance (Mildly Dark), Fair Treasure, Offering, Serene (Dark Decaffeinated), Treasure (Medium), Breakfast Blend, Decaffeinated, Espresso, French Roast, Gourmet, Mayan (dark roast), Mayan (medium roast), Rainforest, Shaughnessy, South Pacific, Vienna Roast, Organic Gourmet Coffee
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-091
Certified by: PACS
Location: Gundy
COR certified: Grain or seed (Barley, Oats, Rye and Spelt); Clover seed (Red & Alsike); Legumes (Peas)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0007
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Argenta
BCCOP certified: Potatoes, Carrots, Beets, Cabbage, Onions, Hay
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-373
Certified by: PACS
Location: Salmon Arm
COR certified: Barley (seed, grain); Corn (seed, grain, silage, High Moisture Corn (HMC)); Legumes – peas (seed, feed); Hay/pasture/haylage (orchard grass, reed canary, timothy, fescue, alfalfa, clover); Dairy cattle herd and calves* (breeding and slaughter stock); Fluid milk*
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-963
Certified by: PACS
Location: Logan Lake
BCCOP certified: Haskap Berry, Haskap Leaf, Haskap Bloom (Beauty, Beast, Blizzard, Aurora, Tundra, Borealis)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0017
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Salmo
BCCOP certified: Sprouts, Salad Greens, Seedlings
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-471
Certified by: PACS
Location: Coquitlam
COR certified: Preparation and packaging: Meadowfresh Dairy brand milk products:; Cream (35%); Cream (38%); Cream (40%); Half & Half Cream (10%); Skim Milk; Grass Fed Milk (3.5%); Custom Preparation and Packaging: Private label milk products:;
BCCOP certified: Custom Preparation and Packaging: Private label milk products:;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-2000
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Nanoose Bay
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Vegetable Transplants, Herbs, Fruit: Apples, Pears, Plums, Figs, Grapes, Berries: Blueberries, Raspberries, Marion Berries, Strawberries, Black Currants, Quince, Edible Flowers, Nursery Stock
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-677
Certified by: PACS
Location: Burnaby
COR certified: Organic Artisan Whole Wheat Bread; Organic Breadcrumbs; Organic Croutons; Organic Focaccia; Organic French Baguette; Organic Herbal Ciabatta; Organic Sourdough Bread; Organic Stuffing Breads; Organic Tuscan Bread; Organic Whole Wheat Baguette; Organic Whole Wheat Ciabatta
BCCOP certified: Organic Artisan Whole Wheat Bread; Organic Breadcrumbs; Organic Croutons; Organic French Baguette; Organic Herbal Ciabatta; Organic Sourdough Bread; Organic Stuffing Breads; Organic Tuscan Bread; Organic Whole Wheat Baguette; Organic Whole Wheat Ciabatta; Multigrain Bread - Carrot 86% Organic Ingredients; Olive Bread, 94% Organic Ingredients
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-355
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Summerland
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Corn, Edible Flowers, Mixed Greens, Herbs Pears, Apples, Plums, Apricots, Peaches, Nectarines Nuts: Hazelnuts, Walnuts
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1962
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP certified: Seed: Vegetable, Herb, Flower; Transplants: Vegetable, Herb, Flower; Seed Potatoes, Perennial Nursery Stock: Fruit, Herb.
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-933
Certified by: PACS
Location: Pemberton
BCCOP certified: Buckwheat (cover crop)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-157
Certified by: PACS
Location: Richmond
COR certified: Custom preparation and packaging of Coffee Products. Blue Heron; Blue Heron Regenerative Organic Certified; Byron’s Maracaturra, Canopy Bird, Decaf Espresso; Decaf Dark Roast; Festive Blend (Limited Edition-Medium Dark Roast); Finca Pashapa - La Labor; French Roast; French Roast Regenerative Organic Certified; Holiday Blend; LOHAS Columbia; Metta Espresso; Mountains of the Moon; Mountain Retreat, Honduras Single Origin Dark Roast; Peru Regen Medium Roast Regenerative Organic Certified; Roaster’s Blend Dark; Roaster’s Blend Medium; Sumatra; Village Trade; Village Trade Regenerative Organic Certified; West Coast;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-688
Certified by: PACS
Location: Fort St. John
COR certified: Grain (barley, wheat, oats); Hay/Pasture/Forage (alfalfa, barley, red clover, wheat, oats, grass, radish, vetch); Livestock (beef); Pulses (peas);
BCCOP transitional: Field: #25; Crop: pasture, hay, Field: #6; Crop: alfalfa; Field: #18 & Field: #20; Crop: oats, alfalfa;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1994-1001
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Courtenay
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, vegetable transplants, herbs
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-239
Certified by: PACS
Location: North Vancouver
COR certified: Colombia (medium roast) coffee; Costa Rica (medium roast) coffee; Espresso Decaffeinated coffee; Espresso Imara coffee; Guatemala (Medium-Dark roast) coffee; Honduras (Medium roast) coffee; Nicaragua coffee; Peru (Medium roast) coffee; Sumatra (French roast) coffee; Custom Processing of Espresso and Decaf Espresso; Custom Processing of Coffee Blends and Beans
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-907
Certified by: PACS
Location: Summerland
COR certified: Grapes: Chardonnay, Riesling, Gewürtztraminer, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Merlot
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-554
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Cache Creek
BCCOP certified: Microgreens: Sunflower, Peas, Radish, Broccoli, Kohlrabi, Pac Choi, Swiss Chard, Mustard, Arugula, Basil, Parsley, Cilantro, Amaranth, Beet, Bok Choy, Carrot, Chervil, Corn, Dill, Cress, Fennel, Kale, Nasturtium, Onion, Chive, Leek, Cabbage, Shiso, Sorrel, Wheatgrass
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-302
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Armstrong
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Strawberries, Herbs, Cut Flowers, Dahlia Tubers, Vegetable and Flower Seeds
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-383
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Lumby
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Melons Fruit: Apples, Cherries, Peaches, Pears Berries: Strawberries, Haskaps, Raspberries, Blackberries Nuts: Walnuts, Almonds, Hazelnuts Grapes (Table & Wine)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-385
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Kaleden
BCCOP certified: Assorted Ground Crops, Garlic, Herbs, Berries
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-340
Certified by: PACS
Location: Creston
COR certified: *Dairy Herd (breeding and milking stock); *Calves (breeding and slaughter stock); *Fluid Milk; Hay/Haylage (alfalfa, mixed grass); Straw; Grains/Seeds (barley, rye) ; Grains/Seeds (triticale). Processing, bottling, labelling and distributing the following organic fluid milk products, and soft cheese and butter products, under the Kootenay Meadows brand:; Skim milk; 1% Partly Skimmed milk; 2% Partly Skimmed milk; 3.25% Homogenized milk; 3.25% Non-Homogenized (Standard Cream-line) milk; 10% Table Cream; 36% Whipping Cream; Chocolate milk; Butter (salted & unsalted); Crowdie (plain) Manufacturing, packaging, labelling and distributing the following organic cheeses under Kootenay Meadows Cheese brand:; Alpindon; Mountain Grana; Nostrala; Cheese Curds
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0102
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Kaslo
BCCOP certified: Mixed Mushrooms, Mushroom Spawn
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-015
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Fuji, Gala, Honeycrisp, Hyslop Crab apples, McIntosh, Piñata, Pink Lady, Sunrise, Winter Banana); Apples (Piñata - nursery rootstock); Apples (Red Fuji); Apricots (Perfection, Skaha, Tilton); Nectarines (Fantasia, Firebright, Red Gold); Pears (Asian, Bartlett, Bosc, D’Anjou, Red Bartlett); Plums (Black Amber, Red Heart);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-22-227
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Burnaby
BCCOP certified: coffee
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-557
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Kelowna
BCCOP certified: Arugula, Broccoli, Brown Mustard, Yellow Mustard, Wasabi Mustard, Purple stem Radish, Ruby Stem Radish, Red Rambo Radish, Rainbow Radish, Purple Kohlrabi, Red Cabbage, Pea Shoots, Corn Shoots, Sunflower Shoots, Ruby Stem Nasturtium, Emerald Nasturtium, Red Amaranth, Beets, Swish Chard, Red Veined Sorrel, Lemon Balm, Red Shisho, Celery, Green Onion, Cilantro, Carrot, Chervil, Fennel, Dill, Green Basil, Purple Basil, Kale, Daikon Radish
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-289
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
COR certified: Preparation and packaging of:; Organic Vanilla Extract; Organic Vanilla Beans
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-045
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Honeycrisp, Salish); Apricots; Asian pear (Shinseiki); Cherries; Garlic and Garlic Scapes; Herbs (Basil, Oregano, Thyme); Mixed annual vegetables (Bell Peppers, Celery, Chilli Peppers, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Melon, Onions, Squash, Tomatoes (Cherry, Field, Heirloom, Roma), Zucchini); Nectarines (Earliblaze); Peaches (Crest Haven, Early Red Haven, O’Henry, Glow Haven); Plums (Black Amber, Early Italian, French Kiss, Red Heart, Santa Rosa, Shiro, French Prune, Peach Plum); Table Grapes; Walnuts
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-044
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Akane, Ambrosia, Aurora, Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, Macintosh Salish, Sunrise) Asian Pears (Olympic, Shinsieki); Nectarines (Redgold); Peaches (Early Red Haven, Glohaven, Harbrite); Plums (Black Amber, Duarte, Friar, Gold, Peach, Red Heart, Shiro); Juice - Asian Pear
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-909
Certified by: PACS
Location: Oliver
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Gala); Cherries (Cristalina, Lapin, Rainier, Santina, Vans); Wine Grapes (Gewürztraminer, Merlot)
BCCOP transitional: Wine Grapes (Merlot);
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1023
Certified by: PACS
Location: Chilliwack
COR certified: Dairy Herd (Milking Cows, Breeding Stock and Replacement Stock); Fluid Milk; Hay; Hay Sileage; Pasture;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1029
Certified by: PACS
Location: Langley
COR certified: 6 Grain Multigrain (Wild Thing); Baguette (Naked); Ciabatta (Pillow Talk); Country White (Missionary); Focaccia (Skinny Dipper); French Country Miche (French Kiss); Light Rye; Marquis; Rosemary Ciabatta (Pillow Talk); San Francisco Sourdough (Cheeky); Seed Bread (Love Birds); Spelt (Happily Ever After); White Buns; White Burger Buns (Burger Buddies); Whole Grain and Honey (The Birds and The Bees); Whole Wheat Buns; Whole Wheat Sourdough (Soulmate); Bulk Products (not for sale):; Biga (Preferment); Miche (Preferment); Poolish (2 Day); Poolish (With Yeast); Rye Levain; Sponge (Preferment); Sourdough Starter; 100 Mile (Love at First Bite); Brioche Buns (Brioche Buddies); Brioche Three-Braid Loaf; Chocolate Bread; Cranberry Semolina (Sweetheart); Olive Bread (Olive You Forever); Pecan Flax (Sleepless in Seattle); Sprouted Wheat (Nooner);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1105
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Saanichton
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Herbs, Apples, Pears, Plums, Blueberries, Jostaberries, Melons, Seeds (Vegetable, Flower, Herb), Poultry: Layers-Eggs
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-179
Certified by: PACS
Location: Naramata
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Braeburn, Cripps Pink, Early Gold, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, Macintosh, Newton Pippin, Red Delicious, Royal Gala, Salish, Spartan, Sunrise, Pink Lady); Cider Apples (Dolgo Crab); Peaches (Paul Friday); Pears (Bartlett, Bosc, D’Anjou, Felmish Beauty); Plums (Late Prune Plum)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1960
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Saanichton
BCCOP certified: Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant, Rhubarb, Salad Greens, Spinach, Kale, Chard, Onion, Garlic, Leeks, Carrots, Squash, Corn, Broccoli, Radish, Turnips, Beans, Peas, Asparagus, Cucumber. Herbs: Cilantro, Sage, Rosemary, Chives, Oregano. Berries: Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries.
