202-3002 32nd Ave, Vernon BC Canada V1T 2L7 info@certifiedorganic.bc.ca

Established in 1989, the North Okanagan Organic Association (NOOA) is one of the founding members of the COABC, providing certification to the BC Certified Organic Program (BCCOP) for products marketed within the province.

Peer-reviewed certification decisions are based on the Canadian Organic Standards as well as the grassroots ideals of the organic movement. NOOA is dedicated to the advancement of organic agriculture through certification of agricultural practices, education of farmers and consumers, and facilitation of research and development of improved organic farming methods.

Learn more about NOOA


Phone: (250) 540-2557

Email: northorganics@gmail.com

Website: www.nooa.ca


Mailing Address

4834 Cedar Hill Rd

Falkland, BC V0E 1W1

Interested in becoming certified organic?

Here's how to get started.