202-3002 32nd Ave, Vernon BC Canada V1T 2L7 info@certifiedorganic.bc.ca

Organic BC’s online organic certification system


Looking for the link to the iCertify login page?

The login page is private and users must contact their certification body in order to access it.


Pre-made record templates

Download documents here


Video library

View the playlist on YouTube


Creating a New Account on iCertify


Adding and changing contact information


How to change your username or password


Operation profile tab


Working through the application


Adding/removing organic plans


What if a section does not apply to my operation?


Why do some questions ask me to write a specific answer instead of n/a?


How to create a ZIP file on a Mac/Apple computer


How to create a ZIP file on a Windows computer


Viewing and saving applications answers and uploaded files from previous years


Didn’t find what you were looking for?

Visit our contact page to learn more about technical assistance, training and application/account changes.