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1013
Certified by: PACS
Location: Salmon Arm
COR certified: Apples; Garlic; Peaches; Plums, prune; Pumpkins; Squash;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-749
Certified by: PACS
Location: Midway
COR certified: Garlic (bulbs, bulbils, seed); Beans (Nez Pierce);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-073
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Sorrento
BCCOP certified: Hay
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-301
Certified by: PACS
Location: Port Coquitlam
COR certified: Custom Preparation and Packaging of Private Label products
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-23-230
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Upper Squamish Valley Rd
BCCOP certified: fruit, vegetables
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-433
Certified by: PACS
Location: Oliver
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Golden Delicious, Gravenstein, Red Delicious, Tydeman); Apples - Cider (Cox’s Orange Pippin, Dabinette, Winesap); Apricots (Blenheim, Goldbar, Goldrich, Goldstrike, Perfection, Rival, Skaha); Cherries (Lambert, Stella, Van); Nectarines (Independence); Peaches (Blazing Star, Crest Haven, Early Red Haven, Fair Haven, Glo Haven, Red Globe, Rising Star); Pears (Bartlett, D’Anjou, Flemish, Red Clapp); Plums (Golden, Santa Rosa); Prunes (Early Italian, Late Italian)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-513
Certified by: PACS
Location: Oliver
COR certified: Annual Herb & Vegetable Seedlings (Basil, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Celery, Eggplant, Melons, Peppers); Cucumbers, Long English; Cucumbers, Mini
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-532
Certified by: PACS
Location: Westbank
COR certified: Wine Grapes include:; Chardonnay; Gewürztraminer; Lemberger; Nebbiolo; Pinot Gris; Pinot Noir; Riesling; Zweigelt; Bottled wines include:; 2019 Vintage:; Blauer Montag; Farm Band (white wine); Frosted Gewurztraminer; Gewurztraminer; Heritage Chardonnay; Pinot Gris; Riesling Gewurztraminer; Sauvage Pinot Gris; Unoaked Chardonnay; Unplugged White; 2020 Vintage Wines:; Ever After Rosé; Inclusive Blend; Merlot; Pink Pinot Gris; Pinot Gris; Pinot Noir; Unoaked Chardonnay; Volcanic Chardonnay; 2021 Vintage: Blauer Montag; Ever After Rose; Farm Band (white wine); Gewurztraminer; Pinot Gris; Pinot Gris Unoaked Chardonnay; Pinot Noir; Riesling; Unoaked Chardonnay; Wild Pinot Gris; 2022 Vintage Wines:; 2022 Ancestral Sparkling; 2022 Frozen; 2022 Gewürztraminer; 2022 Heritage Rose; 2022 Pink Pinot Gris; 2022 Pinot Gris; 2022 Riesling;
BCCOP certified: Bottled wines include:; 2019 Pinot Noir; 2019 Wild Riesling; 2020 Riesling;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-626
Certified by: PACS
Location: Coldstream
BCCOP certified: Attestation of Compliance - Custom pressing, pasteurizing and packaging of fruit juices: Apple, Apricot, Blackberry, Blackcurrant, Blueberry, Cherry, Haskap berry, Nectarine, Peach, Pear, Plum, Raspberry, Strawberry, Quince. Custom pressing, pasteurizing and packaging of vegetable juices: beet, carrot, ginger, rhubarb; Custom pressing, Wine
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1062
Certified by: PACS
Location: Abbotsford
COR certified: Mixed Annual Vegetables (Arugula, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, eggplant, green onions, leeks, mizuna, peppers, potatoes, salad mix, spinach, squash, tomatoes); Herbs (Basil, cilantro, dill, ginger); Apples (Golden Delicious, McIntosh, Spartan); Pears (Bartlett); Raspberries;
BCCOP certified: Mixed Annual Vegetables (Arugula, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, eggplant, green onions, leeks, mizuna, peppers, potatoes, salad mix, spinach, squash, tomatoes); Herbs (Basil, cilantro, dill, ginger); Apples (Golden Delicious, McIntosh, Spartan); Pears (Bartlett); Raspberries;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-2005
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP certified: Vegetables and vegetable transplants, Garlic, Strawberries
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-775
Certified by: PACS
Location: Penticton
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Gala); Peaches (Red Globe, Suncrest)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-226
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Monte Creek
BCCOP certified: Garlic, Hay, Pasture
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-536
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Cawston
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Herbs, Tree Fruits, Walnuts
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-566
Certified by: PACS
Location: Richmond
COR certified: Preparation and packaging of Organika branded products; Ashwagandha Root Powder; Chlorella Broken Cell Powder; Coconut Sauce; Lion’s Mane Mushroom Powder; Maca Powder; Maca + Cacao Powder; Reishi Mushroom Powder; Spirulina Powder; Tremella Mushroom Powder
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1963
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Sooke
BCCOP certified: Orchard Fruits: Apple, Cherry, Pear, Apricot, Peach, Walnut, Plum, Fig, Sweet Almond, Mulberry, Lemon, Olive Berries: Blueberry, Strawberry, Tayberry, Loganberry Marionberry, Brambleberry, Gooseberry, Chokeberry, Black Elderberry, Bilberry, Black Currant, Red Currant, Seabuckthorn, Goji berry, Hawthorn berry, Oregon Grape Berries, Miscellaneous: Grapes, Strawberry Guava, Transplants: Annual or perennial stock Cereal Grains: Quinoa, Chia, Lentils Vegetables: Potatoes, Beans, Corn, Popping Corn, Squash, Brassicas, Peas, Rhubarb, Artichoke, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Lettuce, Arugula, Brocilla, Spinach, Bok Choy, NZ Spinach, Asparagus, Onion, Radish, Endive, Celery, Cabbage, Saurkraut Cabbage, Kale, Garlic Flowers, Seeds and bedding plants, Sea Globe Herbs: Lemon Verbena, Live For Ever, Baizhu, Self Heal, Meadow Sweet, Golden Rod, Marsh Mellow, Hollyhock, Olive Leaf, Mullen, Marla Root, Mugwort, Milk Thistle, Colts Foot, Cleavers, Oregon Grape Root, Absinthe (Artemisia absinthium), Ladies Mantle, Sorrel, Parsley, Wild Rose Flowers, Dandelion, Arnica, Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, He Shewu, Shizandra, Poke Root, Horehound, Wormwood, Basil, Ginger, Rose Geranium, Lemon Grass
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-938
Certified by: PACS
Location: Osoyoos
COR certified: Wine grapes (Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Merlot, Petite Verdot, Muscadelle, Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon)
BCCOP transitional: Wine Grapes (Sauvignon Blanc)
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-661
Certified by: PACS
Location: Victoria
COR certified: Grain (Winter Wheat - seeded as a cover crop); Processing of; Ground almond cake; Ground black sesame seed cake; Ground flax cake; Ground hazelnut cake; Ground pumpkin seed cake; Ground sesame seed cake; Ground sunflower seed cake; Ground walnut cake; Almond oil slurry; Black sesame seed oil slurry; Flax oil sludge; Hazelnut oil slurry; Pumpkin seed oil slurry; Sesame seed oil slurry; Sunflower seed oil slurry; Walnut oil slurry; Processing of the following butters: Almond Butter, Black Sesame Seed Butter, Cayenne Tomato Habanero Sesame Butter, Hazelnut Butter, Pumpkin-Flax Cycling Seed Butter, Pumpkin Seed Butter, Sesame Seed Butter, Sesame Seed Habanero Butter, Sesame Seed Sunflower Cycling Seed Butter, Sunflower Seed Butter, Sunflower Seed-Tomato- Garlic-Basil Butter, Walnut Butter; Coconut Flour; Processing of the following oils: Almond Oil, Black Cumin Seed Oil, Black Sesame Seed Oil, Borage Seed Oil, Camelina Seed Oil, Cashew Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Garlic Scape Infused Raw Sesame Oil, Hazelnut Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Herbs de Provence Infused Raw Sesame Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil, Milk Thistle Seed Oil, Pecan Nut Oil, Pistachio Oil, Poppy Seed Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Sesame Seed Oil, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Ghost Pepper, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Citrus-Habanero Chili, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Habanero Chili, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Jalapeno Pepper, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Lemon, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Rosemary & Garlic, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Scorpion Chili, Sichuan-Chipotle Pepper Infused Poppy Seed Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil infused with Cayenne Pepper, Vanilla-Orange Infused Almond Oil, Virgin Coconut Oil, Walnut Oil
BCCOP certified: Borage; Grain (malting barley); Processing of:; Ground almond cake; Ground black sesame seed cake; Ground flax cake; Ground hazelnut cake; Ground pumpkin seed cake; Ground sesame seed cake; Ground sunflower seed cake; Ground walnut cake; Almond oil slurry; Black sesame seed oil slurry; Flax oil sludge; Hazelnut oil slurry; Pumpkin seed oil slurry; Sesame seed oil slurry; Sunflower seed oil slurry; Walnut oil slurry; Processing of the following butters: Almond Butter, Black Sesame Seed Butter, Cayenne Tomato Habanero Sesame Butter, Hazelnut Butter, Pumpkin-Flax Cycling Seed Butter, Pumpkin Seed Butter, Sesame Seed Butter, Sesame Seed Habanero Butter, Sesame Seed Sunflower Cycling Seed Butter, Sunflower Seed Butter, Sunflower Seed-Tomato- Garlic-Basil Butter, Walnut Butter; Coconut Flour; Processing of the following oils: Almond Oil, Black Cumin Seed Oil, Black Sesame Seed Oil, Borage Seed Oil, Camelina Seed Oil, Cashew Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Garlic Scape Infused Raw Sesame Oil, Hazelnut Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Herbs de Provence Infused Raw Sesame Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil, Milk Thistle Seed Oil, Pecan Nut Oil, Pistachio Oil, Poppy Seed Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Sesame Seed Oil, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Ghost Pepper, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Citrus-Habanero Chili, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Habanero Chili, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Jalapeno Pepper, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Lemon, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Rosemary & Garlic, Sesame Seed Oil infused with Scorpion Chili, Sichuan-Chipotle Pepper Infused Poppy Seed Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil infused with Cayenne Pepper, Vanilla-Orange Infused Almond Oil, Virgin Coconut Oil, Walnut Oil
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-369
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Lake Country
BCCOP certified: Plums
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-914
Certified by: PACS
Location: Prince George
BCCOP certified: Cover Crop (White Clover); Mixed Vegetables (Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Carrots, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Fennel, Garlic, Herbs, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leek, Lettuce, Okra, Onions, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Radish, Romaine, Rutabaga, Spinach, Squash, Swiss Chard, Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Turnips, Zucchini); Strawberries;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1010
Certified by: PACS
Location: Port Coquitlam
COR certified: Organic Coconut Sugar; Organic Buttery Steak House Blend; Organic Garlic Salt; Organic The Blend Bulk
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-319
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Powell River
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Herbs, Salad Greens, Strawberries, Annual transplants, Mushrooms, Rhubarb, Raspberries, Microgreens
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-361
Certified by: PACS
Location: Oliver
COR certified: Wine grapes (Chardonnay, Gamay Noir, Gewürztraminer, Marechal Foch, Petit Arvine, Pinot Erige, Pinot Noir, Riesling, Petite Arvine, Gamaret, , Cabernet Franc)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1931
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Black Creek
BCCOP certified: Vegetables and Vegetable Transplants, Culinary Herbs and Herb Transplants, Apples, Pears, Plums, Rhubarb, Walnuts.
