202-3002 32nd Ave, Vernon BC Canada V1T 2L7 info@certifiedorganic.bc.ca

Have an event you'd like posted on our events calendar?

Land Access: Strategies and Stories

TROUBLE ACCESSING LAND? CURIOUS ABOUT LAND ACCESS MODELS? If you’re a new farmer or want to learn land access strategies, then this webinar is for you! Tune in to explore all your burning questions. Land access is one of the first challenges new and young farmers face. With over 40% of Canadian farmers retiring by […]

Restoring Soil Health Course

If you're yearning for an in-person, deep dive into Living Soil, Composting, Compost Extracts and Teas, join Jo Tobias at Burnaby Community and Continuing Education from November 16th to December 7th. This four-day intensive is designed for ecologically-minded farmers and landscape stewards committed to improving plant and animal health. WHEN: November 16th, 23rd, 30th, December 7th 2024 (Saturdays) 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM […]


GOT LAND? WANT LAND? Are you a landholder looking for farmers? Are you a farmer looking for land? We want you! Join us for a workshop on the nuts and bolts of land access! Young Agrarians Land Linking Workshops bring together land seekers and landholders to network, explore possible land matches and learn how to navigate […]


GOT LAND? WANT LAND? Are you a landholder looking for farmers? Are you a farmer looking for land? We want you! Join us for a workshop on the nuts and bolts of land access! Young Agrarians Land Linking Workshops bring together land seekers and landholders to network, explore possible land matches and learn how to navigate […]

Native Seeds Film Screening and Local Restoration Talk in Victoria

Join us at Cinecenta on the University of Victoria Campus for a film about native seed restoration. The 60-minute film features beautiful imagery from the story of the native seed supply chain in the western United States. After the film, we’ll welcome local speakers: Kristen Miskelly and Dominique James from Satinflower Nurseries, to share knowledge […]

Meet the Host Farmers Info Session


Are you interested in apprenticing on a farm? Join us for an info session to learn more about our Apprenticeship Program! Meet some of the amazing host farm mentors, ask questions about their farms, and learn more about the kinds of apprenticeships they offer and what a typical day is like for their apprentices. Bring […]

Lab to Land: Advancing water and soil research for agricultural resilience


Join the BC Agricultural Climate Action Research Network online to connect with researchers, farmers, agrologists, and policymakers from across the province. Grow your network and participate in thought-provoking discussions on adapting to climate change challenges from farm to landscape scales. This multi-day workshop offers presentations, panels, and networking sessions exploring projects and research that are […]

Farmer Wrap Around Supports


Ever wonder how other farmers navigate day-to-day farming challenges? Looking for support to grow your farm business? Not sure where to get good farm advice? The second installment of the “Breaking Barriers: Growing Future Farmers Webinar Series” will explore these questions and more. Join us for a session focused on the incredible resilience, experiences and […]

Navigating CanadaGAP: Online Workshop Series


Get CanadaGAP Certification Ready! Are you interested in pursuing CanadaGAP certification but are feeling overwhelmed by the process? Concerned that certification will mean increased paperwork and operational complexity? Join us for two online sessions, where we’ll demystify this food safety certification for fruit and vegetable producers and open the door to the significant marketing opportunities […]

Pacific Agriculture Show

Tradex Exhibition Centre

The Pacific Agriculture Show will showcase the latest and most innovative equipment and technology for the agriculture industry. Join thousands of farmers and agri-food producers in comparing and investigating what over 300 exhibitors have to make your operation more efficient.

Wholesale-Ready Workshop Series

The Wholesale-Ready Workshop Series is geared toward small and medium sized farmers in the North Okanagan and surrounding regions to network and share knowledge of how to grow for and sell to wholesale markets (e.g. distributors, institutions, processors, restaurants, caterers, schools etc.). This series will allow existing farmers to learn about opportunities to expand their […]

The Soil Summit


The Soil Summit • Revive Your Soil, Grow More with Less February 3–6, 2025 | Online | Free Registration This free, 4-day online event features 20 sessions led by farmers, gardeners, and researchers sharing practical strategies to improve soil health, plant vitality, and food nutrient-density. It’s a fabulous experience for farmers and gardeners seeking affordable, […]