202-3002 32nd Ave, Vernon BC Canada V1T 2L7 info@certifiedorganic.bc.ca

Why become certified organic?

Whether you’re looking to embrace a new system of farming, demonstrate your commitment to organic practices, or tap into the record number of organic consumers across the country, there has never been a better time to get certified.  

Being certified is one way we convey our values of caring for people and earth. We follow organic practices but by going through a process of review with inspections, it’s a way for us to hold ourselves to a higher ecological standard. Being certified organic is a way to say "we actually do the good stuff we say we do" and I know that matters to all the amazing families that love our elderberry offerings!
Louise Lecouffe, Elderberry Farm

Integrity of the organic label

All food products marketed as “organic” in BC must comply with provincial and/or national standards and be certified by an accredited certification body. Becoming certified will ensure you’re complying with provincial regulations, will strengthen the integrity of the organic label and will give consumers confidence in knowing the products they’re purchasing are truly organic—that they’ve been grown or made according to rigorous organic standards. And of course, certification will also provide you with the recognition you deserve for your dedication to organic practices!

Learn more about organic labelling

Stewardship of the land and climate change mitigation

Environmental stewardship is often one of the primary reasons farmers become involved in organic agriculture. Organic practices allow for the protection and fostering of wildlife, watershed protection, care in the handling of animal wastes, avoidance of agricultural toxins, the promotion of local food systems, and more. Organic agriculture practises also help tackle climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing energy use, and storing carbon in the soil.

Learn more about what it means to be organic

Economic opportunity

The organic industry represents an incredible economic opportunity for producers and processors. Organic products command a higher retail price and provide access to fast-growing local, regional, and international markets. According to a report from the Canada Organic Trade Association, Canadians spend nearly $7 billion annually on organic groceries, with 66% of shoppers buying organic products weekly!

Explore more organic statistics


Many organic farmers find community, mentorship, and friends within certification. As a certified producer you also gain the support of Organic BC and many other organizations, such as the Canadian Organic Growers (COG), the Organic Federation of Canada (OFC) and the Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA), who represent organic farmers and food processors while promoting the development of a thriving organic sector.

Learn more about our community
Organic farming allows me to live my values by doing something that provides my livelihood while helping to protect the environment. In addition, volunteering with Organic BC has helped to increase the amount and range of organic farms in BC and across Canada.
Paddy Doherty, West Enderby Farms

Organic BC membership

If you choose to certify with an Organic BC accredited certification body, you will automatically become an Organic BC member. The perks of membership include:

Group health benefits

We’ve researched all of the available options and have found the best prices and coverage for our members, including life insurance, dental care and extended health care (vision, prescriptions, medical aids & equipment, professional services such as massage and physiotherapy, and more). Visit our Group Health Benefits page for more details on coverage and how to apply.

Certification made easy

Many of Organic BC’s certification bodies use iCertify, our innovative online organic certification tool. A simplified certification and renewal process means less paperwork, fewer headaches and more time doing what you love.

Ongoing support

From educational sessions and networking events to marketing tools and promotional support, we provide ongoing resources and growth opportunities for certifying agencies and organic operators throughout British Columbia.

Listing in the Organic BC directory

Our online directory is the go-to destination for consumers who are looking for organic products in their area.

Free subscription to the BC Organic Grower magazine

All Organic BC members and operators receive free print and/or online copies of the BC Organic Grower magazine. Published quarterly by Organic BC, the BC Organic Grower features the latest organic stories, research, news, tips, techniques and more .

Certification is the best way to demonstrate what a farmer or food producer is doing to build a better food system and ensure the health of our environment for generations to come.