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-166
Certified by: PACS
Location: Armstrong
COR certified: Emmer Wheat (grain, seed); Flax; Hard Red Spring Wheat; Herbs (fresh, dried, frozen) (Cilantro and Milky Oats); Rye (grain, seed); Spelt (grain, seed); Straw
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-813
Certified by: PACS
Location: Hudson's Hope
COR certified: Barley; Hay; Oats; Peas; Wheat
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-639
Certified by: PACS
Location: Sorrento
COR certified: Forage (hay, haylage, pasture forage, seed); Barley and/or Peas (grain, silage, seeds straw); Corn (silage); Fall Rye (seed, silage); Dairy herd (breeding stock, milking cows, replacement stock, calves); Fluid milk
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 2003
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Saanich
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Strawberries, Raspberries
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-934
Certified by: PACS
Location: Pemberton
BCCOP certified: Mixed vegetables (Beets, Carrots, Kale, Lettuce, Onions, Pumpkins, Radish, Turnips)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-935
Certified by: PACS
Location: Pemberton
BCCOP certified: Mixed vegetables (Beets, Carrots, Lettuce, Pumpkins, Radish, Turnips)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-936
Certified by: PACS
Location: Pemberton
BCCOP certified: Buckwheat (cover crop); Mixed vegetables (Beets, Carrots, Lettuce, Pumpkins, Radish, Turnips)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-724
Certified by: PACS
Location: Prespatou
COR certified: Wheat Barley Hay Straw (barley, oat, wheat) Clover (seed, hay) Silage - Pea/Oat blend
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-007
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Armstrong
BCCOP certified: Mixed Produce and Vegetables, Fruit, Soft Fruit, Roots, Nuts
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-371
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Pemberton
BCCOP certified: Fruit: Apples, Rhubarb, Strawberries Herbs & Vegetables: Arugula, Asian Greens, Basil, Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Broccoli Rabe, Broccolini, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chives, Cilantro, Claytonia, Collards, Corn, Cucumbers, Daikon, Dill, Eggplant, Fennel, Flowers, Garlic Scapes, Garlic, Ginger, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lemon Balm, Lettuce, Melons, Microgreens, Mint, Mustard Greens, Green Onions, Storage Onions, Oregano, Savory, Sugar Snap Peas, Sunchokes, Sweet Onions, Parsley, Parsnips, Pea Shoots, Dried Peppers, Peppers, Potatoes, Radicchio, Radishes, Rosemary, Rutabaga, Sage, Shallots, Spinach, Summer Squash, Sunflower Shoots, Winter Squash, Swiss Chard, Tarragon, Thyme, Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Turnips
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1097
Certified by: PACS
Location: Agassiz
COR certified: Acacia Fibre Acai Berry (powder) Acerola (powder) Alfalfa Grass (powder) Amla (powder) Apple (powder) Ashwagandha (powder) Banana Flower Barley Grass (powder) Basil (powder) Blueberry (powder) Broccoli (powder) Cacao (powder) Camu Camu (powder) Carrot (powder) Chaga Mushroom (powder) Chia Seeds (dark - whole, milled) Chlorella (powder) Cocoa Nibs Coconut Flour Coconut (medium, shredded) Coconut Oil Coffee (extract) Cordyceps Mushroom (powder, extract) Cumin Seed (powder) Cranberry (powder) Curry (powder) Flax Seeds, Brown (milled) Flax Seeds, Golden (whole) Gotu kola (powder) Hemp Hearts (hulled hemp seeds) Kale (powder) Lemon (powder) Lime (powder) Lions Mane Mushroom (powder) Lucuma (powder) Maca (powder) Maqui Berry (powder) Matcha (Japan) (powder) Moringa (powder) Oat Flour Orange Juice (powder) Pea Protein Pomegranate (powder) Psyllium (powder) Pumpkin Protein (powder) Quinoa, seeds - sprouted Raspberry (powder) Red Beet (powder) Reishi Mushroom (powder) Rhodiola (powder) Shatavari (powder) Spinach (powder) Spirulina (powder) Tomato (powder) Turkey Tail Mushroom (powder) Turmeric (powder) Wheat Grass (powder)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-331
Certified by: PACS
Location: South Surrey
COR certified: Hay / haylage; Wild blackberries
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-19-216
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Chilliwack
BCCOP certified: fruit, vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-353
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Williams Lake
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Herbs, Salad Mix, Microgreens
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-592
Certified by: PACS
Location: Chilliwack
COR certified: Avalon Blueberry Yogurt Fruit Base (YFB); Avalon Lemon Yogurt Fruit Base (YFB); Avalon Peach Yogurt Fruit Base (YFB); Avalon Raspberry Yogurt Fruit Base (YFB); Avalon Strawberry Yogurt Fruit Base (YFB); Organic Blueberry Bayco Filling; Olympic Dairy (Ultima) Blueberry Yogurt Fruit Base (YFB); Olympic Dairy (Ultima) Coconut Yogurt Fruit Base (YFB); Olympic Dairy (Ultima) Lemon Yogurt Fruit Base (YFB); Olympic Dairy (Ultima) Mango Yogurt Fruit Base (YFB); Olympic Dairy (Ultima) Organic Raspberry Filling ; Raspberry Bayco Filling; Olympic Dairy (Ultima) Raspberry Yogurt Fruit Base (YFB); Olympic Dairy (Ultima) Strawberry Yogurt Fruit Base (YFB); Olympic Dairy (Ultima) Vanilla Syrup (Kefir base)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1021
Certified by: PACS
Location: Vancouver
COR certified: Preparation, packaging and labelling of the organic teas, including:; Organic Teas (Loose Tea Products); Bvlgari Organic Mamaki Passionfruit Green Tea; Organic Apple Pie Green Tea; Organic Ashwagandha Beetroot Boost Herbal Tea; Organic Chamomile Flowers Herbal Tea; Organic Emperor’s Jasmine White Tea; Organic English Breakfast Black Tea; Organic Golden Turmeric Chai Herbal Tea; Organic Health & Well-Being Green Tea; Organic Jasmine Pearl White Tea; Organic Lychee Green Tea; Organic Pear Tree Green Tea; Organic Peppermint Leaves Herbal Tea; Organic Sugar Plum Fairy Herbal Tea; Organic Vanilla Rooibos Herbal Tea; Organic Wild Dandelion Cocoa Herbal Tea; Organic Wild Strawberry Green Tea; Refreshing Pineapple Mint Green Iced Tea (Sachets);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-061
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Vernon
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Bedding Plants, Herbs, Grains, Fruits, Spelt Flour
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-507
Certified by: PACS
Location: Delta
COR certified: Processing and packaging of the following products:; Blue Tortilla Chips; Carnival Tortilla Chips; Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Tortilla Chips; Garden Salsa Tortilla Chips; Grain Free Nacho Tortilla Chips; Grain Free Sea Salt Tortilla Chips; Grain Free Squeeze of Lime Tortilla Chips; Jalapeno & Lime Tortilla Chips; Nacho Tortilla Chips; O’Canada (Red & White Corn) Tortilla Chips; Red Tortilla Chips; Saint Jean Baptiste (Blue & White Corn) Tortilla Chips; Salted Tortilla Chips; Salted Tortilla Chips Rounds; Sweet & Spicy Ranch Tortilla Chips; Thin & Crispy Nacho Tortilla Chips; Thin & Crispy Sea Salt Tortilla Chips; Thin & Crispy Twist of Lime Tortilla Chips; Thin & Crispy Sweet & Spicy Ranch; Unsalted Tortilla Chips; Unsalted Tortilla Chips Rounds; White Tortilla Chips; Yellow Tortilla Chips;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-856
Certified by: PACS
Location: Armstrong
COR certified: Baking:; Cocoa powder; Coconut palm sugar; Coconut (medium shred); Coconut Chips (dried, raw); Dark chocolate chips, 55% cacao; Dark chocolate wafers, 70% cacao; Date pieces (rolled in oat flower); Date pieces (rolled in rice flour); Date sugar; Golden cane sugar; Hemp Seed Powder Raw 50% protein; Milk chocolate wafers, 41% cacao; White chocolate wafers, 40% cacao; Pumpkin Seed Powder Raw 65% protein; Whole brown sugar; Confection:; Dark chocolate almonds; Date nut rolls; Gummy cubs; Licorice (rolls) Dried Beans:; Bean, black; Bean, kidney; Bean, navy; Dried Fruit:; Apple chips; Apple rings; Apricots (jumbo); Apricots (sundried); Banana chips; Bananas (diced; whole dried); Blueberries (cane sweetened; wild harvest); Cherries (Bing, pitted; tart, pitted, juice sweetened); Cranberries (cane sweetened; juice sweetened); Currants; Dates (Barhi); Dates (Deglet, pitted; Deglet, whole natural); Dates (Medjool, large); Dates (Blonde); Figs (Black Mission; Golden, Smyrna); Ginger (chunks/rounds, sweetened; crystallized chunks, sweetened; crystallized diced, sweetened); Goji berries; Golden berries; Kiwi; Mangoes (natural, diced; natural, sliced); Mulberries (white); Oranges (sliced); Peaches (sliced); Pears (sliced); Persimmons (sliced); Pineapple rings; Prunes (pitted); Raisins (Sultana, Thompson); Tomatoes (sun-dried); Nuts:; Almonds (dry roasted; honey glazed, natural, sliced; raw, supreme); Brazil nuts; Cashews (dry roasted; raw, pieces; raw, whole); Cashews (salted, roasted); Hazelnuts (dry roasted; raw); Macadamia nuts (raw, whole); Peanuts (dry roasted, blanched); Pecans (baby halves, raw; pieces, raw, jumbo halves raw); Pine nuts (raw); Pistachios (dry roasted, salted, in shell; raw, shelled); Walnuts (halves & pieces, raw); Seeds:; Chia seeds (black); Flax seeds (brown); Hemp seeds (raw, hulled); Pumpkin seeds (Austrian, dry roasted, hulled; Austrian, raw, hulled, powder) Sesame seeds (raw, hulled; raw, natural, black) Sunflower seeds (raw, shelled, roasted salted shelled) Sunflower seeds (pasteurized) Rancho's Trail Mixes:; Rancho’s Anniversary Fruit Mix; Rancho’s Anniversary Nut Mix, Raw; Rancho’s Breakfast Mix, Raw; Rancho’s Super Antioxidant Mix, Raw; Rancho’s Trail Energy Mix with Hazelnuts; Rancho’s Tropical Mix, Raw;
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-608
Certified by: PACS
Location: Lumby
COR certified: Garlic (bulbils, bulbs, scapes, seeds, umbels); Hay
BCCOP certified: Garlic (bulbils, bulbs, scapes, seeds, umbels)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1503
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP certified: Vegetables and Vegetable Transplants, Seeds, Blueberries, Loganberries, Marionberries, Raspberries, Sour Cherries, Strawberries, Tayberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Preserves, Herbs, Flowers, Annual and Perennial Transplants, Corn Relish, Dilly Beans, Millionaire Relish.
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-733
Certified by: PACS
Location: Chase
BCCOP certified: Garlic (Chesnok Red, Kostyn’s Red Russian, Rasa, Tibetan, Ukrainian, Yugoslavian)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-742
Certified by: PACS
Location: Salmo
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp, Liberty, Lodi Transparent, Winter Banana); Apples (Aurora Golden, Nicola, Pacific Gala, Royal Gala); Garlic (Chesnok Red, Italian, Majestic, Music, Red Russian); Garlic Scapes; Hot Peppers (California Wonder, Caroline Reaper, Ghost Chili, Habanero Mild, Hungarian Hot Wax, Jalapeño Hot, Jalapeño Mild, Jewell Bell, Trinidad Hot Moruga Scorpion); Mixed Vegetables; Pears; Potted Herbs (Basil, Camomile, Cilantro, Dill, Echinacea, Lemon Balm, Licorice Mint, Mint, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Spearmint, Thyme); Potted Annuals seedlings (Cucumber, Nasturtiums, Peppers, Tomatoes);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-516
Certified by: PACS
Location: Lillooet
BCCOP certified: Apples (Blenheim Orange, Fiesta, Gala, Gravenstein, Honeycrisp, Jonagold, Lodi, McIntosh, Rome Beauty, Wolf River); Cider Apples (Dolgo Crab Apple, James Grieve, Fiesta, Idared Crab, Lord Lambourne, Ribston Pippen, Reine de Pommes); Apricots; Cherries; Pears (Asian, Bartlett, Bosc, Conference, Seckel); Plums (Golden Egg, Green Gage, Italian Prune Plum)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-308
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Maple Ridge
BCCOP certified: Apples, Eggs, Pasture, Fruit (Rhubarb, Strawberries), Mixed Vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-977
Certified by: PACS
Location: Delta
BCCOP certified: Cut Flowers, Foliage and Ornamental Botanicals; Seedlings;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-061
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples: Ambrosia, Aztec Fuji, Braeburn, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, MacIntosh, Pink Lady, Salish, Spartan, Sunrise; Nectarines: Red Gold, Sweet Scarlet; Peaches: Red Globe, Suncrest; Pears: D’Anjou, Bartlett, Bosc, Flemish; Plums: Early Italian, Late Italian, President; Prunes
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-1065
Certified by: PACS
Location: Fort Steele
BCCOP certified: Berries (aronia, blueberries, elderberries, haskaps, strawberries); Cattle (beef); Grapes, Table; Grapes, Wine (Marant, L'acadie Blanc, Sabrevois, Solaris); Pasture; Tree Fruit (apples, apricots, cherries, pears, plums);
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-227
Certified by: PACS
Location: Keremeos
COR certified: Table grapes (Skookum, Sooke, Sovereign Coronation); Wine grapes (Chardonnay, Gamay, Gewürtztraminer, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Syrah); Wine grapes (Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Petite Verdot, Riesling, Viognier); Vintage Year 2018 Wines:; 2018 Collage; 2018 Riesling; 2018 Chardonnay; 2018 Flicker; 2018 Pinot Noir; 2018 Gamay; Vintage Year 2019 Wines:; 2019 Riesling; 2019 Gewürztraminer ; 2019 Chardonnay; 2019 Pinot Noir; 2019 Gamay; 2019 Cabernet Franc - Merlot; 2019 Frigate Meritage; Vintage Year 2020 Wines:; 2020 Chardonnay; 2020 Cabernet Franc - Merlot; 2020 Fab Five; 2020 Flamingo; 2020 Frigate Meritage; 2020 Gamay; 2020 Pinot Noir; 2020 Riesling; 2020 Viognier; Vintage Year 2021 Wines:; 2021 Flamingo Rosé; 2021 Chardonnay; 2021 Fantail Late Harvest Chardonnay; 2021 Flicker Merlot Rosé; 2021 Gamay; 2021 Gewürztraminer; 2021 Pinot Noir; 2021 Riesling; 2021 Viognier Vintage Year 2022 Wines:; 2022 Flamingo; 2022 Chardonnay; 2022 Flicker; 2022 Gamay; 2022 Gewürztraminer; 2022 Pinot Noir; 2022 Riesling; 2022 Viognier;
BCCOP certified: Table grapes (Sovereign Coronation, Sooke, Skookum)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-229
Certified by: NOOA
Location: McBride
BCCOP certified: Lamb, Beef, Pasture
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-378
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
COR certified: Wine grapes (Chardonnay, Merlot, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Viogner); Preparation and Packaging of:; 2018 Organic Estate Pinot Blanc Icewine; 2019 Organic Estate Blanc de Merlot; 2019 Organic Estate Chardonnay; 2019 Organic Estate Pinot Blanc; 2019 Organic Estate Pinot Gris; 2019 Organic Pinot Blanc Icewine; 2020 Organic Estate Blanc de Merlot; 2020 Organic Estate Pinot Gris; 2021 Organic Estate Chardonnay; 2021 Organic Estate Pinot Blanc; 2021 Organic Estate Pinot Gris; 2021 Organic Estate Blanc de Merlot
BCCOP certified: Wine grapes (Chardonnay, Merlot, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Viogner); Preparation and Packaging of:; 2018 Organic Estate Pinot Blanc Icewine; 2019 Organic Estate Blanc de Merlot; 2019 Organic Estate Chardonnay; 2019 Organic Estate Pinot Blanc; 2019 Organic Estate Pinot Gris; 2019 Organic Pinot Blanc Icewine; 2020 Organic Estate Blanc de Merlot; 2020 Organic Estate Pinot Gris; 2021 Organic Estate Chardonnay; 2021 Organic Estate Pinot Blanc; 2021 Organic Estate Pinot Gris; 2021 Organic Estate Blanc de Merlot
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-638
Certified by: PACS
Location: Pemberton
COR certified: Garlic; Grains: (Winter Rye); Herbs: (Basil, Cilantro, Dill, Parsley); Vegetable: (Arugula, Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Chard, Celeriac, Collard, Corn, Cucumber, Fava Beans, Fennel, Garlic, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce, Melons, Onions, Parsnips, Peas, Pea Shoots, Peppers, Potatoes, Radishes, Radicchio, Rutabaga, Salad Greens, Shallots, Spinach, Squash, Summer Squash, Tomatoes, Turnip, Zucchini)
BCCOP certified: Garlic; Grains: (Winter Rye); Herbs: (Basil, Cilantro, Dill, Parsley); Vegetable: (Arugula, Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Chard, Celeriac, Collard, Corn, Cucumber, Fava Beans, Fennel, Garlic, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce, Melons, Onions, Parsnips, Peas, Pea Shoots, Peppers, Potatoes, Radishes, Radicchio, Rutabaga, Salad Greens, Shallots, Spinach, Squash, Summer Squash, Tomatoes, Turnip, Zucchini)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-149
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Grindrod
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables (Asparagus to Zucchini) Raspberries, Rhubarb
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-367
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Armstrong
BCCOP certified: Pasture, Chickens, Turkey
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1002
Certified by: PACS
Location: Osoyoos
COR certified: Apricots
BCCOP certified: Apricots
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-132
Certified by: PACS
Location: Charlie Lake
COR certified: Forage (hay/pasture); Grain (feed or seed: barley, oats, peas, wheat); Straw; Alfalfa;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-606
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (1st Century, Ambrosia, Braeburn, Fuji, Gala, Rubinette, Sunrise); Garlic
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-244
Certified by: PACS
Location: North Saanich
COR certified: Blueberries (Duke, Reka) – Fresh and frozen
BCCOP certified: Blueberries (Duke, Reka) – Fresh and frozen
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-330
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Cripps Pink, Gala, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Ruby Mac, Sunrise); Apricots (Gold Strike, Tomcot); Cherries (Chelan, Christalina, Santina, Skeena, Staccato); Nectarines (Fantasia, Fire Bright, Independence, Red Gold); Peaches (Angeles, Crest Haven, Early Red Haven, Glo Haven, Red Haven, Sun Crest); Pears (Bartlett, Bosc, D’Anjou, Flemish, Green Clap, Starkrimson); Prune Plums (Early, Stanley)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-332
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Salmon Arm
BCCOP certified: Salad mix (Warrior, Buddha bowl, Zen, Goddess), Arugula, Beets, Kale, Lettuce, Spinach, Tatsoi, Edible flowers, Microgreens (Mustard, Radish, Cress, Sunflowers) Peppers, Tomatoes, Carrots, Onions, Leeks, Cucumber, Celery
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-839
Certified by: PACS
Location: Summerland
COR certified: Wine Grapes(Gewürztraminer, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir); Processing of the following wines:; Vintage Year 2020:; 2020 Ancestral Method Pinot Gris; 2020 Cabernet Franc; 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon; 2020 Field Blend; 2020 Pinot Noir; 2020 Syrah; Vintage Year 2021:; 2021 Gewürztraminer; 2021 Pinot Gris; 2021 Direct Press Field Blend; 2021 Carbonic Gewürztraminer; 2021 Macerated Field Blend; Vintage Year 2022:; 2022 Gewürztraminer - packed; 2022 Field Blend - packed; 2022 Barrel Fermented Pinot Gris - packed; 2022 Rhymes with Orange 7 Day – packed; 2022 Rhymes with Orange 25 Day – in barrels; 2022 Pinot Noir – in barrels; 2022 Carbonic Malbec - packed; 2022 Malbec Rosé - packed; 2022 Syrah - packed; 2022 Merlot 1st Pick - packed; 2022 Merlot 2nd Pick – packed; 2022 Pinot Gris – in barrels; 2022 Whole Cluster Pinot Noir - packed; 2022 Whole Berry Pinot Noir - packed; 2022 Chardonnay - packed; 2022 Chardonnay Pét-Nat; 2022 Carbo Merlot - packed;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0090
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Salmo
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Small Fruit
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-040
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Fuji, Gala, Jonagold, Sunrise); Plums (Prune)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1914
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Salt Spring Island
BCCOP certified: Apples, Apple Trees, Scion Wood, Blackberries, Stinging Nettle, Hops, Rhubarb, Apple Chips, Apple Jelly, Apple Butter, Apple Sauce, Apple Cider, Cider with Stinging Nettles, Cider with Hops, Cider with Blackberries, Carbonated Apple Juice.
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-228
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Grand Forks
BCCOP certified: Garlic, Vegetables, Herbs, Tree Fruits, Berries, Teas, Herb/Vegetable Powders, Mulberries, Haskaps, Seabuckthorn berries, Teas Rhodiola, Rue, Maralroot, Ginkgo, Wildcrafting
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-919
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Gala, Granny Smith, McIntosh, Red Delicious, Fuji, Cripps Pink)
BCCOP transitional: Plums: Italian, Early Italian
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-338
Certified by: PACS
Location: Venables Valley
BCCOP certified: Fruit (Haskaps, raspberries, rhubarb); Mixed vegetable (asparagus, beans, beets, carrots, potatoes, squash, zucchini)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-359
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Kelowna
BCCOP certified: Wine Grapes - Pinot Noir
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1920
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Vegetable Seedlings and Transplants, Vegetable Seeds, Herbs, Apples, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Flower Seeds, Beets, Carrots, Garlic, Potatoes, Salad Greens, Winter Squash.
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-861
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
COR certified: Apples: Ambrosia, Gala, McIntosh/Ruby Red; Cider apples: Dolgo, Hyslop
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-700
Certified by: PACS
Location: Oliver
COR certified: Berries (Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, and Strawberries); Cover Crops (Rye, Vetch); Garlic; Herbs (Basil, Dill); Mixed Vegetables (Beans, Beets, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage (red, green), Carrots, Celery, Corn, Cucumbers (Slicing, Pickling, Lemon), Eggplant, Ginger, Gourds, Melons, Okra, Onions (Sweet, Storage, Red, Green), Peas, Peppers (Sweet Bell, Hot), Potatoes, Pumpkins (Sugar Pie), Squash (Summer & Winter), Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes (Cherry, Grape, Roma, Plum, Heirloom, Round), Tomatillos, Turmeric, Watermelon, Zucchini); Peaches (Cresthaven, Early Redhaven, Firebright, Glohaven, Hardried, O’Henry, PF1, Redhaven, Risingstar, Starfire); Table Grapes (Concord, Coronation, Himrod, Juniper, Neptune, Sovereign, Venus, VRIC); Tree Fruits (Nectarines & Peaches)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-542
Certified by: PACS
Location: Sorrento
COR certified: Garlic (Chesnok Red, Deep Purple, Elephant, Italian, Red Russian, Tibetan, Yugoslavian); Hop Rhizomes (Brewer’s Gold, Cascade, Centennial, Chinook, Crystal, Fuggle, Hallertauer, Magnum, Mt. Hood, Nugget, Pearl, Saaz, Sterling, Tettnanger, Willamette, and Zeus); Shallots; Vegetables (Beets, brassicas, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, kale, lettuce, peppers, spinach, squash, tomatoes) ; Asparagus; Strawberries;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-362
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Lillooet
BCCOP certified: Garlic, Asparagus, Herbs, Ginger Mixed Vegetables
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-499
Certified by: PACS
Location: Osoyoos
COR certified: Wine Grapes (Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, Riesling, Syrah)
BCCOP transitional: Wine Grapes [(Chardonnay (interplanted replacements), Cabernet Franc (Location #2) and Cabernet Suvignon (interplanted replacements)]
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-892
Certified by: PACS
Location: Winfield
COR certified: Grapes (Pinot Blanc);
BCCOP certified: Grapes (Pinot Blanc);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-328
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Grand Forks
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Raspberries
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-297
Certified by: PACS
Location: Salmon Arm
COR certified: Preparation and packaging of Shuswap Coffee Company Ltd brand:; Big Black Dog; Buzz Lite SW Decaf; Café Femenino Bolivia Medium/Dark; Café Femenino Columbia Medium; Café Femenino Espresso Classic Medium/Dark; Café Femenino Blend French; Café Femenino Guatemala Dark; Café Femenino Blend Medium; Café Femenino Mexico Medium; Café Femenino Mexico Medium/Dark; Café Femenino Nicaragua Medium/Dark; Café Femenino Peru Dark; Café Femenino Peru Medium; Happy Medium; Made in the Shade; Midnight Expresso; Shuswaggi; Smooth Sailing; Trailblazer; Unplugged SW Decaf; Xtreme Trailblazer; Seasonal products:; Beancracker; Belly Warmer; Rudolph’s Remedy
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-340
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Enderby
BCCOP certified: Crop: Carrots, Potatoes, Vegetables, Vegetable, Seedlings, Microgreens Handler of Organic products
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-493
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Naramata
BCCOP certified: Apples, Pears, Peaches, Wine Grapes
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-458
Certified by: PACS
Location: Fort Steele
COR certified: Beef Cattle (breeding stock and slaughter stock); Forage (alfalfa/hay/pasture); Garlic (bulbs and scapes)
BCCOP certified: Beef Cattle (breeding stock and slaughter stock); Forage (alfalfa/hay/pasture); Garlic (bulbs and scapes)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-538
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Savona
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Herbs, Bedding Plants, Hay
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-543
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Cawston
BCCOP certified: Tree Fruit Nursery Stock : Apple, Cherry, Plum, Peach, Nectarine, Apricot
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-874
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Fuji, Gala [Brookfield, Imperial, Royal], Granny Smith, Pink Lady).
BCCOP transitional: 1804 – 1822 Highway 3, Cawston, BC Apples (Granny Smith – C Block) (Pink Lady – OS Block)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-538
Certified by: PACS
Location: Maple Ridge
BCCOP certified: Asparagus; Garlic (bulbs, scapes); Jerusalem artichoke (sunchokes); Lavender; Rhubarb; Vegetables, mixed (beets, carrots, kale, squash, tomatoes)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-223
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Richmond
BCCOP certified: Microgreens: Sunflower, Oriental Mustard, Kale, Red Cabbage, Arugula, Red Daikon Radish, Daikon Radish, Triton Radish, Ruby Stem Radish, Hard Spring Wheat (wheatgrass), Speckled Peas. Market Labels: Sexy Salad Boost, Radical Radish, Spicy Flare, Sandwich Slam Sunflower Shoots, Wicked Wheatgrass, Powerful Pea Shoots, Brilliant Blend
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-07-160
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Chilliwack
BCCOP certified: poultry
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-217
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Williams Lake
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Fruit, Teas, Flowers, Seeds
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-21-224
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Cawston
BCCOP certified: fruit, vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-471
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Oliver
BCCOP certified: Wine Grapes: Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Franc, Riesling, Merlot, Carbernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Petit Verdot
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-230
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Lytton
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Table Grapes, Apples, Pears, Apricots, Cherry, Plums, Peaches, Hardy Kiwi, Sour Cherry, Ground Cherry, Hot Pepper, Fava Beans, Pole and Bush Beans
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-288
Certified by: PACS
Location: Richmond
COR certified: Handling, storing, repackaging and distributing Earthborne brand fresh mandarin oranges
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-313
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Lillooet
BCCOP certified: Crops: Hay, Forage, Pasture, Corn Livestock: Broiler Chickens, Layers, Eggs, Turkeys, Sheep, Cattle, Pigs Breeding Stock: Cattle, Sheep Slaughter Facility: Poultry, Pork, Beef, Lamb
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-394
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Oyama
BCCOP certified: Apricots, Nectarines, Peaches, Cherries, Plums, Blackberries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Sour Cherries, Table Grapes
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1952
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Saanichton
BCCOP certified: Vegetables and Vegetable Transplants, Figs, Melons, Herbs and Seeds
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-403
Certified by: PACS
Location: Chetwynd
COR certified: Grain (barley, oats, rye, wheat); Hay; Peas; Flax; Garlic
Status: Transitional BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-1064
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cranbrook
BCCOP transitional: Pivot Field B (Location #1: 4235 Mayook Settlement Road, Cranbrook BC), Pivot Field A (Location #1: 4235 Mayook Settlement Road, Cranbrook BC)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-233
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Lytton
BCCOP certified: Garlic, Onions, Squash, Carrots, Beets, Peppers, Eggplant, Tomatoes, Basil, Cucumbers, Melons, Apples, Plums, Cherries, Apricots
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-426
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Kelowna
BCCOP certified: Table Grapes, Plums, Assorted Ground Crops
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-419
Certified by: PACS
Location: Walhachin
COR certified: Garlic; Herbs (alfalfa, mints, olive leaf, stevia); Jerusalem artichoke Drying, grinding, packaging and distributing Suede Hills brand powdered herbs including: Alfalfa powder, Garlic powder, Olive Leaf powder, Stevia powder, Sunchocke powder (Jerusalem artichoke powder); Blending, bagging, packaging and distributing Suede Hills brand teas including: Stevia Bark, Stevia Bark with Alfalfa, Stevia Bark with Chocolate Mint, Stevia Bark with Olive Leaf, Stevia Bark with Spearmint
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-903
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
BCCOP certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Discovery, Empire, Gala, Hidden Rose, Honeycrisp, Manchurian Crab, Sunrise, Empire, Royal Red Honeycrisp, Summerland Macintosh) Apples, Cider (Calville Blanc, Winesap, Winter Banana, Yellow Newton) Apricots (Goldbar, Goldrich, Perfection, Rival, Tilton) Cherries (Black Gold, Chelan, Cristalina, Jubileum, Skeena, Sweetheart, Vans, Sweetnote) Nectarines (Fantasia, Flavortop, Red Gold) Peaches (Autumnstar, Contender, Coralstar, Early RedHaven, Elberta, GloHaven, Glowingstar, J.H. Hale, RedHaven, Starfire, Coconut Ice, Galaxy) Pears (20th Century, Anjou, Bartlett, Moonglow) Plums (Duarte, Italian, President, Santa Rosa Shiro, Santa Rosa)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-406
Certified by: PACS
Location: Summerland
COR certified: Wine grapes (Kerner, Pinot Noir, Siegerrebe, Muscat Ottonel, Riesling); Bulk wine:; Kerner; Muscat Ottonel; Riesling; Siegerrebe; Vintage year 2020 wines:; Kerner; Muscat Ottonel; Riesling; Rosé; Solstice Vintage year 2021 wines:; Kerner; Muscat Ottonel; Riesling; Rosé; Solstice; Pinot Noir (bottled in 2022) Vintage year 2022 wines:; Muscat Ottonel; Riesling; Solstice;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-077
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
COR certified: Grape pomace; Wine grapes including: Cabernet Franc, Chardonnay, Ehrenfelser, French Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer, Gruner Veltliner, Merlot, Muscat Blanc, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir, Riesling, Verdelet, Zweigelt; Producing, bottling, storing and distributing Summerhill Pyramid Winery brand organic wines; Non-vintage: Cipes Brut (2015), Cipes Brut (2016), Cipes Brut (2017), Cipes Brut Nature; Cipes Brut Rose Vintage year 2007 wines: Cabernet Franc, Marechal Foch, Pinot Noir, Pinot Noir Icewine, Riesling Icewine; Vintage year 2008 wines: Alive Red, Cabernet Franc, Gewürztraminer, Grasslands Merlot (Bateman label), Marechal Foch, Meritage - “OM”, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir; Vintage year 2009 wines: Alive Red, Cabernet Franc, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Gris; Vintage year 2010 wines: Alive Red, Cabernet Franc, Gewürztraminer, Grasslands Merlot (Bateman label), Riesling, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir; Vintage year 2011 wines: Alive Red, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Noir, Small Lot Viognier; Vintage year 2012 wines: Alive Red, Alive White, Gewürztraminer, Grasslands Cabernet Sauvignon Syrah (Bateman label), Meritage - “OM”, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Tiferet, Knollvine Farm Viognier; Vintage year 2013 wines: Alive White, Baco Noir, Gewürztraminer, Knollvine Farm Viognier, Marechal Foch, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Summerhill Vineyard Chardonnay, Summerhill Vineyard Riesling; Vintage year 2014 wines: Alive Red, Alive White, Baco Noir, Cabernets, Grasslands Merlot (Bateman label), Marechal Foch, Meritage – “OM”, Meritage (Winemaker’s Series), Pinot Noir, Pinot Noir (Winemaker’s Series), Riesling, Small Lot Viognier, Summerhill Vineyard Riesling; Vintage year 2015 wines: Alive Red, Alive White, Baco Noir, Meritage (Winemaker’s Series), Pinot Noir, Riesling, Small Lot Pinot Noir, Small Lot Viognier, Summerhill Vineyard Chardonnay, Summerhill Vineyard Grüner Veltliner, Summerhill Vineyard Riesling; Vintage year 2016 wines: Alive Red, Alive White, Baco Noir, Cabernet Franc, Meritage (Winemaker’s Series), Merlot, Ner Tamid, Pinot Gris, Pinot Gris (Winemaker’s Series), Pinot Noir, Pinot Noir (Winemaker’s Series), Riesling, Small Lot Viognier, Spadefoot Toad Syrah, Summerhill Vineyard Chardonnay, Syrah Malbec Rosé, Zweigelt Icewine; Vintage year 2017 wines: Alive Red, Alive Rosé, Alive White, Baco Noir, Cabernet Franc, Gewürztraminer, Gewürztraminer (Winemaker’s Series), Marechal Foch (Heritage Series), Merlot, Pinot Gris (Winemaker’s Series), Pinot Noir, Riesling, Rosé (Winemaker’s Series), Spadefoot Toad Sangiovese, Spadefoot Toad Syrah, Summerhill Vineyard Grüner Veltliner, Summerhill Vineyard Riesling, Syrah Malbec Rosé, Tan Family Vineyard Viognier; Vintage year 2018 wines: Alive Red, Alive Rosé, Alive White, Baco Noir (Heritage Series), Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Franc (Winemaker’s Series), Gewürztraminer (Winemaker’s Series), Pinot Noir, Rosé (Winemaker’s Series), Spadefoot Toad Cabernet Sauvignon, Spadefoot Toad Sangiovese, Spadefoot Toad Syrah, Summerhill Vineyard Chardonnay, Summerhill Vineyard Grüner Veltliner (Biodynamic), Summerhill Vineyard Pinot Noir (Biodynamic), Summerhill Vineyard Riesling (Biodynamic), Syrah Malbec Rosé, Tan Family Vineyard Viognier; Vintage year 2019 wines: Alive Red, Alive Rosé, Alive White, Baco Noir (Heritage Series), Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay (Biodynamic), Merlot, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Pinot Noir (Biodynamic), Pyramid Red (Winemaker’s Series), Spadefoot Toad Cabernet Sauvignon, Spadefoot Toad Sangiovese, Spadefoot Toad Syrah, Summerhill Vineyard Grüner Veltliner (Biodynamic), Summerhill Vineyard Riesling (Biodynamic), Syrah, Syrah Malbec Rosé; Vintage year 2020 wines: Alive Red, Alive Rosé. Alive White, Baco Noir (Heritage Series), Cabernet Franch, Estate Grown Chardonnay (Biodynamic), Estate Grown Gewürztraminer (Biodynamic), Estate Grown Grüner Veltliner (Biodynamic), Estate Grown Muscat (Biodynamic), Estate Grown Pinot Noir (Biodynamic), Estate Grown Riesling (Biodynamic), Gewürztraminer, Merlot Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Pyramid White (Winemaker’s Series), Spadefoot Road Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah Malbec Rosé; Vintage year 2021 wines: Alive Rosé, Alive White, Estate Grown Chardonnay (Biodynamic), Estate Grown Gewürztraminer (Biodynamic), Estate Grown Grüner Veltliner (Biodynamic), Estate Grown Muscat (Biodynamic), Estate Grown Pinot Noir (Biodynamic), Estate Grown Riesling (Biodynamic), Gewürztraminer, Malbec Syrah Rosé; Vintage year 2022 wines: Alive Rosé, Estate Grown Biodynamic Chardonnay, Estate Grown Biodynamic Gewürztraminer, Estate Grown Biodynamic Grüner Veltliner, Estate Grown Biodynamic Muscat, Estate Grown Biodynamic, Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Heritage Series Baco Noir, Pinot Gris, Reserve Pinot Gris, Syrah Rose, Vispering Vines Riesling
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-547
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Keremeos
BCCOP certified: Garlic, Hay
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-043
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Growing, packing, and distribution of:; Apples (Ambrosia, Earligold, Empire, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honey Crisp, Macintosh, Pink Lady, Red Delicious, Spartan, Sunrise, Winesap); Apricots (Perfection, Rival); Mixed annual vegetables (Eggplant, Peppers, Pumpkins, Squash, Tomatoes, Watermelons); Peaches (Red Globe, Rising Star); Pears (Asian, Bartlett, Bosch, D’Anjou, Red Clapp); Table Grapes (Venus)
BCCOP certified: Growing, packing, and distribution of:; Apples (Ambrosia, Earligold, Empire, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honey Crisp, Pink Lady, Red Delicious, Spartan, Sunrise, Winesap); Apricots (Perfection, Rival); Mixed annual vegetables (Eggplant, Peppers, Pumpkins, Squash, Tomatoes, Watermelons); Peaches (Red Globe, Rising Star); Pears (Asian, Bartlett, Bosch, D’Anjou, Red Clapp); Table Grapes (Venus)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-952
Certified by: PACS
Location: Richmond
COR certified: Blueberries (Blue Crop, Early June, Pemberton, Rancocas)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-910
Certified by: PACS
Location: Keremeos
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Gala, Granny Smith, Honey Crisp, Macintosh, Cripps Pink); Custom processing of Apples, Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Prune Plums
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-771
Certified by: PACS
Location: Summerland
BCCOP certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Spartan)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-802
Certified by: PACS
Location: Altona
COR certified: Grains: (Barley, Oats Wheat); Forage: (Alfalfa, Clover, Grasses); Legumes: (Peas)
BCCOP transitional: Hay/Forage/Grains/Legumes
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-391
Certified by: NOOA
Location: kelowna
BCCOP certified: mixed vegetables, mixed herbs, mixed vegetable seeds, mixed herb seeds, Apricots, Apples, blueberries, blackberries, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, annual transplants, perennial transplants, small scale mixed grains
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1909
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Saanichton
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Garlic, Carrots, Squash, Peppers, Tomatoes, Cucumber, Sweet Potatoes, Sweet corn, Beets, Melons, Salad Greens, Blueberries, Apples, Figs, Herbs, Ginger, Turmeric, Lemongrass, Kale, Cabbage, Raspberries, Microgreens (Sunflower, Pea, Buckwheat, Wheat, Kale, Broccoli, Radish) Cherries and Plums
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-286
Certified by: PACS
Location: Vancouver
COR certified: Organic Extra Firm Tofu; Organic Fresh Medium Firm Tofu; Organic Pressed Tofu; Organic Silken Tofu; Custom Preparation and Packaging for Private Label Products
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-316
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Tappen
BCCOP certified: Beef Cattle: Breeding and Slaughter stock, Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye, Triticale, Hay, Squash, Potatoes, Beet seed
Status: Transitional BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-1071
Certified by: PACS
Location: Salmon Arm
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-01-137
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Cobble Hill
BCCOP certified: fruit
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-152
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Salmon Arm
BCCOP certified: Fruit: Cherries, Plums, Grapes, Pears, Apples, Blackberries, Goji, Raspberries, Strawberries, Currants, Rhubarb, Mixed Vegetables, Garlic, Potatoes, Sunchokes, Asparagus, Aronia, Cut Flowers Nursery Stock: Asparagus, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Aronia, Goji, Sunchoke, Currants, Strawberries, Horse Radish, Lovage, Elderberry, Blueberry, Blackberry
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1922
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Crofton
BCCOP certified: Vegetables and Vegetable Transplants, Herbs, Strawberries and Soil Microgreens - Pea Shoots.
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1982
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Courtenay
BCCOP certified: Vegetables and Vegetable Transplants, Apples, Pears, Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Rhubarb, Herbs and Herb Transplants, Flowers
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-510
Certified by: PACS
Location: Revelstoke
BCCOP certified: Bedding plants; Flowers (Annuals, Sunflowers); Fruit (Strawberries, Rhubarb); Garlic (Bulbs, Scapes); Herbs (Basil, Chives, Cilantro, Dill, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme); Mixed Vegetable produce and/or transplants (Artichoke, Arugula, Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Celeriac, Chard, Collards, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fennel, Green Onions, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce, Onions (Green, White), Peas (Snow, Sugar Snap), Peppers, Potatoes, Radishes, Salad Greens, Spinach, Summer Squash, Tomatillo, Tomatoes, Turnips Winter Squash, Zucchini); Poultry layers; Eggs
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-342
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Powell River
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Carrots, Lettuce, Tree Fruits: Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Figs Berries: Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries Nuts: Chestnuts, Walnuts, Hazelnuts Flowers: Sunflowers
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-130
Certified by: PACS
Location: Prince George
BCCOP certified: Beef cattle (breeding and slaughter stock); Pasture/Hay
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #:
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Duncan
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1305-2001
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Thornless Blackberry, Raspberry
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-955
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kamloops
COR certified: Wine Grapes: (Cabernet Franc, Chardonnay, Gamay Noir, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Pioneer Block Riesling, Silver Mane Riesling)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-883
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia); Apples - Crab (Dolgo); Apricots (Gold Bar, Goldcot, Hargrand, Tilton); Hazelnuts (Jefferson, Theta, Yamhill); Nectarines (Fantasia, Red Gold); Peaches (An Nong, Glohaven, O’Henry, Redhaven); Pears (20th Century, Bartlett, Chojuro, Harrow Sweet); Plums (Italian, Santa Rosa, Shiro)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-966
Certified by: PACS
Location: Vernon
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Gala, Honey Crisp, MacIntosh, Spartan); Cider Apples (Bulmer’s Norman, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Dabinette, Hyslop Crab, Kingston Black, Newton Pippin, Porter’s Perfection, Wickson Crab, Yarlington Mill);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-552
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Cawston
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Herbs, Figs, Plums, Pears, Nectarines, Melons, Plant Starts, Apples, Walnuts, Pecans, Pears, Corn, Onion, Garlic, Fennel, Kohlrabi
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1009
Certified by: PACS
Location: Abbotsford
COR certified: Kombucha Products:; Black & Blue Kombucha; Lemon & Ginger Kombucha; Peach Apricot Rooibos Kombucha; Pear & Ginger Kombucha; Tart Cherry Kombucha; Turmeric Sunshine Kombucha; Blueberry Lavender Kombucha (Seasonal); Cranberry Ginger Spice (Seasonal); Everything Nice Kombucha (Seasonal); Hibiscus & Rose Kombucha (Seasonal); Passionfruit (Seasonal); Kombucha Beverages:; Blueberry Ginger Kombucha; Herbal Ginger Kombucha; Lavender Chamomile Kombucha; Strawberry Basil Kombucha; Herbal Tea Beverages; Calm; Defence; Detox; Recovery; Stress; Focus; Refresh;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1993
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Gabriola
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Vegetable Transplants, Herbs, Rhubarb, Raspberries, Currants, Apples, Plums, Kiwis
Status: Transitional BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-202303
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP certified: Vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-217
Certified by: PACS
Location: Oliver
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Macintosh, Red Delicious); Apricots; Cherries (Bing, Index, Lambert, Lapin, Rainier, Regina, Stella, Sweetheart, Vans); Nectarines (Arctic Glo, Firebright, Flavour Top, Red Gold); Peaches (Champagne, Coral Star, Crest Haven, Early Red Haven, Elberta, Glo Haven, PF 1, Red Haven, Rising Star, Crest Haven); Pears (Bartlett, Concorde, Flemish Beauty); Plums (Black Amber, Damson, Duarte, Early and Late Prune, Golden, Santa Rosa); Table Grapes (Coronation); Wine Grapes (Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot);
BCCOP certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Macintosh, Red Delicious); Apricots; Cherries (Bing, Index, Lambert, Lapin, Rainier, Regina, Stella, Sweetheart, Vans); Nectarines (Arctic Glo, Firebright, Flavour Top, Red Gold); Peaches (Champagne, Coral Star, Crest Haven, Early Red Haven, Elberta, Glo Haven, PF 1, Red Haven, Rising Star, Crest Haven); Pears (Bartlett, Concorde, Flemish Beauty); Plums (Black Amber, Damson, Duarte, Early and Late Prune, Golden, Santa Rosa); Table Grapes (Coronation); Wine Grapes (Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-384
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Kelowna
BCCOP certified: Eggs, Vegetables, Apples, Cherry, Pear, Kiwi, Grape, Apricot, Peach Sprouts: Radish/Daikon, Kohlrabi, Broccoli, Been, Kale, Sunflower, Pea Shoots, Wheatgrass
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1995
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Salt Spring Island
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Garlic, Annual Transplants, Strawberries, Apples, Pears, Plums, Grapes, Microgreens
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-869
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cecil Lake
COR certified: Barley; Flax; Wheat; Oats;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1606
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Saanichton
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Vegetable Seeds, Vegetable Transplants, Herbs, Herb Transplants, Blackberries, Plums, Grapes, Figs and Flowers.
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-311
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Winfield
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-884
Certified by: PACS
Location: Tofino
COR certified: Beach Fire; Espresso Vodka; Jalapeño Vodka; Lavender Mint Gin; Limoncello; Old Growth Cedar Gin; Rose Hibiscus Gin; Vodka; West Coast Gin; Whiskey;
BCCOP certified: Beach Fire; Espresso Vodka; Jalapeño Vodka; Lavender Mint Gin; Limoncello; Old Growth Cedar Gin; Psychedelic Jellyfish Absinthe; Rose Hibiscus Gin; Vodka; West Coast Gin; Whiskey;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-808
Certified by: PACS
Location: Tofino
COR certified: Preparation, packaging, and labelling of Kombucha beverages including:; Apple Honeybush Kombucha; Apple Hops Kombucha; Apricot Rose Kombucha; Blackberry Honeybush Kombucha; Blueberry Lavender Kombucha; Blueberry/Raspberry Kombucha; Cherry Berry Kombucha; Ginger Lemon Kombucha; Ginger Orange Turmeric Kombucha; Ginger Turmeric Kombucha; Honeybush Kombucha; Jasmine Hibiscus Kombucha; Raspberry Kombucha; Sour Cherry Kombucha; Summerberry Kombucha; Turmeric Cherry Kombucha; Turmeric + Green Kombucha; Turmeric Raspberry Kombucha;
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-441
Certified by: PACS
Location: Keremeos
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Arlet, Aurora, Bill’s Red Flesh, Crab, Davison Gala, Geneva 163, Ginger Gold, Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp, Macintosh, Mott Pink, Mutsu, Nicola, Royal Gala, Scarlet Surprise, Sunrise, Webster’s Pink Meat); Apricots (Goldbar, Goldstrike); Asparagus; Berries (Raspberries, Strawberries); Cherries; Garlic; Hay; Herbs (Basil, Bee Balm, Borage, Catnip, Chives, Dill, Lovage, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Sage, Stevia, Tarragon, Thyme); Horseradish; Mixed Vegetables (Artichoke, Beans, Beets, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Chard, Corn, Cucumbers, Daikon, Eggplant, Greens, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Melons, Mixed Salad Greens, Okra, Onions, Parsnips, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Radish, Romaine, Spinach, Squash, Tomatoes, Tomatillos, Turnips, Watercress); Nectarines (Early Blaze, Firebrite, Independence, Red Gold); Peaches (Coconut Ice, Early Red Haven, Glo Haven, Red Haven Scarlet O’Hara); Plums (Black Heart/Black Amber June Blood, Shiro); Prunes (Early Italian, Italian); Rhubarb; Table Grapes (Interlacken, Niagra, Glenora, Venus, Red Seedless); Trees/Shrubs (Black Currant, Gooseberry, Haskaps, Native Hawthorn, Red Currant, Saskatoon, Sour Cherry, Walnut); Winter Rye (seed)
BCCOP certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Arlet, Aurora, Bill’s Red Flesh, Crab, Davison Gala, Geneva 163, Ginger Gold, Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp, Macintosh, Mott Pink, Mutsu, Nicola, Royal Gala, Scarlet Surprise, Sunrise, Webster’s Pink Meat); Apricots (Goldbar, Goldstrike); Asparagus; Berries (Raspberries, Strawberries); Cherries; Flowers (Ageratum-timeless mix, Cosmos-Versailles mix, Kale – ornamental, Marigold Brocade, Nasturtiums-Jewel mix, Petunias, Sunflowers) – grown for aesthetics and for pollinators; Garlic; Hay; Herbs (Basil, Bee Balm, Borage, Catnip, Chives, Dill, Lovage, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Sage, Stevia, Tarragon, Thyme); Horseradish; Mixed Vegetables (Artichoke, Beans, Beets, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Chard, Corn, Cucumbers, Daikon, Eggplant, Greens, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Melons, Mixed Salad Greens, Okra, Onions, Parsnips, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Radish, Romaine, Spinach, Squash, Tomatoes, Tomatillos, Turnips, Watercress); Nectarines (Early Blaze, Firebrite, Independence, Red Gold); Peaches (Coconut Ice, Early Red Haven, Glo Haven, Red Haven Scarlet O’Hara); Plums (Black Heart/Black Amber June Blood, Shiro); Prunes (Early Italian, Italian); Rhubarb; Table Grapes (Interlacken, Niagra, Glenora, Venus, Red Seedless); Trees/Shrubs (Black Currant, Gooseberry, Haskaps, Native Hawthorn, Red Currant, Saskatoon, Sour Cherry, Walnut); Winter Rye (seed);
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-990
Certified by: PACS
Location: Chilliwack
COR certified: Juice (Apricot Sunset, Blackberry, Blackberry Apple, Black Cherry, Black Currant Apple, Cranberry, Cranberry Apple, Peach Sunset, Pear, Raspberry, Raspberry Apple, Sweet Apple Cider); Fruit products (Apple Pomace, Blueberry Pomace, Cranberry Pomace, Apricot Puree, Peach Puree, Apple Chips, Apple Cinnamon Chips, Plums dried); Custom Processing for Everland; Juice (Apple); Custom Processing for Formosa Nursery; Juice (Blueberry)
Status: Transitional BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-980
Certified by: PACS
Location: Armstrong
BCCOP transitional: Hemp biomass (grain, fibre, flowering heads, leaves, branches)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-960
Certified by: PACS
Location: Pemberton
COR certified: Herbs (Basil); Garlic (Kostyn’s Red Russian, Music, Red Russian); Ground Fruit (melon, watermelon); Leeks; Mixed Vegetables (Broccolini, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Collards, Corn, Eggplant, Kale, Lettuce, Onions, Parsnips, Peas, Radicchio, Spinach, Tomatoes); Shallots; Squash (Black Futsu, Butternut, Honeynut); Strawberries
BCCOP certified: Flowers, Cut;
BCCOP transitional: 1363 Collins Rd, Pemberton BC (Field #2)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-685
Certified by: PACS
Location: Duncan
COR certified: Bulk ingredients - cane sugar, chocolate chips, cranberries, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, sunflower seeds; Grains (Whole, Milled, Bran, Kernels, Middlings, Creams) – Durum, Einkorn, Emmer, HRS (hard red spring), Khorasan, Red Fife, Rye, Spelt, Soft white, Unbleached Untreated White; Grains – Black Barley; Oat groats -oatmeal, rolled oats; Pancake and Waffle Mixes – Classic, Spelt and Vanilla; Pancake and Waffle Mixes - Red Fife and Cinnamon; Pasta - BC Durum Spaghetti, BC Emmer Fettuccine, BC Khorasan Campanelle, BC Khorasan Spaghetti, BC Red Fife Fettuccine, BC Spelt Creste di Gallo; Organic Shortbread – Butter Pecan, Classic, Chocolate, Cranberry, Festive Spice, Pumpkin Spice, Rosemary Apricot, Spelt;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-702
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
BCCOP certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Fuji, Granny Smith, Gravenstein, Golden Delicious, Honey Crisp, MacIntosh, Pink Lady, Red Delicious, Red Rubens, Royal Gala, Spartan, Yellow Transparent); Apricots (Blenheim, English Moorpark, Gold Bar, Kaleden, Perfection, Rylands, Sun Glo, Tilton, W. Moorpark); Cherries (Angela, Bing, Cristalina, Compact Stella, Juliet Sour Cherry, Lambert, Lapin, Morella Sour Cherry, Rainier, Royal Ann, Santina, Sweetheart, Van, White Gold); Figs; Haskaps; Kiwis; Nectarines (Flavourtop, Red Gold); Peaches (All Star, Early Red Haven, Fair Haven, Frost, Galaxy, Glo Haven, O Henry, Red Haven, Veteran); Pears (Anjou, Bartlett, Red Sensation Bartlett, Asian Shinko, Bosc); Plums (Mirabelle, Nadia, Peach, Santa Rosa Japanse, Shiro, Yellow Egg); Prunes (Early Italian, Late Italian)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-726
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apple Cider juice base; Apple Pulp; Ciders: Cherry (Midnight Cherry); Dry (Pippin’s Fate); Element Cider (Original Dry Apple Cider); Element Cider (Original Nectarine Dry Cider) Hopped (Pacific Gem); Peach (Glo Haven); Pear (Paradise Pear); Plum (Tangled Rose); Semi Dry (Kingston’s Twist); Sparkling Orchard (soft cider); Sparkling Soft Cider; Wild Ferment (Calville Blanc)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-202304
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP transitional: Flowers
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-216
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Vancouver
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Berries, Apples, Plums, Strawberries, Blueberries, Herbs, Seedlings, Dried Herbs, Tea Blends, Seeds
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-810
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Victoria
BCCOP certified: Vegetables, Apples, Plums, Pears, Melons
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-211
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Quilchena
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Potatoes, Garlic, Christmas Trees
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-905
Certified by: PACS
Location: Delta
COR certified: Packaging & Labelling of:; Fruit Bites, Variety Pack (40 x 18g) containing Sun-Rype Organic brand: Apple-Blueberry, Apple-Strawberry; Mix Pack (40 x 200 ml) containing Sun-Rype Organic Brand: 5 Citrus Blend, Fruit Punch, Mango-Orange, Apple Juice;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-188
Certified by: PACS
Location: Burnaby
COR certified: All Butter Squares; Croissants - plain white; Croissants – 33% whole wheat; Croissants - cheese; Croissants - chocolate; Croissants – vegan plain; Croissants - vegan 33% whole wheat; Croissants - vegan chocolate
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-741
Certified by: PACS
Location: Vancouver
COR certified: Vegan Puddings (Coconut): Chocolate (with double chocolate sauce), Earl Grey (with a lemon caramel sauce), Matcha Green Tea (with black sesame sauce), Roasted Black Sesame, (with black sesame sauce), Original Vanilla (with a caramel sauce), Strawberry (with double chocolate sauce); Vegan Crème Brûlée (Coconut): Chocolate, Matcha Green Tea, Vanilla; Vegan Crème Brûlée (Soy): Chocolate, Matcha Green Tea, Vanilla; Vegan Puddings (Soy): Black Sesame (with black sesame sauce), Chocolate, Mango Vanilla, Matcha Green Tea (with black sesame sauce), Vanilla (with a caramel sauce); Vegan Pudding Powder Mixes and Pie Filling: Original Vanilla, Matcha Green Tea, Chocolate; Vegan Pudding Yuzu: Earl Grey, Mango, Vanilla;
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-046
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Akane, Ambrosia, Braeburn, Early Gold, Empire, Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, Lodi, Pink Lady, Pristine, Sumac, Summer Red, Sunrise, Tsugaru, William’s Pride, Zestar, ) Vista Bella; Apricots (Goldbar, Goldrich, Rival, Tomcot); Cherries (Lambert, Rainier, Sams, Stella, Tieton, Vans); Peaches (Blushing Star White, Desert Star, Early Redhaven, Glohaven, O’Henry, Red Haven, Similkimeen Wild); Pears (Asian (20th Century, A-Ri-Ang, Shinsieki, Kosui), Bartlett, Bosc, D’Anjou, Golden Bosc, Harrow Delight, Russet Bosc); Plums (Elephant Heart, Friar, Prunes, Red Heart, Satsuma); Wine grapes (Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Gruner Veltliner; Malbec, Merlot, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Tannat, Vidal) Vintage year 2021 wines:; Cherysh Cherry Rosé; Dead End: Grüner Veltliner; Dead End: The Happy Ending; Earth Series: Riesling; Earth Series: SauVidal; Earth Series: Sauvignon Blanc; Pearsuasion Pear Wine; Speachless Peach Wine Vintage year 2022 wines:; Cherysh Cherry Rose; Crushed Innocence; Dead End: Grüner Veltliner; Dead End: The Happy Ending; Dead End: Skrewd White; Earth Series: Riesling; Earth Series: SauVidal; Earth Series: Sauvignon Blanc; Pearsuasion Pear Wine; Speachless Peach Wine;
BCCOP certified: Apples; Wine grapes; Vintage year 2021 wine:; Dead End: Skrewd (white wine blend)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1054
Certified by: PACS
Location: Vernon
COR certified: Vernon Sausage custom processing for Bradner Farms:; Beef ground, and other beef products;
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1001
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples; Apricots; Cherries; Peaches; Pears
BCCOP certified: Apples; Apricots; Cherries; Peaches; Pears
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-796
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Gala, Honeycrisp, and Spartan)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-108
Certified by: PACS
Location: Okanagan Falls
COR certified: Wine Grapes (Pinot Gris, Riesling)
Status: Transitional BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1987
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Langford
BCCOP certified: Vegetables and Vegetable Transplants, Garlic, Strawberries, Peas Shoots
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-629
Certified by: PACS
Location: Abbotsford
COR certified: Pasteurized cream
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-999
Certified by: PACS
Location: Abbotsford
COR certified: Fruit, fresh & frozen (Blackberries, Black Currants, Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries); Potatoes; Berry Mixture (Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-199
Certified by: PACS
Location: 100 Mile House
BCCOP certified: Hay; Herbs (fresh and dried):; Bergamot, Calendula, Catnip, Celandine, Chickweed, Chives, Coltsfoot, Curly dock, Dill, Fennel, Hyssop, Inula, Lovage, Marshmallow, Motherwort, Mugwort, Sage, Sorrel, St. John’s Wort, Valerian, Viola tricolour; Rhodiola; Vegetables:; Arugula, Beets, Carrots, Peas, Potatoes, Turnips; Kale mixed greens ; Wild Harvested Herbs (fresh and dried):; Achillea spp., Actea rubra, Alnus spp., antennaria spp., Arctostaphlos uva ursi, Arnica, Astragalus, Chimaphila umbellata, Corallorhiza, Cornus Canadensis , Epilobium angustifolium, Equisetum spp., Fragaria virginiana, Lendum spp., Mahonia spp., Mentha arvensis, Menyanthes trifoliata, Nuphar spp., Pedicularis racemose, Petasites Palmatus, Petasites Sagittatus, Plantago spp., Populous Bark, Potentilla spp., Pyrola asarifolia, Ribes spp., Rosa spp., Rubus spp., Salix spp., Sambucus spp., Scutelleria galericulata, Solidago spp., Taraxacum off. Trifolium spp., Urtica spp., Usnea spp., Vaccinium spp. and Verbascum Thapsus.
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-115
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Salt Spring Island
BCCOP certified: Herbs, Seeds, Hay, Poultry-Layers: Eggs, Vegetables, Strawberries, Blueberries, Apples, Figs, Pears, Plums, Quince, Cascade Berries, Grapes, Marion Berries, Blackberries, Edible Flowers.
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: '07-1988
Certified by: IOPA
Location: Central Saanich
BCCOP certified: Garlic, Garlic Powder
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-205
Certified by: PACS
Location: Delta
COR certified: Handling, Storing, Blending, Repackaging, Labelling and Retail Distribution of West Coast Seeds brand Organic Seeds including: Cover Crops, Flowers, Garlic, Hops, Herbs, Microgreens, Sprouting Seeds, and Vegetables; Cover Crops (Barley, Buckwheat, Clover, Chickpea, Fava beans, Hairy Vetch, Oats, Peas, Ryegrass, Triticale); Flowers (Calendula, Eggplants, Linum, Sweet peas, Sunflowers); Garlic; Hops; Herbs (Basil, Catnip, Chamomile, Chives, Cilantro, Dill, Epazote, Fennel, Fenugreek, Oregano, Parsley, Sage, Stevia, Tarragon); Microgreens (Basil, Broccoli, Fenugreek, Mustard, Radishes, Sunflowers); Sprouting seeds (Adzuki, Alfalfa, Barley, Broccoli, Clover, Garbanzo, Lentils, Mung Bean, Mustard, Peas, Radishes, Soybean, Wheat); Vegetables (Amaranth, Artichokes, Arugula, Beans, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Beets, Cabbage Carrots, Cauliflower, Chickpeas, Chicory, Celery, Corn, Corn Salad, Cress, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Endive Chicory, Fennel, Kohlrabi, Kale, Leek, Lettuce, Melons, Mescluns, Mustard, Okra, Onions, Orach, Parsnips, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Purslane, Quinoa, Radishes, Rutabagas, Sorrel, Spinach, Squash, Swiss Chard, Tomatoes, Turnips, Wild greens); Retail Distribution of packaged organic food goods (currently including confectionary items): Fruit Bears;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-569
Certified by: PACS
Location: Enderby
BCCOP certified: Mixed annual vegetables (Onions) Onion (Seeds and Sets)
Status: Transitional BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-556
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Rose Prairie
BCCOP transitional: Land Honey Wild crop Birch water Birch syrup
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-901
Certified by: PACS
Location: Lillooet
BCCOP certified: Hops Rhizomes (Cascade, Cashmere, Centennial and Chinook); Hop flower (fresh, frozen)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-314
Certified by: PACS
Location: Keremeos
COR certified: Apples (Akana, Ambrosia, Discovery, Elstar, Fuji, Gala, Gale Gala, Ginger Gold, Gravenstein, Honeycrisp, McIntosh, Newton Pippin, Orin, Queen Cox, Shamrock, Spartan, Sumac, Sunrise); Apricots (Moorpark, Perfection, Pushatin, Rival, Sun Drop, Tilton, Tomcot); Nectarines (Fantasia, Firebrite, Flavour Top, Hardy Red, Independence, Red Gold); Peaches (All Star, Autumn Star, Blushing Star, Coconut Ice, Coral Star, Cresthaven, Early Red Haven, Fair Haven, Flamecrest, Glo Haven, Glowing Star, Harbrite, J.H. Hale, Loring, O’Henry, PF 1, Red Globe, Red Haven, Rising Star, Roza, Suncrest, Veteran); Pears (Bartlett, Clapp’s Favourite Kalle); Plums (Black Amber, Black Friar, Crimean, Duarte, Early Blue Prune, Early Italian, Elephant Heart, June Blood, Italian Prune, Peach Plum, Red Heart, Satsuma, Shiro, Toka); Mixed Vegetables (cucumbers, hot peppers, squash, tomatoes, zucchini); Mixed Herbs (Arugula, Basil, Oregano, Sage, Savory, Thyme); Table Grapes (Coronation, Einset, Flame, Fredonia, Green Thompson, Himrod, Neptune, Reliance, Rene Blue, Venus); Apple Cider; Cider Apples; Apples (Hidden Rose, Wyonoochee); Pears (Moonglow); Mixed fruit (watermelon);
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-027
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Mara
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Culinary Herbs, Asparagus, Carrots, Celeriac, Garlic, Kale, Leeks, Onions, Potatoes, Sweet Corn, Beets, Cabbage, Squash
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-931
Certified by: PACS
Location: Invermere
COR certified: Caffe Mocha 58% Cocoa Dark Chocolate; Caffe Mocha Drinking Chocolate; Canadian Maple; Cane Sugar; Chai Latte 60% Cocoa Dark Chocolate ; Chai Spiced Drinking Chocolate; Christmas Tree Square; Classic Drinking Chocolate; Cocoa Butter; Cocoa Nibs (Ecuador); Cocoa Nibs (Madagascar); Cocoa Nibs (Peru); Creamy-O Sweet Chocolate; Dark Peru Drinking Chocolate; Darkest Mint 99.9%; Ecuador 72% Cocoa Dark Chocolate; Founders Edition Dark Chocolate 3-Pack (Peru, Ecuador, Madagascar); Hollow Easter Bunny; Hollow Santa; Madagascar 65% Cocoa Dark Chocolate; Mint 60% Cocoa Dark Chocolate; Orange 60% Cocoa Dark Chocolate; Peru 72% Cocoa Dark Chocolate; Peru 85% Cocoa Dark Chocolate; Peru 100% Cocoa Dark Chocolate; Snowman Square; Winter Edition Dark Chocolate 3-Pack (Mint, Orange, Caffe Mocha)
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-213
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (AK2, Ambrosia, Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, Nicola, Red Rome, Spartans, Winter Banana); Pears (Bartlett, Flemish Beauty, Red D’Anjou)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-375
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Naramata
BCCOP certified: Apples: Gala, Nicola, Ambrosia, Pink Lady, Fuji, Macintosh
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-994
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Aurora Golden Gala, Cox Orange Pippin, Early Gold, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp, Nicola, Pacific Gala, Salish, Vista Bella, Winesap); Apricots (Perfection, Sundrop, Tomcots); Herbs (basil, cilantro, dill, parsley); Mixed Vegetables (beans, beets, broccoli, Chinese greens, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, eggplant, garlic, leeks, lettuce, melons, onions, scallions, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, salad mix, spinach, squash, tomatoes)
BCCOP certified: Apples (Ambrosia, Aurora Golden Gala, Cox Orange Pippin, Early Gold, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp, Nicola, Pacific Gala, Salish, Vista Bella, Winesap); Apricots (Perfection, Sundrop, Tomcots); Herbs (basil, cilantro, dill, parsley); Mixed Vegetables (beans, beets, broccoli, Chinese greens, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, eggplant, garlic, leeks, lettuce, melons, onions, scallions, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, salad mix, spinach, squash, tomatoes)
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 12-0108
Certified by: KOGS
Location: Krestova
BCCOP certified: Seed crops: Vegetables, Herbs, Native Plants, Flowers
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-920
Certified by: PACS
Location: Hagensborg
BCCOP certified: Herbs (Basil, Dill, Parsley); Mixed Annual Vegetables (Arugula, Baby Butternut Squash, Beans (Bush & Pole), Beets, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Chard, Choi, Corn, Cantaloupe, Cucumbers, Carrots, Eggplant, Garlic, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Melons, Mizunas, Mustard Greens, Onions, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Radish, Spinach, Squash, Summer Squash, Tomatoes, Winter Squash), Zucchini; Flowers - edible;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 16-653
Certified by: PACS
Location: Mill Bay
BCCOP certified: Elderberries; Elderberry Flower
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-347
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Sorrento
BCCOP certified: Haskap Berries
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-757
Certified by: PACS
Location: Lillooet
COR certified: Baby Greens: (Arugula, Beet Greens, Chard, Lettuce, Mizuna, Mustard, Spinach); Baby Greens: (Kale, Tatsoi); Garlic (Bulbs and Scapes); Winter Squash;
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-390
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Armstrong
BCCOP certified: Weaner Pigs, chicken eggs, chicken, chicken wings, chicken legs, chicken breasts, chicken thighs, chicken backs, chicken hearts, chicken liver, chicken feet, chicken necks
BCCOP transitional: Turkey, turkey wings, turkey legs, turkey breasts, turkey thighs, turkey backs, turkey hearts, turkey liver, turkey feet, turkey necks
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 04-205
Certified by: NOOA
Location: Hazelton
BCCOP certified: Mixed Vegetables, Grain, Forage, Seeds, Hay, Lamb
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-037
Certified by: PACS
Location: Keremeos
COR certified: Apples: Ambrosia, Aurora, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, McIntosh, Newton Pippin, Pink Lady, Red Delicious, Spartan; Apricots: Hargrand, Moor Park, Perfection; Asian Pears; Peaches: Fairhaven, Redhaven, Suncrest; Plums: Italian Prune
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-03-154
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Chilliwack
BCCOP certified: vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-03-154
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Chilliwack
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-03-154
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Chilliwack
BCCOP certified: vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-03-154
Certified by: BCARA
Website: n/a
Location: Chilliwack
BCCOP certified: fruit, nuts, vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-03-154
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Chilliwack
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-03-154
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Chilliwack
BCCOP certified: vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-03-154
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Chilliwack
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-03-154
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Chilliwack
BCCOP certified: fruit
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-03-154
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Chilliwack
BCCOP certified: fruit, vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-03-154
Certified by: BCARA
Website: n/a
Location: Chilliwack, BC
BCCOP certified: fruit
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-03-154
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Chilliwack
BCCOP certified: fruit, vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-03-154
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Chilliwack
BCCOP certified: fruit, nursery stock, vegetables
Status: Certified BCCOP
Certificate #: 03-03-154
Certified by: BCARA
Location: Chilliwack
BCCOP certified: berries
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-490
Certified by: PACS
Location: Kelowna
COR certified: Wine grapes (Zweigelt)
Status: Certified BCCOP, Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-1059
Certified by: PACS
Location: Cawston
COR certified: Tree Fruits: Apples, Apricots, Asian Pears, Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Plums; Grapes, table; Grapes, wine: Cab France, Foche, Gewurztraminer; Frozen Pitted Organic Sweet Cherries; Frozen Pitted Organic Sweet Cherries 12 x 500g packages;
BCCOP certified: Tree Fruits: Apples, Apricots, Asian Pears, Cherries, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Plums; Grapes, table; Grapes, wine: Cab France, Foche, Gewurztraminer; Frozen Pitted Organic Sweet Cherries; Frozen Pitted Organic Sweet Cherries 12 x 500g packages;
Status: Certified COR
Certificate #: 16-640
Certified by: PACS
Location: Altona
COR certified: Grain (Barley); Grain (Morgan Oats); Grain (Rye); Grain (Wheat); Hay; Legumes (Yellow Peas); Straw; Silage